Until April last year we shared the driving of our 5th-wheeler, roughly two hours each. We also did a short course on reversing the rig when in Perth.
Then John had a mini-stroke when we were in Kerang (Vic), which put him into the Bendigo Hospital and rehab for a month and left him with double vision. Doing a 260-km round trip every day palled rather quickly; despite an offer of help from the CP owner - he was busy when I was ready to go - I hitched up the van on my own and drove south to the Bendigo Showgrounds, then parked, unhitched and set it up. Since then, although John has been cleared for driving using some special specs, I've been doing all the driving.
Ladies, it's not hard!!! And now, even John claims that I'm a better driver and better at reversing than he ever was.
Try it!
Free-ranging, in a Southern Cross 5th wheeler, in between property-minding (to save money!).
The days of "his job" and "her job" are over. Girl power is alive and well out on the road in the big, wide world. Just do it!
My SWMBO would agree with you except when it is "empty the toilet cassette" time.
hey, I always get that job.
so. let me understand this.....................if she won't empty the toilet, why should I let her have equal driving time?
Surely, I've misinterpreted.
Enlighten me.................
you still have not answered my question
"just to clarify when you say in part 'I was waiting to see if some one had some other reason for the male dominated control of the driver's seat' are you referring to towing or driving the family car?"
I think it's a case of age and history of driving. I'm 68 and ex-service and have driven everything on wheels or tracks.
My partner 77 and is an ex-American ( a proud Australian since '78) and still considers our main roads secondary tracks.
On the way to Birdsville in 2010 wanted to know when we would leave the by-pass and get on the highway..."even our Mojava Desert has 4 lanes of highway.....lol
She never wants to see Gibber stones again...(hi-hopes)
Sue has never even towed a garden trailer and doesn't want too. She handles the Landrover like an expert on its own but says, if I want to tow...it's my decision.
That's why we are changing to a truck/motorhome.
I think it's horses for courses.......if your comfortable towing do it, if not, no shame.
Nothing to do with male or female garbage.
Cheers Peter and Sue
"If I agree with you we'll both be wrong"
No, I'm not busy, I did it right the first time.
Self-powered wheelie walker, soon a power chair (ex. Nomad)
I've noticed when driving the highways, especially in the "Grey Nomad Season" that it's very rare to pass an oncoming car/caravan combo or RV being driven by a woman.
That said I have friends (a couple) who do share the driving and it's usually the wife who backs onto the site at caravan parks. I'm about to depart for Qld in convoy with another couple who also share the driving. However my observation is that this is quite rare.
PS: Do all those alpha males here that do all the driving wear blue ties? (oops, I shouldn't have said that should I?)
I think it's a case of age and history of driving. I'm 68 and ex-service and have driven everything on wheels or tracks.
My partner 77 and is an ex-American ( a proud Australian since '78) and still considers our main roads secondary tracks.
On the way to Birdsville in 2010 wanted to know when we would leave the by-pass and get on the highway..."even our Mojava Desert has 4 lanes of highway.....lol
She never wants to see Gibber stones again...(hi-hopes)
Sue has never even towed a garden trailer and doesn't want too. She handles the Landrover like an expert on its own but says, if I want to tow...it's my decision.
That's why we are changing to a truck/motorhome.
I think it's horses for courses.......if your comfortable towing do it, if not, no shame.
Nothing to do with male or female garbage.
There are two main interstates crossing the Mojave Desert (I-15 and I-40) that connect LA with the east, hardly comparable to the Birdsville track!
My husband is required to drive every work day, sometimes up to 2 hours each way. He is more than happy for me to do the driving when we hitch up and head away with our 18ft pop-top. I get carsick, I cannot read or navigate and I am a nervous passenger, so I could sit there, white knuckled and feeling ill while he drives, or I can be relaxed (and driving) knowing he can guide me if needed. He can read the paper, do a puzzle or look at the scenery. I have no trouble backing the van, provided I have a good guide, and can hitch/unhitch myself. It doesn't actually annoy me, but I am a little bemused when men say "well done" when I reverse the van onto a site (so astounded that a 'girl' can do this male dominated thing) or other women say..."I wouldn't be able to do that"! Come on ladies! Take the vehicle by the wheel and learn how to tow your van...it may save you one day.
Now AK - the one thing I won't do is empty the black water - for one, I cant lift it, and two - I usually go with him to do the tap etc.,.
I can and do drive the motorhome, with trailer and car attached, no problem really. I can also navigate, though the GPS often sends us down dead ends - whereas HE is the worlds worst navigator, can't read road signs, doesn't look around for signs - which is why I have a gps.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)