Unknown ship...... Unkown ship....... you are on a collision course with us and we suggest you alter you track by 35 degrees to the West.
"This is the USS Warrior, in response to your last transmission, we suggest that you alter YOUR course by 35 degrees to the East.
Hello USS Warrior, thank you for identifying yourself. I strongky suggest that it is you that alters their course and takes the evasive action.
This is the USS Warrior, THE largest battleship in the US Navy Fleet and I suggest that it is you Sir that alters your course in respect of our Naval position and seniority.
USS Warrior, I initiated this call and suggest that you act immediately as we are on a head on collision course.
This is the USS Warrior, I am instructed to advise that you are now interferring with the United States Navy and in breach of regulations, if you do not meet our demands we will have no choice but to open fire.
USS Warrior, suit yourself............................ This is the Florida Key Lighthouse signing out!!
Mark & Linda
A man who asks a question is a fool for five minutes, but ask no questions and your a fool for life!!