A product our Vet advised to use to mask the doggy smells and reduce the need for bathing whilst on the road is Pet Plus Lustre Aid Cologne. It is a coat conditioner, cologne and deodorant spray. It is a greaseless spray containing absorbable Lanolin. It has a pleasant scent that last for quite a while and does give lustre to his coat. We purchased from our local Pet Store.
Thanks Ron & Shirley, I've written it down and will go looking tomorrow for some, last year we didn't have a problem but we didn't get rain either! Rain n a wet dog can be challenging in a van ... lol.
Vinegar is cheap and effective. In a spray bottle mix 1/4 vinegar and fill with water. Mist the dog's coat. Comb or brush through. Keep away from the eyes. Will absorb odours and clean the coat.
Very good for hot itchy skin in the Queensland Summer.
Won't harm the dog and environmentally friendly.
Photo is of my dog "Belle" otherwise known when she is very dirty as Fairy Maclary.