That's great Bryan, I'll close this thread off (verbally) now as I want to keep all the posts on the Popanyinning thread, I'm getting dizzy going from one to one trying to remember which post was where and what was said etc....
Funny, insurer is happy for people to be there in the daytime but not overnight, guess people don't hurt themselves etc during daylight hours.......
Yes, the comments from the shire said in part;
" Last year we had two large trees fall down (one demolishing the toilet). If one were to fall on campers and an injury occurred we would be in big trouble. "
Apparently only those using the toilets at night would be in danger. Bearing in mind the toilets are also shown on the National Toilets website, I wonder if they will close and remove the toilets also.....Anyway, officially there is no camping there according the shire, whether or not it is enforced would be interesting to see, I know some who have camped there overnight since this thread who were not bothered by anyone (three RV's were there) maybe they were just lucky the site wasn't visited by the shire at that time.