Well were do I start, trying to get my Vast sat to work again in North Qld, every time I try and set it up I can not get a signal any were strong enough to make it work, sent the box away to Vast and they found 5 things wrong and fixed them, getting it back I still could not get the thing to work#%@##$%%, so I took the box over to a guy that had a set up and connected my box to his dish and it worked 100%, so then I checked my cable and all good, so started to think my dish and LNB was stuffed, took my dish over to this other guy and all worked very well on his system, now I am stumped can any body tell me something I have not done?
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there". Lewis Carroll
Get somebody there to help you set it up. You may not be finding the right satalite ect or on the right elevation.
My hubby has helped a lot of people set them up in parks. Once you know it should be easy.
Here's the reference for smart card problem,,,, given that you've checked your system and assuming you get a signal,,, read this.
E19-4 Subscription Status Expired
This is a common error for travellers and remote viewers who's system has already been activated and working but have not used their VAST decoder for some time. This arises due to the security information contained on the smart card expiring. There are two options to recover from this error.
Leave the decoder turned on and the information on the smart card will updated to restore all of the activated services. The decoder usually recovers within a couple of hours.
Reactivate the smart card by entering the smart card details here.
Why is it so? Professor Julius Sumner Miller, a profound influence on my life, who explained science to us on TV in the 60's.
KFT, no we dont use a sat finder.
Hubby finds north, then finds the rough elevation ect then just moves the sat dish around gently till it picks up the signal. Thats it. Once we have around 85% showing as stregnth on the TV then we lock it in. Takes about 5 mins.
Your box worked in the other van. Your cable and dish worked on the other van. This leaves only a few things to check.
1. Does your antenna cable go through the wall or is there something in the wall of your van that connects the cable to the box? TV cable installations in vans are notoriously RS. If the van wiring is lossy then it is possible that your system gets enough signal to work in a better signal area. Take your TV and box outside the van and see if you can make your system work. It is also possible also that your van wiring has fractured and your wiring has now gone RS.
2. When you took your box to the other van did you take your TV as well? It is possible your cables between the box and the set are now no longer performing properly.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
KFT, no we dont use a sat finder. Hubby finds north, then finds the rough elevation ect then just moves the sat dish around gently till it picks up the signal. Thats it. Once we have around 85% showing as stregnth on the TV then we lock it in. Takes about 5 mins.
I have a AP on my phone and have no trouble finding the Sat.
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there". Lewis Carroll
Get somebody there to help you set it up. You may not be finding the right satalite ect or on the right elevation. My hubby has helped a lot of people set them up in parks. Once you know it should be easy.
The chap over the road is tring to help and pulling his hair out.
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there". Lewis Carroll
Here's the reference for smart card problem,,,, given that you've checked your system and assuming you get a signal,,, read this.
E19-4 Subscription Status Expired
This is a common error for travellers and remote viewers who's system has already been activated and working but have not used their VAST decoder for some time. This arises due to the security information contained on the smart card expiring. There are two options to recover from this error.
Leave the decoder turned on and the information on the smart card will updated to restore all of the activated services. The decoder usually recovers within a couple of hours.
Reactivate the smart card by entering the smart card details here.
Smart card is OK
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there". Lewis Carroll
Your box worked in the other van. Your cable and dish worked on the other van. This leaves only a few things to check.
1. Does your antenna cable go through the wall or is there something in the wall of your van that connects the cable to the box? TV cable installations in vans are notoriously RS. If the van wiring is lossy then it is possible that your system gets enough signal to work in a better signal area. Take your TV and box outside the van and see if you can make your system work. It is also possible also that your van wiring has fractured and your wiring has now gone RS.
2. When you took your box to the other van did you take your TV as well? It is possible your cables between the box and the set are now no longer performing properly.
My cable goes through the window for testing purposes straight to the box.
HDMI cable from box to TV works well can see everything.
Sat finder tells me I have the strongest sig I can get.
The box tells me I have no signal, MAKE NO SENCE!
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there". Lewis Carroll
My cable goes through the window for testing purposes straight to the box.
HDMI cable from box to TV works well can see everything.
Sat finder tells me I have the strongest sig I can get.
The box tells me I have no signal, MAKE NO SENCE!
Apologies for not being any help earlier,,, now I see what you mean, but what % signal do you have????.
When you say you can see everthing - what is on the screen on channel 800?
If you have the signal at the finder as a reasonable quality then I suggest you clean the cable (inner core) with a solvent spray or scratch surface and retry (I've done this several times over the years as the copper core gets a "film" on it when exposed to air - don't know why maybe quality of the copper).
In reference to quality in paragraph above yesterday I had good "strength" and no "quality" on my meter and nothing on screen. Needed to fine tune antennae a bit and get quality above 28% to work.
Next test continuity of cable from dish to VAST box with Ohm meter , do you have continuity. (Maybe borrow someone else's cable).
Failing this the box looks to be suspect.
Why is it so? Professor Julius Sumner Miller, a profound influence on my life, who explained science to us on TV in the 60's.
