Howdyeeeee all U excited pet lovers, firstly, I like dogs, not so keen on cats. Sooooooo what do you do, when a dog comes around and starts to sniff your crutch, is there a Protocol here,???????? do we ignore the dog,??? or pull it away,,???? Myself, I get embarassed, if I leave it there ,or shoo it away,,,,anyone else have this problem,????,,,,...............stay excited Nomads................Billeeeeeeee
Howdyeeeee all U excited pet lovers, firstly, I like dogs, not so keen on cats. Sooooooo what do you do, when a dog comes around and starts to sniff your crutch, is there a Protocol here,???????? do we ignore the dog,??? or pull it away,,???? Myself, I get embarassed, if I leave it there ,or shoo it away,,,,anyone else have this problem,????,,,,...............stay excited Nomads................Billeeeeeeee
Would every one stay on topic,,,,,,,,Bugger,,,,,Crutch sniffing,!!!!! Howdyeeeeeeeee all Nutty Nomads who r excited about this very interesting topic, and may I say this, again??? a very interesting topic , But!!! not spoken about much,,is it embarassment,????? have had a couple of people private messaging me about this topic, there point of veiw was most interesting.. stay excited all U homeless Nomads, who have found freedom!!!!,,its a great life!!!...............Billeeeeee
When at Doggy training school, I was told to raise my knee fairly strongly into my dogs chest. Same if they try to hump your leg. That kind of behaviour doesnt happen very often with well-trained dogs, so if they do it, they need training, as its NOT acceptable!!
When at Doggy training school, I was told to raise my knee fairly strongly into my dogs chest. Same if they try to hump your leg. That kind of behaviour doesnt happen very often with well-trained dogs, so if they do it, they need training, as its NOT acceptable!!
Gerty,the naughty ones must take after their owners.
What do you do when someone deliberately torments your pet(dog) for no reason.
Howdyeee Norma, !!! What do you do when some one torments your dog,,!!! (1) Does your dog sniff crutches,,(2) does your dog hump legs,?????? I think the person you should talk tooooooo is Gerty, Im sure she has dealt with this problem before,,,,,,,,,,,,Billeeeeeee................
-- Edited by billeeeeeee on Tuesday 30th of October 2012 03:41:05 PM
Howdyeeeee Gerty,,,Greetings and Salutation, soooooo your dogs doesent Crutch sniff, or hump legs,???? good to c a responeable dog owner, May I b a bit blunt at this moment, Gerty,,, when free camping , and ppl with dogs let them run about , ,,and u walk out of your Van and what confronts U is a big steaming fresh hot, log, a gift the dog has left behind, is there a protocol here, do we move our van,? or say Oi , pick your dog sh-t up, OR!!!! pick it up ourself,,,,PS.... no wonder I stress alot,about lifes Questions,,,,,,,,,,,,,Billeeeeee
Howdyeeee Guys, long time nooooooo c , sent U guys Private messages, but!!!! noooooooooooo reply, will b comming back from Tassie,in April, might catch up with You Guys as we head North, again..........................Billeeeee
Howdyeeee ibbo,, Dont U think its a bit harsh hitting the dog with wood, and the knee in the cods,????? the poor dog, im sure that would stop it crutch sniffing , and humping legs, But!!!!....... stay excited Ibbo, might catch U out there in the play ground, PS,,,do U have well trained dogs like Gerty,..........................Billeeeee
Howdyeeee ibbo,, Dont U think its a bit harsh hitting the dog with wood, and the knee in the cods,????? the poor dog, im sure that would stop it crutch sniffing , and humping legs, But!!!!....... stay excited Ibbo, might catch U out there in the play ground, PS,,,do U have well trained dogs like Gerty,..........................Billeeeee
No,not the poor bloody dog.The idiot teasing the dog.Mate I have the best behaved Amstaff.He loves the world,other animals and me.When I was having heart troubles Wally would not leave my side wherever I went,yes even there lol.
Howdyeeee ibbo,, Dont U think its a bit harsh hitting the dog with wood, and the knee in the cods,????? the poor dog, im sure that would stop it crutch sniffing , and humping legs, But!!!!....... stay excited Ibbo, might catch U out there in the play ground, PS,,,do U have well trained dogs like Gerty,..........................Billeeeee
No,not the poor bloody dog.The idiot teasing the dog.Mate I have the best behaved Amstaff.He loves the world,other animals and me.When I was having heart troubles Wally would not leave my side wherever I went,yes even there lol.
Howdyeeeee Nomads, Nutters, and all u excited B Boomers,,,Salutations Ibbo,,good to hear U dont beat dogs, A bit extreme beating the owners of the dog,,I would think A couple of Harsh !!!!! words,,, should b sufficient,.... and Im sure u dont let your dog drop logs outside of other ppls vans, PS do u pick up after fido drops a log,???? I must admit i could not pick a dog turd up ,after it dropped one,, hope all U heart probs r behind u, and the play ground is in front of U , might even catch u out there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Billeeeeeeeeee
Howdyeeee ibbo,, Dont U think its a bit harsh hitting the dog with wood, and the knee in the cods,????? the poor dog, im sure that would stop it crutch sniffing , and humping legs, But!!!!....... stay excited Ibbo, might catch U out there in the play ground, PS,,,do U have well trained dogs like Gerty,..........................Billeeeee
No,not the poor bloody dog.The idiot teasing the dog.Mate I have the best behaved Amstaff.He loves the world,other animals and me.When I was having heart troubles Wally would not leave my side wherever I went,yes even there lol.
Howdyeeeee Nomads, Nutters, and all u excited B Boomers,,,Salutations Ibbo,,good to hear U dont beat dogs, A bit extreme beating the owners of the dog,,I would think A couple of Harsh !!!!! words,,, should b sufficient,.... and Im sure u dont let your dog drop logs outside of other ppls vans, PS do u pick up after fido drops a log,???? I must admit i could not pick a dog turd up ,after it dropped one,, hope all U heart probs r behind u, and the play ground is in front of U , might even catch u out there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Billeeeeeeeeee
Always carry a supply of doggie pick up pooh bags that I obtain from the Sunshine Coast where all parks, beaches etc have have free dispensers.Always pick up my dogs workman****-p.Yep,you never know when you will bump into good,careful,and stay safe.Cheers Ibbo.
All I know is if they sniff your butt they are just checking if your hats on straight. Do not know what that really means but was a favourite saying of my father. I should have asked him
Never growing old, just getting dusty around the edges.
All I know is if they sniff your butt they are just checking if your hats on straight. Do not know what that really means but was a favourite saying of my father. I should have asked him
Howdyeeeee Boothie,,Butt sniffing, NOW thats a new one to me, Gerty is the dog whisperer on Gn ,,,she should know all about that,... staay excited Boothie...........................Billeeeee
Howdyeeee Naughty Nomads, and a big Hi to wowdywabbet, say Hi to Norma, if she is still with u Wabbet ppl, May i say this ,???? _________________________ thats all i have to say on that topic, stay excited , enjoy the trip through life, c u out there in the play ground, some where,,,,,..........................Billeeeeeee PS, below is a principal way to get through life with out nut kicking.....