A couple of younger gm's were driving throught the outback, other side of the black stump, when their car broke down. Being well prepared, they had no phone, no water and no idea how to fix the car.
Panic was starting to set in when they noticed off in the distance a small puff of dust, slowly getting bigger and closer. "We're saved!" said the husband.
Then out of the dust comes this young bloke, covered in dust and flies, one thong and a pair of old stubbies.
"Broke down ay, just as well I come along, you be stuck here for weeks" was the greeting.
"Bloody hell" thought the husband, "He'll be no help."
"Ay, I'm the toughest bloke, best mechanic, best fighter and the best lover this side of the black stump, I'll get ya go'in alright."
"Doubt it" said the husband
"Tell ya what" said said the young bloke, "I'll show ya how tough I am. first we'll ave a fight, if'n I will I'll fix the car"
The husband just laughed. "Mate" he said, "I'm a bit of a boxer, I can't take you on, too one sided."
"Well" said the youg bloke, "Let's make in interesting, we'll ave a fight, an if I beat ya, I'll fix the car and if'n I fix the car, I make love to ya wife."
Well, the husband and wife can't stop laughing and the local bloke gets his dander up a bit and says "Ok we av a fight, I fix the car and I make love to ya wife.....and while I'm I'm do'in it you gotta hold me balls!"
By this time the husband is getting a bit sick of the ****y young bloke and decides to give him a flogging.
About two hours pass and the husband looks across to his wife in the passenger seat and says "He wasn't that tough, hear him scream when I dropped his balls in the hot sand!"