This is fun just click on the date and listen to the music of that year..... hope it works for everyone.
Jukebox Time Machine
Youre going to love this.
Just set it on an date and let it stay there and it will just keep on playing different songs of that era.
This is neat.It's sort of a "Jukebox Time Machine" of music. Each of the years below connects to the best 20 hits of that year via a Jukebox. Click on a year, wait a few seconds, and a Jukebox will appear showing you 20 hits from that year to select from. You can play all 20 hits, or. click on just those that you like. Enjoy the ride!
That's a great thing, hooda - most of the time we hear a song that reminds us of a particular year, but this allows us to choose a year and hear a particular song. I chose the year of my birth to hear what my parents were listening to at the time. Judy Garland and The Trolley Song was one of them.
I'm so glad people are finding this and enjoying's fun to pick the year of your birth and listen to what was playing when you were rocking in your cradle...
That's a great thing, hooda - most of the time we hear a song that reminds us of a particular year, but this allows us to choose a year and hear a particular song. I chose the year of my birth to hear what my parents were listening to at the time. Judy Garland and The Trolley Song was one of them.
You think they may have been using the "Rythym method " at time of conception Gary
Great to hear the oldies again. Iwent into 1954 to be serenaded by Bill Haley. Have bookmarked the page and now have background music whilst doing other things on the pooter. Good one Hooda!.
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