I have put a 150watt solar panel on the roof of my van, running into a 30amp intelligent regulator, I wired it as to the manual, I bought the regulator on Ebay from China,
The regulator worked fine for 6days then dropped out, After some trial and error I disconnected it, It started to work well again, After another week it dropped out again, I contacted the seller I went through a process to explain everything to them, They asked me to try once again to reset it witch I have done, After resetting the regulator it works fine, for about a week, To return the item to them is a cost Of $28, Witch I am trying to avoid.
I hope someone might have some idea as to what might be causing this problem.
Most companies in China make you jump through many hoops including asking you to send the reg back, if you continue to be really nice to them and tell them that you know others that have the same reg and are very happy with it and recommended that you buy from them etc. etc. and then tell them that yours must be a one off that is faulty and then mention that to send it back would be costly and would they be able to assist with the return costs or maybe give you a refund..
You may be surprised how bullsh*ting to them will get you results..
I have been using THESE regs from China without a problem.
I have no 240conected at the moment, just trying the solar, according to the Tec side of the reg it should handle the up and down voltage, cut out 13.7 cut back in at 12.6.
Dorian, I have one of those regulator and have used it for about two years now with my two portable panels when doing a charge on my or someone else's car. Had not hassles at all.
You only live once, but if you live it right, once is enough !!!!!!