Bought myself a new cordless drill and intend to use it this weekend on a job. I read the user manual and it explained how the torque setting operates, but what I wanna know is do I use the dial to work up to the correct setting from low. or work my way down from high? After much practice I expect I'll be able to judge the correct setting for a particular job but for now I'm a complete novice, and don't wanna damage the drill.
I bought an AEG from Bunnings a while ago. All steel gears absolutely brilliant. I have had a good run from AEG products and they are the only ones I buy now.
Cheers Jeff
Ticking off the bucket list before we kick it!
200 TTD with Evernew 22'6" and 40+ years in the oil & gas industry, now retired. CMCA Member.
I'd rather not recommend this one, Brian - not yet... I took a risk and bought a cheapie on eBay. I read one report from a bloke who bought the same brand and had trouble with the battery failing after 9 months. He said the drill was fine but was peed off about the battery. But then he managed to buy a second battery from the retailer (Factory Fast) and was satisfied - even quite complementary. I've also asked FF about buying a spare battery and their response was none is stock at the mo but a new shipment will arrive with the next container. We'll see. Here's a pic of the drill on eBay.