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Post Info TOPIC: From Compliance Plate to Roadworthy Certificate to Registration


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From Compliance Plate to Roadworthy Certificate to Registration

At last I have had the GVM reduced to below 4500gms and I can now officially drive the Coaster and that isn't all it is now recorded as a motor home.


The next step is to recontact Nigel about the roadworthy so on Monday morning I will ring him and set that up. Once that has been done the next step will be to see Vic Roads and have them inspect the Coaster and after what the engineer said they check chassis/engine/VIN numbers look at the Roadworthy/Engineering/240volts/ and Weighbridge certificates. If that is all that Vic Roads check then I would expect my registration to be in place very soon.   John


-- Edited by yeoeleven on Saturday 6th of April 2013 09:42:48 PM



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You've got to be happy looking at that little blue plate !!!

The whole procedure appears to be as easy as preparing the space shuttle for launch. No wonder there are so many engineering and compliance modification companies out there.

I find it bizarre that you can't legally drive a coaster full of seats, but fill it with camping gear, and you can....

Looking forward to the next episode.


 Cheers, Chris...

"The problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you're finished" - Benjamin Franklin

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Good one John, on the wallaby again soon then, we are leaving end of the month and hope to catch you some place for a catch up. I will have a bottle of Galliano with me so we can have a wee one.


Bob & Rhonda



Sit, watch and wait.



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Looking good John! biggrin


Vic  - Mitsubishi Outlander and rear end tent....






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Fantastic news John.  Have you stopped dancing yet ?




An it harm none, do what you will.


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Only a few small steps now

Cheers mate


Chief one feather

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Nearly there John, good one. You must have very itchy feet though.


Live Life On Your Terms

DOUG  Chief One Feather  (Losing feathers with age)

TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy

DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV  (with some changes)



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Wont be long and then the girls will be happy and us other poor male solos will have less chance of scoring LOL.

Hope all goes well and you can get the Ks mounting up.



11 Mtr house Boat based at Mannum hoping to travel up the Murray as far as I can get then drift back again


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Hey, well done John. It's been a long time coming but at last it's on the road officially. Worth all the effort. I'm sure you are just busting to get it out there. 

You only live once, but if you live it right, once is enough !!!!!!

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Good on you John, sounds like it won't be long and you will be out and about again.




Dream it, believe it, live it.

4WD with a ford ranger. The possibilities are endless.


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When and where are you planning to go on your travels in the new HOUSE john?




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Hi and thanks for the good wishes, if all goes well for the last two steps and I get the Coaster number plated I will need a couple of pensions to catch up and finalise everything, so that looks like the 22nd would be the earliest and two weeks later the latest. Up to date I have spent $3100 since I have been in Frankston with $250 for the roadworthy plus $400 rego still to be paid. I got off the boat from Tassie with $1500 so have had to save up the balance, one of my friends paid for the shockies so he has to be repaid $400 before I set off.

All the hassle will be worth it but I will be pleased to relax the purse strings, I have been on a very tight budget since mid October at Greens and subsequently around Tassie then here at Frankston allowing me to buy the Coaster and then prepare it for registration. I am anxious to start off on my travels again but can wait the last few weeks to set off safely with everything done correctly.       John



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Glad to hear it all came out happy in the end - bit of a bother getting there, but it is all behind you now. You'll get a lot of comfort for your efforts on the road ahead. Onyer, Mate!


Happy travels,


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Great to hear you are progressing through the redtape and it is coming together. Just to put a"cat amongst the pidgeons", the dairy farm we are on has a multitude of "Poddies" so it is difficult to make a choice with so many as can be seen by the photos.

Cheers Kev and Kim.IMG_7953.JPGIMG_7917.JPGIMG_7899.JPGIMAG0339.jpg



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I had no. 126 at Florinhill as my favourite but you would find it hard to recognize one out of all those poddies.

Like the avatar you have been able to get one jumbo size.

All looks to be ok now but the roadworthy mechanic can't fit me in until the 18th and my permit runs out on the 16th, if anyone cancels Nigel will ring me.




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Are you glad that I did'nt sell you my Rust Bucket now Johnny Boy.....You owe me a Beer


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.

The Happy Helper

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Yours is great John - and considering all it is a good buy!!!  And you know that song - "I'll get by with a little help from my friends" -smilesmile

-- Edited by jules47 on Tuesday 9th of April 2013 05:47:25 PM


"Love is good for the human being!!"
(Ben, aged 10)


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Must be someone that can do it earlyer for you John

I would check around 

cheers John

-- Edited by Cruising Cruze on Tuesday 9th of April 2013 10:03:20 PM



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I guess you can't do that as the expenses your up for...So I'll buy you one when I see you next


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.


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jimbo wrote:

I guess you can't do that as the expenses your up for...So I'll buy you one when I see you next

 I will hold you to that jimbo.

I am glad that I didn't buy yours, the rego would have been easier but overall I like mine better.   John



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jules47 wrote:

Yours is great John - and considering all it is a good buy!!!  And you know that song - "I'll get by with a little help from my friends" -smilesmile

-- Edited by jules47 on Tuesday 9th of April 2013 05:47:25 PM

 without your son Chris there would be no way that I could have gotten this far and by now his friends are my friends and amazingly all have pitched in and helped.



The Master

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Great to see its all coming along nicely John. See you out there sometime in our travels.


Argh!! spelling mistake

-- Edited by Happywanderer on Wednesday 10th of April 2013 08:39:13 PM


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




The Happy Helper

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Posts: 12023

I told you John - you are sounding more like a 20-30 year old every day you spend with these guys hahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Next thing you will be off to a gig in the city with them!!!!!!!


"Love is good for the human being!!"
(Ben, aged 10)

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Hi John

Pleased to hear it is all working out, as I was confident it would. Just goes to prove: follow the processes and comply with what is required and you will eventually get there.  Many of us live in the immediate society, where if it's not ready now it is just too much hassle.  By doing the work others wouldn't you have saved an awful lot of money in the long run. Even though you've had to spend money you didn't necessarilly budget for it will be worth the peace of mind knowing that those jobs are done before you set out.




N.O.M.A.D.  Normally only me and dog.

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Hi Kim & Kev, nice cows :) how are you guys & where are you at the moment ???


Going to stop to smell the roses.

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Hi Julie & Billy, hows it in Bega ??????



Going to stop to smell the roses.

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Hi John, great to see all is going to plan with the coaster. Job well done all worth it am sure.


Going to stop to smell the roses.


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Like that old add on TV many years ago !!! John you need to be congratulated.....Hope you have many years of safe trouble free travelling and just keep on keeping on.


Time To Sleep Later In Life.


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-- Edited by billeeeeeee on Thursday 11th of April 2013 08:00:05 PM

-- Edited by billeeeeeee on Thursday 11th of April 2013 08:01:51 PM


Simple is



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Thursday and nothing new is happening so I have been doing lots of small jobs like putting a couple of brackets to hold the awning supports behind the boot door, adding a third battery located under the bench seat opposite the side door with the positive lead under the engine cover across to the main batteries. I have made up a small antenna lead from the newly installed TV to the socket between the 240 volt ad 12 volt outlets, wired the fridge direct into the batteries and tomorrow intend to paint the wheels with some aluminium Killrust paint.    John


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