My cable goes through the window for testing purposes straight to the box.
HDMI cable from box to TV works well can see everything.
Sat finder tells me I have the strongest sig I can get.
The box tells me I have no signal, MAKE NO SENCE!
Apologies for not being any help earlier,,, now I see what you mean, but what % signal do you have????.
When you say you can see everthing - what is on the screen on channel 800?
If you have the signal at the finder as a reasonable quality then I suggest you clean the cable (inner core) with a solvent spray or scratch surface and retry (I've done this several times over the years as the copper core gets a "film" on it when exposed to air - don't know why maybe quality of the copper).
In reference to quality in paragraph above yesterday I had good "strength" and no "quality" on my meter and nothing on screen. Needed to fine tune antennae a bit and get quality above 28% to work.
Next test continuity of cable from dish to VAST box with Ohm meter , do you have continuity. (Maybe borrow someone else's cable).
Failing this the box looks to be suspect.
1= Have put 2 new plugs on cable tested ok
2= Have max signal I can get on sat finder looking at C1-D3
3= All cables test 100% with meter
4= The box has been fixed and works across the road
5= have cut 20mtr cable in half and tried it at 10 mtrs, still will not work
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there". Lewis Carroll
Common sense tells me it must be the cable but after cutting cable in half and putting new plugs on and testing both cables and trying them and it still does not work, its got me stuffed.
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there". Lewis Carroll
Have you tried your friends vast box at the end of your cable/Dish,
To me if his box picks up a signal/picture either your box is faulty or the cable end is not connecting to your vast box correctly to maximise the signal.
If you have full signal on your sattilight, sounds like your cable and dirrection are ok. BUT what about the skew, if this is off even with a full signal you will not get reception.
When setting up your dish there are 3 settings to set befour you will get any reception.
I/ Is the direction from north.
2/ Is the elevation.
3/ Is the skew.
Now the skew is the adjustment were the lmb is turned clockwise or aniclockwise and is also mesured in degrees and if not set correctly can also lead to the problem of no signal. Try turning the lmb clockwise ( looking at the back of the lmb and the coax cable at 6 o'clock.
If you have full signal on your sattilight, sounds like your cable and dirrection are ok. BUT what about the skew, if this is off even with a full signal you will not get reception.
When setting up your dish there are 3 settings to set befour you will get any reception.
I/ Is the direction from north.
2/ Is the elevation.
3/ Is the skew.
Now the skew is the adjustment were the lmb is turned clockwise or aniclockwise and is also mesured in degrees and if not set correctly can also lead to the problem of no signal. Try turning the lmb clockwise ( looking at the back of the lmb and the coax cable at 6 o'clock.
Try and see how you go.
Hi there, yes have set the skew to were it should be and still will not work.
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there". Lewis Carroll
Have you tried your friends vast box at the end of your cable/Dish, To me if his box picks up a signal/picture either your box is faulty or the cable end is not connecting to your vast box correctly to maximise the signal.
Hi there, no this I have not done as the other guy has it all built in to his cabinet, if I can find a loose one some were will try that.
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there". Lewis Carroll
Lots of comments about the quality of ITech stuff,,, mostly poor from what I've read.
You haven't said what % signal your meter says you are getting???
I would borrow someone else's sat finder and start there,,,, it's the only thing that sound suspect now given the checks you have done.
Not sure if you now about RF meters? most of them you can adjust them to read 3 or 10 or any were in between if you want! I put mine on 5 and adjust up to MAX signal does not matter what number it is, it will not go past 9.
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there". Lewis Carroll
If you are using an "Analogue" satfinder (with a needle to show signal strength) this type of meter will indicate signal on ANY satellite it is aimed at. There are many sats up there and at only 2 degrees of azimuth between them it is not hard to be looking at the wrong bird.
I always recommend a satfinder like the SF3239 from Satplus because it will indicate when you are definitely aimed at C1. You not only see signal strength but quality as well which allows you to fine tune your reception easily.
Try to find someone with one of these units and check your aiming point.
sounds to me like this is your problem.
Kathy and Frank currently at Home near Quirindi NSW
Wikicamps from either ipad or android shop will give you the exact direction and elevation from anywhere in Australia for the correct sat. makes finding it easy.
If you are using an "Analogue" satfinder (with a needle to show signal strength) this type of meter will indicate signal on ANY satellite it is aimed at. There are many sats up there and at only 2 degrees of azimuth between them it is not hard to be looking at the wrong bird.
I always recommend a satfinder like the SF3239 from Satplus because it will indicate when you are definitely aimed at C1. You not only see signal strength but quality as well which allows you to fine tune your reception easily.
Try to find someone with one of these units and check your aiming point.
sounds to me like this is your problem.
Thanks for that Frank, yes was aware how hard it is to find those sat depending were you are but have been able to for the last 2 years with no problem, plus I did take my set up (dish) over the road and no trouble finding the sat, worked on his vast box ok.
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there". Lewis Carroll