If you want a commercial product there are several that Camac have I purchased some there a couple of years ago I now flush and empty the water tanks when I return home.
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time
Carb soda and vinegar with water. Fill the tanks, leave a few days, then drain and flush with fresh water. Use as much or as little as you like. No chemicals. Nothing nasty, and it's CHEAP. The tanks will be fresh and clean with no algae.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Cleaning tanks can be VERY COSTLY!. I went into buy some purifying tablets for our tanks and came out with a new van! They were expensive tablets, and yes I bought the tablets first.
Thanks everybody! We'll give the vinegar and bicarb a go first and save using the commercial big guns unless or until it's necessary. Can't afford a new van just yet - only just bought this one. It's amazing though isn't it? The stickers have barely worn off the tyre treads and we're already talking about "the next one". Mmm. Best stay away from those caravan shops!
Carb soda and vinegar with water. Fill the tanks, leave a few days, then drain and flush with fresh water. Use as much or as little as you like. No chemicals. Nothing nasty, and it's CHEAP. The tanks will be fresh and clean with no algae.
Arrrmmm, vinegar is a weak acid and bi-carb is a weak alkali. Mixing them together with water means they just neutralize each other and disappear giving off a fizz of carbon dioxide gas.
What I think the correct procedure is -
* Attack any contamination and corrosion by completely filling the tanks with a 1-2% vinegar solution for a few days, then drain it out.
* Follow up with a 1% bi-carbonate solution for another couple of days to completely remove all the vinegar.
* Then flush with 2-3 rinses of clean water, and leave open to dry out completely.
The low concentration vinegar solution can go down the drain, but it can also be used as a low strength cleaner for the caravan walls and the concrete pad under it. Rinsing the depleted vinegar solution off after the 'second cleaning' will dilute it enough to NOT affect plants or lawns. Bi-carb breaks down over a couple of days and therefore will be at very low strength when poured on top of the vinegar etched concrete to complete the cleaning.
Bruce & Judy pulling a 3T 23.5' Traveller Prodigy behind a Diesel Range Rover
I can further that, the acid solution removes the mineral deposits, i.e. calcium, and the alkali solution removes organic. Citric acid makes a good finish rinse.