It works! I bought a cheap($69)LG smart phone, and using instructions from the web, I used it as a modem! It seems quicker than the Telstra wireless dongle,and is simpler to get online.I bought a $5 Kogan chip to try, and after some small problems , put it in the LG phone amd am now using it.Do I loose my email address at bigpond if I go to Kogan? I ts certainly a lot cheaper at $29.95 for unlimited calls and 6 gig of data. I am paying twice that from Telstra.Only time will tell. Bill
its an LG-E400f , and I bought it from the local news agency for $69. You can get similar from aust post for about the same Its an android , touch screen type which is a first for me, and is fun trying to get used to.Seem to work well.Bill
Don't understand the chip business, Bill. By chip do you mean a sim card? I also notice your phone is not plugged in to your computer via a USB port. How is the connection made?
I watched a couple of Youtube vids about tethering a smart phone to a PC, but I'm wondering what the advantage is in my case. My dongle was supplied by my ISP (Spintel). It's not prepaid. I have an ongoing deal of 5GB @ $29.95 a month with Spintel who use Optus. They host my web sites as well. My current phone is a basic Samsung I hardly use. I only bought it for emergencies.
Kogan have this deal -6gig per month with unlimited calls and sms.I learnt that there is a 400m download limit a day because some one was making 20 hour calls! It seems to work here on Magnetic island. as its a telstra carrier.Optus is not good here.I will go for that deal when my new sim arrives.An english doctor I took fishing has one, and said it worked right up the coast from Sydney. Its half the price I am paying. One can only try........Bill
Bill12 that's the way we get internet when away. An LG phone with android or 'hotspot' which I 'tether to network'. I hit a few bits on the phone, it has a sim card in it which allows me to use 1gb of data a month on the phone plan. Mine is wifi so the phone can sit on one side of the van staying 'charged' because it is plugged into power and the laptop is on the table receiving the signal and I'm happy using the internet. One thing I did find though with my 'cheap LG' (as the Dick Smith person called it!) was that I have to occasionally turn it off and turn it on again when it becomes slow to respond to my touch on the screen. It does a software update when I turn it off/on and everything speeds up again. I've found it great as it also tells me on the front screen how much data I have used and how many more days I have left.
It came with a $10 telstra chip, but I am using the Kogan one.Kogan give you a choice whether to port your number to them when you register the chip with them.And at half price for more megs and phone calls, it seems loke a good deal.Bill
Thanks for letting us know Bill My last mobile phone I had was 8years ago, gone without since and survived lol always had my better half look after things like that
we got the phone you've got this morning so the boss is doing things with it, don't ask me what seems to work on the Aldi card pretty good ,internet wise she is working to get it to work with her Asus tablet ,work in progress on the moment Big sign here at the door " DO NOT DISTURB " so I will stay well clear
I pay $60 a month to telecoma for 4gig and $30 worth of calls, so getting unlimited calls and texts, plus 6gig of data, is a good deal , in my opinion.I dont make much calls on my present plan as it costs too much, and I tend to use skype for longer calls. Any way, I am going to try Kogan when the new chip arrives. Bill
The difference it would make for Gary is the difference in reception with the Telstra network over Optus.
The only difference with the Telstra 'Wholesale' network over your generic Telstra network is the stated 2.3% difference in coverage. Would be hardly noticeable.
I carry two phones, one for work, one with the 'wholesale' network across Nth East Victoria and haven't seen any difference as yet.
Yeah your phone can be connected by 'Wifi' meaning no connection by lead. If you do use the USB lead it does mean it keeps the phone charged at the same time.
At home we cancelled our land line and Westnet internet a year ago and run our mobile phones only for calls and internet for a substantial saving.