I side with women on this. There is no way that any man should venture an opinion about secret women's business, or women at all. Totally inappropriate! Excepting obsequious fawning about 'wonderful women' of course.
Fortunately women have always led by example by never commenting on men, or going into menswear.
Hehe. Yes, I am a bit scary - I see it every morning when I shave. BTW, nice spot Manning Point (despite the potholed road in). They often have sailing regattas there. The beach around the point is nice too.
When shopping with my wife I dont see anything wrong with her asking if a certain item suits her and the same with me.
I am proud she thinks that my opinion counts. I see other woman by the way they dress that they obviously dont give a stuff what they look like and obviously havent asked or wanted anyones opinion or even looked in a mirror.
I think MOST husband would appreciate a wife asking if an item of clothing suited them.
Then again maybe they dont care either.
I have finally got out of the habit of wearing my house stubbies and thongs around the van parks. I must say I look quite spiffy in my longer shorts and sandles and still comfortable.
So come on you scruffy house/van wives, ask your hubby, they might tell you the truth, if you can handle it.
S.W.M.B.O. asks my opinion, I ask hers. Equal partnership. Too many on the street should have asked some one, oh my goodness.
The best view of the city is in my rear view mirror
Ni$$an Pathfinder, roof top tent & / or Viscount 1970 Van.