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Post Info TOPIC: BEWARE! The 'Greed Cancer' is infecting showgrounds too.

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BEWARE! The 'Greed Cancer' is infecting showgrounds too.

After an enjoyable and rewarding tour of Northern Queensland, since April this year, we have started our tour in to the South East of Queensland. Our first stop in a show-ground was Redcliffe, our base during the EKKA, and very reasonably priced too, considering it's proximity to the EKKA. Powered site = $17.00 per night, un-powered = $13.00. Potable water, acceptable toilet facilities and dump point made our week stay a pleasant one. Our next port of call was the show-ground in Kingaroy, we drove in and parked up, as directed by the notice on the 'Camping Office' door, and proceeded to set-up for a weeks stay. There were no signs at the show-ground entrance or on the 'Camping Office' door indicating what the parking fees were, so I decided to ask one of the few caravaners that were there, what the daily fees were. The disgruntled response I got was $25.00 per night mate, and the facilities are not that crash hot either. So without further addo I dashed back to my 'Control Tower' told her the price and she promptly declared "Fire up, we're out of here!" we are not paying that kind of money to a show-ground that has not been upgraded since it was probably built!! Good job we never got to see the camping managers, 'hell hath no fury like that of my lady upset'. BUT... She is right to be upset, what is going on with these show-grounds that are hiking their prices so high? Most of them are in actual decline as far as facilities are concerned, and far more have been forced to close because Caravan Park owners have some way of compelling local councils to force show-ground closure. We are too big for caravan parks, this is reflected by their desire to charge us double for a site, plus we have Toy Poodles too, which are part of our family. (You don't like dogs, you don't like us.) Also, the average caravan park fee of $35.00 per night per person, in our humble opinion, is obscene. If there was a pleasant bar, restaurant and evening entertainment, we could possibly understand such exorbitant fees, but for facilities that rarely see upgrade/maintenance work or a decent lick of paint, some of the caravan parks we have seen in our rear mirrors ought to be condemned!

End of rant.

We are now parked up by a very nice little creek, with lots of nice folk in their caravans all around us, and looks like 'Happy Hour' is going to be a great one tonight.


A person with experience is never at the mercy of a person with an argument.


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yes. cancer greed is everywhere. maleny showgrounds is beautiful and well priced as is woodford showgrounds. cheers.



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Kilcoy Showgrounds just down the road are very good - cheap and fairly good amenities - they are the jockey's shower/toilets actually. Which I thought was excellent, the taps etc were down at my height biggrin biggrin aww no  hmm

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan

The Happy Helper

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Yep - some of these showgrounds facililties are a disgrace for the price they are charging, but then again so are a lot of the caravan park prices for the facilities they provide - just stayed in a park in Mt Isa - and $6 for a load of washing, small machine, and obviously not cleaned regularly - left fluff all over my dark coloured sheets!!!!! Notices everywhere about what you can and can't do, as well as a "political" rant about the reason for increase in electricity for permanent residents, posted in the laundry and shower room. So I figure the tourists will be slugged as well, for dusty sites, and pretty old amenities block-already too dear.

And rockylizard - know what you mean about showers being at your height - have that trouble all the timebiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin - some call it "ducks disease" - bum too close to the ground!!!!


"Love is good for the human being!!"
(Ben, aged 10)


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Am staying at Burra Caravan Park (SA) - $20 a night powered, very clean and roomy amenities.



It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!


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All I can say is!  It's a good thing the Queensland Government don't don't know I am in their Greedy State'''

 Though  Rainbow beach is $ 5.50 a night Ocean views


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.


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Good reason not to stay in showgrounds or CP's when they're so greedy. I always choose free/bush camping wherever possible.


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.




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I'll just show them my tail lights as I pass by. Some Showgrounds seem quite reasonable.



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So sorry to hear that you have had a bad experience palebushman, but what I have found from this great forum is that there is a wealth of knowledge and of course the camps book. We live on the road permanently now, well it has only been a couple of weeks, hoping to make the GLW (good lady wife's) remaining years great and happy but I know these people are going to try and make a fast quid were they can, but what I always remember is, what I was taught, what goes around comes around - take care, there is always an alternative.




