I have just found out the quickest way for direction for your tv antenna when in the outback or anywhere disregarding the dish,go to apps download Antenna Mate ,this would be the fastest way of finding the wright direction to turn your TV antenna for reception , it is a ripper.
It's costs $5.49 and looks like it only available for iPads / iPhones that have data 3G /4G capability and no androids. So choose wisely. TV is not that important anyway I believe.
Got to keep moving and as Hippocrates the modern medicine guru once said "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food
We've just returned from a few days down at the Big4 at Warwick (good spot), and tried our Antenna mate out - found it's not as simple as it looks as the direction was wrong - we could only get SBS and those channels that sell junk using the antenna finder but copying the direction from other vans we were able to get the ABC plus all the commercial channels. The difference was about 110 degrees. My aerial has a booster and sits above the apex of the Avan so it's the best possible position.
Someone suggested that there may be 2 different transmitter sites. Hopefully it will work better at other places but the group of 6 vans we were with were all very interested untill this problem happened.
If you are out in the sticks, the best bet is when driving through a town before you get to remote is to look at where everyones antennas are pointed.
If you ask a local where the tv transmitter is located. Before you leave go onto Google Earth, find where you are going to camp or thereabouts, find where the tv transmitters are located and draw a line between the two with the line tool, that will give you a bearing. When you get to your camp break out the compass and point your antenna in that direction.
Even without Google earth etc, once you know where the transmitters are located you will have a decent idea on where to point at.
Apps and the likes are only any good to you if you have mobile/internet access.
Stewart www.vkportable.com.au www.forums.vkportable.com.au