If under stress, ie the cause of the crack/tare will need more support to stop happening again.
re the struts, if depends on your finances, I personally would buy new ones, since you don't know how good the seals are. Suggest you look at the cost comparison prior to making the decision.
Back again. A crack has developed in the outside skin of the front storage box, looks like started from the top rivet. Any ideas how to fix/seal this?
All advice greatly appreciated.
Also, the front gas struts aren't working in the same culprit of the storage box. Do you get these re-gassed or cheaper to buy new ones?
Drill a hole at the end of the crack, put a plate over it with slaz on the mating faces, drill a hole on each corner and put a nut and bolt in, slaz around the edges. Struts....... Ditch them and make something like a bonnet prop, less expensive and doesn't fail.
Mark & Linda
A man who asks a question is a fool for five minutes, but ask no questions and your a fool for life!!
Darn, got the camera out to take some photos of the crack, but completely forgot while doing other jobs with it, and put the cover on.
Tomorrow should be able to lift the front of the cover and get a pic up.