Update - I've finally removed the board or I should say exposed it to view. I cannot see anything that say to me that "I am broke" The fuse checks OK. So I'd welcome any further advice from people with more experience than I. I do have a bro-in-law who is a ret'd tech to fall back on when he visits next.
Juergen - Nah, optical illusion - it's pretty well flat on top. See 4th pic. The entire board is coated with a shiny thin clear epoxy substance and there are no breaks in it anywhere around the capacitor.
With the 240V disconnected & the 12V dc power to the unit, there should be 12V DC on the 2 pins where the biro is pointing?? The fuse on the board is for 240V AC only. As you have said the unit runs ok on 240V, then the capacitors are ok.
Probably getting past repair, as I suspect the unit is faulty in the change over switching from the 240V to 12V in the unit. Will post the Danfoss instruction sheet & a pic of the switching FETs & Diodes.
Thanks Daryl, getting way past my limits so I've printed off the sheet and pics and will pass onto Bro-in-law who does not believe in throwing away stuff that cannot be fixed. We'll see him in the next few days as he wants to show off his new 2nd hand camper.
Worst comes to worst I can run it off an inverter.
So many thanks for the help you've given - it is much appreciated. Will post back eventual outcome.