David and Cheryl


Frogs on the hop 


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And yet another story of someone whinging. Seriously, take an honest read of the recent posts here. More and more it's about people wanting more for less. Honestly, it's quite tiresome reading about how things 'used to be'. I do feel empathy for pensioners and it's not cheap to be on the road. But it's a lifestyle that you have chosen. Times change, as do prices! Sooner or later, one has stop living in the past.




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A bit more to add. Please don't forget, whole countries are going under financially. This DOES affect australia too. Especially smaller country towns. Small country councils are losing younger people to bigger cities. Thus reducing the amount of $$$ they have for these amenities. We are still very much in the middle of the biggest financial crisis since the 1930's.

Seriously, be happy you have a roof over your head, a caravan (even if that is the sole roof over your head) and food to feed yourself with. Anything else should be considered gravy. I'm certain a fair few of your parents could only wish they had what the average grey nomad had today.

There certainly is a sense of entitlement lately that people of all genres seem to have lately!





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Mate well said, Good to see some one who's cup is half full not half empty, If lot of people are not having a go at caravan park owner now show ground people , And Centrelink because you have to fill out forms so that they will pay us money, We are so hard done by , And all those local council who don't want to spend there rate payers money to give us Free camping .



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Mareeba Rodeo Grounds;  $15 per night X two people, acers of room, facilities are good, power that does not overload in peak period,thats 100's of campers tv , phone & internett all very good. Now thats a good price with good value; even the weather is great with cool nights & 28deg days.

Gunna be hard to leave.





Be your self; there's no body better qualified !                    "I came into this world with nothing , I still have most of it"










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Lyn nice to read you positive post , yes we have found lots of cheap caravan park like you and get to know what make the area tick , We find there are people want to stay right on the coast and that great if they can afford but you have showed you can be on the road full time on a pension power to you

-- Edited by brickies on Sunday 19th of August 2012 09:12:48 AM



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gordon_adl wrote:

A bit more to add. Please don't forget, whole countries are going under financially. This DOES affect australia too. Especially smaller country towns. Small country councils are losing younger people to bigger cities. Thus reducing the amount of $$$ they have for these amenities. We are still very much in the middle of the biggest financial crisis since the 1930's.

Seriously, be happy you have a roof over your head, a caravan (even if that is the sole roof over your head) and food to feed yourself with. Anything else should be considered gravy. I'm certain a fair few of your parents could only wish they had what the average grey nomad had today.

There certainly is a sense of entitlement lately that people of all genres seem to have lately!

 Hear! hear!

especially your last sentence, also to your previous post.

It appears from some posts on this forum that if we want something for nothing we're not greedy but if a business want's a modest return on their investment they are!


Merda tauris scientia vincit


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It is always a worry when we have some people who always expect everyone to do it their way. We are all different and most of are not out for all for nothing just we want to see our country areas and not our towns and caravan jails.

We spend our available money in the towns we visit and we reserve the right to select where and how we spend that money.

If all the people on the road full time or for extended periodshad to stay in the parks then the weekend and annual holiday groups would never get a spot in a caravan jail and even if they could it would be over $100 a night as the demand would drive the prices sky high.

While we frequent the camps sites we leave you to have your time in your choice of abode / restop.

Also wonder why a person with what appears a 4x4 and campertrailer and professing to "I love the bush" insisting that everyone should stay in the parks.

Lets leave the where we camp / stop to each persons desire.

If I want to pay $500 for a plane flight over an area then I don't insist all must do the same but then I bush camp as I take photos and I have yet to see a park where I can be out of sight of others, cook my meals on my choofer and walk for hours in the native bush taking photos etc. I am not interested in large towns and cities as I traveled with my work and lived in large towns and cities for over 60 years so I am looking for other experiences.

Every body should be able to travel as they wish as long as they don't annoy anyone and it is not illegal.



