Actually, that would be a great idea. We could have our own personal calender for appointments etc. Something only ourselves can see. Would be very handy.
Myself having a mind like a sieve,forgot what I was going to say.Ah that's it .Could use this space for a whole lot of things,ie :Get togethers appointments places to see .I do not use outlook on my computer,as I look on the forum every day it seems much easier to have it all on the site.Thankyou marj for your comments...Alan
I hope that Idid not upset anyone when I asked the question.about the calender,it was not to show anyone up and it is good to see that people are aware of the thing .I agree with the comments .I,m an aussie and not really into the American things.I still believe we should be able to use it for our notes.I might have a chat with Webmaster.....Alan the mongrel.
I haven't seen anyone offended by your query Alan. In fact it has enlightened a few others who knew nothing about it. I never use it but had noticed it in my browsing one day.