Finally got around today to using my Aldi sim card in a new phone.
Rang Aldi (interesting experience, at least the music wasn't bad, but the wait was long). Asked if I could use the phone number which came with the (locked to Telstra) phone, or whether Aldi would give me a new number (I'm happy either way).
Oh, said the Aldi lady, you can't use a phone locked to Telstra, it has to be an unlocked phone. Told her that was NOT what I had read on the net. She replied that "that's what we are told" (her tone of voice lacked conviction).
So . . . have any GNs managed to get connected with Aldi through a locked Telstra phone? And if so, did you have to change your number?
Cheers, Tony
If you don't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them.
Aldi works on Telstra part of network and yr number can be ported even on a locked to Telstra 3G phone. I too will be churning there soon, no ALDi in Tasmania....
Got to keep moving and as Hippocrates the modern medicine guru once said "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food
Has anyone used this Aldi phn set up away from the major built up areas yet ? Was just wonding if the service is any good in the out of the way places.
Has anyone used this Aldi phn set up away from the major built up areas yet ? Was just wonding if the service is any good in the out of the way places.
Try googling the area map that they cover,from Adelaide to Cairns right along the coast ,Perth and around the bottom Albany Esperance ,and a couple of odd spots along west coast Darwin , Alice springs , and that's about it. .
I've been on Aldi for the last 4 weeks, city and country, works fine in all areas so far, no problems at all, just put it in the phone and also used in the Telstra modem foir broadband, perfect and a lot better rate of data allowable than Telstra. I've used a locked Telstra and unlocked phone as well, worked in both.
won't work in country area's that's what we find out
it is what it is Monto fine but Eidsvold no go at all , you have to be lucky where you can get connection also my phone is not "next G" maybe that is the problem