11 Mtr house Boat based at Mannum hoping to travel up the Murray as far as I can get then drift back again

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gorden i agree with you and this comment will get me in a bit of conflict.
we stay in parks have never paid $35 a night, and the cheaper parks are just as clean as dearer ones (we always have a look first).
we stay by the week and get a discount we sometimes stay a couple of months and we really get to know an area and shop localy to support small towns. at Mylestom nsw at pressent and paying $142 per week senoirs special, very peaceful very clean.
we consider ourself true nomads we dont own a house and our van small as it may be is the only roof over our head. i agree with you about the whingers. if you cant afford to travell dont. we do it on a pension we manage ok. were loving it.
we dont expect anythng for nothing. and wouldnt put myself and visually impared hubby in danger by freecamping.



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Brian I hear what you are saying and I haven't seen a post on this forum knocking free camping which I believe most have done , But many of your post you knock caravan parks always referring to them has Jails and never use them , And that people should be free to do has they wish which I agree with , I have not stayed at free camps if they were packed has some times they have been in my travels and gone onto a caravan park which had more room than the free camp that was my choice and should be so , We should not preach to other member that our way is the only way . Let just enjoy what we are doing hope for great life on the road if you find it all to hard may be time to stop


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Where have I said do it my way? Where in this post did I insist that one should stay in a park? What I am suggesting though is that just because a particular caravan\showground or anything is not up to par does not mean it's greed.
And I stand by my statement of there seeming to be a sense of entitlement at times. Both amongst young and old.
beiffe wrote:

It is always a worry when we have some people who always expect everyone to do it their way. We are all different and most of are not out for all for nothing just we want to see our country areas and not our towns and caravan jails.

We spend our available money in the towns we visit and we reserve the right to select where and how we spend that money.

If all the people on the road full time or for extended periodshad to stay in the parks then the weekend and annual holiday groups would never get a spot in a caravan jail and even if they could it would be over $100 a night as the demand would drive the prices sky high.

While we frequent the camps sites we leave you to have your time in your choice of abode / restop.

Also wonder why a person with what appears a 4x4 and campertrailer and professing to "I love the bush" insisting that everyone should stay in the parks.

Lets leave the where we camp / stop to each persons desire.

If I want to pay $500 for a plane flight over an area then I don't insist all must do the same but then I bush camp as I take photos and I have yet to see a park where I can be out of sight of others, cook my meals on my choofer and walk for hours in the native bush taking photos etc. I am not interested in large towns and cities as I traveled with my work and lived in large towns and cities for over 60 years so I am looking for other experiences.

Every body should be able to travel as they wish as long as they don't annoy anyone and it is not illegal.






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Esmeralda wrote:

Am staying at Burra Caravan Park (SA) - $20 a night powered, very clean and roomy amenities.

 Hello Esmeralda

How long are you staying at Burra? as we are planning on being up there within the next week of so depending on Doctors appt's.

We would love to catch up with another GN.



Angela & Paul

Wheelchair Nana

Around Australia we shall go - One day at a time

Live every day as though it's your last !!!!!!!!!!!!


2006 Silver X-trail, 86 Prattline Lo-Tow, come & say Hi


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Caravan parks vary, so do free-camps and showgrounds. No general statement fits all of a particular type of camp. Its fair to say that most caravan parks are run to make a living wage for the owners/managers, who work long hours. I have no problem with that.

People vary too... Thank heavens, or we'd all be doing the same thing!!


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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I don't normally participate in the 'everyone who won't give me what I want for free is greedy' threads that appear here regularly, but felt I just had to speak up in support of Lyn, Brickies, Jim and others who are pushing back a bit. We stay at caravan parks and frankly aren't particularly interested in roadside stops or middle of nowhere experiences. In the last 2 years our average rate for a powered site has been around $27, nothing like the claimed $35. I don't care where all the rest of you stay, you can do what you like, but can I just ask that those who prefer not to pay for things try not to sound so morally superior about it. And Brian (beiffe) we get that you don't stay in caravan parks, if I promise never to refer to free camps as roadside dustbowls do you think you might cut back on the tiresome caravan park jails thing (by the way, in Australia we spell them as gaols, jail is an Americanism).



