The old company, Bombardier Aerospace, makes these in Canada. They dont motor around to fill the tanks---they touch down at approach speed, open the fill scoops, add lots of power, and the tanks fill in seconds. Theres one scene in the film where you can see the two tank level gauges rapidly go up. The other neat thing is watching the magnitude of the flight control inputs, especially aileron, as they are manoeuvring down low---sometimes the pilot is literally going stop to stop. As any tanker pilot will tell you, there is nothing boring about this kind of real flying!
Video is of the 43rd Air Group that flies out of Torejon AFB in Madrid. They are flown by active Air Force pilots. It is a three year assignment. First year you are the engineer, second year co-pilot and third year pilot. It is considered a very prestigious assignment.
I was not sure if the question was serious or a joke !! I would assume the engines are rear mounted because the design of the fuselage is to allow water to be scooped up in large quantities. Engine pods hanging under the wing would not allow for efficient uplift of large quantities of water. Also water would obviously be drawn into the engines causing a flame out, meaning in simple terms, the engines would stop.
Retired Airline Pilot and Electrician..
I'm not old, I've just been young a long time....Ken
Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
A lot depends on the water carrying capacity. The Erickson Skycrane can carry 2650 gallons or 10,000 liters. The Russian BE200 carries 3170 gallons or 12,000 liters. The largest water carrier is the old McDonnell Douglas DC10 conversion. It carries 12,000 Gallons or 45,425 liters. That's a lot of water....
Retired Airline Pilot and Electrician..
I'm not old, I've just been young a long time....Ken
Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
A lot depends on the water carrying capacity. The Erickson Skycrane can carry 2650 gallons or 10,000 liters. The Russian BE200 carries 3170 gallons or 12,000 liters. The largest water carrier is the old McDonnell Douglas DC10 conversion. It carries 12,000 Gallons or 45,425 liters. That's a lot of water....
And they look a LOT more impressive filling up.
Neil & Lynne
Western Australia
MY23.5 Ford Wildtrak V6 Dual Cab / 21' Silverline 21-65.3