The King of ancient Persia was a fisherman of some note. He spent every spare hour (when not flaying people alive)
participating in his favourite pastime, wetting a line. He was a pretty inventive sort of fellow and developed a device
three thousand years before it came into more widespread use. He made a swivel that allowed him to create what
we now know as a spinner, except he simply called it a Spin.
Because he knew it would be the single most important invention yet in personal fishing, he granted his people a
public holiday, a day on which there would be not only no flayings but a day on which he would present his great
invention to the people. He also had a competition that would allow one special person the chance to be the first to
use the new device.
The day dawned fine and bright, everyone assembled on the shore. There was great expectation. The King arrived to
make his announcement. He was surrounded by all his high palace officials, every one hinting that he would be chosen
to use the new Spin. Imagine their shock when the King said the one he had chosen was the eunuch...
"But why him, Master...?!" they chorused.
(Are you ready? Prepare yourself!)
The King replied, "Let he who is without stones cast the first Spin!"
Ford Courier with Freeway slide-on called "PJ".
Oops, Gary, not a lover of Daggy Shogs, I assume...!