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Esmeralda wrote:

Am staying at Burra Caravan Park (SA) - $20 a night powered, very clean and roomy amenities.

 Hi Esmeralda, we stayed at Burra CP a few weeks ago and thought it was great. Stayed for five nights. There is a beaut patchwork shop in town - unfortunately she is closing down soon. Hope you enjoy your stay. Brenda



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Wheelchair Nana wrote:
Esmeralda wrote:

Am staying at Burra Caravan Park (SA) - $20 a night powered, very clean and roomy amenities.

 Hello Esmeralda

How long are you staying at Burra? as we are planning on being up there within the next week of so depending on Doctors appt's.

We would love to catch up with another GN.


 Sorry leaving tomorrow for Broken Hill - will be in the area for a few days but haven't decided where I am staying yet.




It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!


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We visited Burra about 7 years ago, when we were on a 2 week SA holiday (before life became one long holiday and before we had the van). We'd stayed at Clare the previous couple of nights, and planned to visit Burra on our way to Mildura and then head home back to Melbourne, but there was so much to see there we had to end up getting a motel room for the night so we could continue the next day!



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Yes it is a nice place - I arrived here on Friday for two nights and ended up here for a third.  Went over to Clare today for a drive and to see more SALA exhibits - South Australia Living Art - mostly painted art and sculpture - ending up going to give wineries and no tastings!!! Also an e xhibit in Burra yesterday.



It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!


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gordon_adl wrote:

And yet another story of someone whinging. Seriously, take an honest read of the recent posts here. More and more it's about people wanting more for less. Honestly, it's quite tiresome reading about how things 'used to be'. I do feel empathy for pensioners and it's not cheap to be on the road. But it's a lifestyle that you have chosen. Times change, as do prices! Sooner or later, one has stop living in the past.

 The pot boiling the kettle black???   biggrin.gif  Now what is your definition of whinging then??


Home is where we hang our hats - Home now in Yamba NSW


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I pay rates to a council that has both cheap and a free camp ground. The Nomads come and stay, use our shops, supermarkets, hairdressers, servos, club and other services. It's a win on both sides.

I'd like to do the same, where I go but I won't pay top dollar for inadequate facilties in a showground or park. I'll by pass and find somewhere else to stay and spend money.




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We have been living in 2 C/P for the last 5 months due to working so we can live this life, I can honestly say I have never felt like I was living in a gaol and we are quite happy to pay what it has cost, everyone has to make a living and you can't blame people for that, I also like to free camp but it is not always the easy thing to do though in a perfect world it would cost nothing to do whatever we want, but who ever said this is a perfect world........we have met some wonderful people in c/p who I am sure will be friends for years to come............everyone must find what suits them best at the time and just try to enjoy the fact that we can.


What the heck, why not !


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Wheelchair Nana wrote:
Esmeralda wrote:

Am staying at Burra Caravan Park (SA) - $20 a night powered, very clean and roomy amenities.

 Hello Esmeralda

How long are you staying at Burra? as we are planning on being up there within the next week of so depending on Doctors appt's.

We would love to catch up with another GN.


 I live just down the road from you.  If you'd like to catch up PM me.

Travel is in the mind of the beholder.  Some do it to enjoy the country side, free camping to be among nature and other campers.  Some do it in caravan parks for various reasons, and go touring around the region to learn more.  Some take pictures, while others fossick for gems.

I use caravan parks when I'm on the road with my caravan.  It's just my way of life after living in a caravan park for 9 years.  When I'm on the road for work I get plenty of opportunity to camp under the stars among the dingoes, emus, 'roos.

It's all about personal choice, and no choice is the wrong one.  We travel for various reasons.  Some do it to experience other communities, which is part of my motive.  Others do it to get away from it all.  I think it depends on whether we lived in the city or the country, in the town or in the bush.

It then comes down to what we expect.  If you sit down and really think about what you expect out there in the nomad world and why you're doing it, it may put some of these issues into perspective.

I've said it before - if you have to scrooge every dollar and begrudge spending any then stay put or go home.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.

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