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Post Info TOPIC: Cried

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Wakefield Street Adelaide S.A. I came out of the clinic and there on the I had to go to the eye surgeon today. It was at the Wakefield Street Clinic in ground to great me was my Clearview Mirrors. Yes both of them. I just burst into tears. Have rang around can not get them fitted till Friday. I hope who ever did this had fun I dont think so! They should get what is coming to them.










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That is disgusting popeye, what a low act and what a lowlife.  Hope they get their just desserts.


Destination: AUSTRALIA....... all over.

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Popeye wrote:

Wakefield Street Adelaide S.A. I came out of the clinic and there on the I had to go to the eye surgeon today. It was at the Wakefield Street Clinic in ground to great me was my Clearview Mirrors. Yes both of them. I just burst into tears. Have rang around can not get them fitted till Friday. I hope who ever did this had fun I dont think so! They should get what is coming to them.

 G'Day Popeye.  Sorry, I lost the gist of what happened.   I can now see that someone smashed your mirrors, or flogged them?  Do you know if the local 'plods' asked across the road to see if anyone saw anything, or is that a dead end?  I empathise with you, as I'm sure everyone else does.   Try and keep your chin up, hopefully the person/s involved hit a pole around the corner and got some come uppance.   Best wishes to you.



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I'm a great believer in Karma.



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Sorry that this happened Popeye...some people are just creeps!!!



 Cheers. Pam.

Safe and happy travels everyone.



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Popeye wrote:

Wakefield Street Adelaide S.A. I came out of the clinic and there on the I had to go to the eye surgeon today. It was at the Wakefield Street Clinic in ground to great me was my Clearview Mirrors. Yes both of them. I just burst into tears. Have rang around can not get them fitted till Friday. I hope who ever did this had fun I dont think so! They should get what is coming to them.

 Hi Popeye,

I am so sorry this has happened to you, that is a very low act indeed.  In the police service we used to call thieves etc grubs.  Good name for them too in my opinion.  Will insurance cover the damage Popeye?

Warm regards, Michelle


Blessed be the path you walk.


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Geez Popeye, thats terrible!!! Your mind is on your eye problem, then to find this ! And you are left with no mirrors to drive with! Were they smashed or are they still in one piece? might be able to get them repaired and put back on. Those mirrors are sooo good, one of ours got smashed (driver misjudgement!) and it was seriously upsetting, but it was repairable, now back on.

I learnt a while ago its not a good idea to park right alongside a walkway... got a key scratch all along the side of my car.


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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Gerty Dancer wrote:

Geez Popeye, thats terrible!!! Your mind is on your eye problem, then to find this ! And you are left with no mirrors to drive with! Were they smashed or are they still in one piece? might be able to get them repaired and put back on. Those mirrors are sooo good, one of ours got smashed (driver misjudgement!) and it was seriously upsetting, but it was repairable, now back on.

I learnt a while ago its not a good idea to park right alongside a walkway... got a key scratch all along the side of my car.

 Geez Gerty you have to wonder what goes through peoples minds when they do this sort of malicious thing don't you?  I would love to break their arms for sure lol.



Blessed be the path you walk.

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Popeye wrote:

Here we go Keith have a look at what someone did to my truck.

 Thanks Popeye.   In my male stupor  (Yeah, righto girls),  I missed the exact cause.    The offenders must have been there for more than just a minute or two and I'm surprised that the neighbouring shops/homes didn't see anyone loitering about. 

This may not be of much use, but have a look on Ebay, Gumtree etc and see if someone is selling a set of second hands from a write off.   It may (or may not) work out cheaper than your excess.   I had a quick look (ebay) and there are quite a lot which may be the same as yours (electric extended) starting at about $100 up to about $400.   I don't know if they're the same as some were for G.M. some for Ford and some for other makes.    For what it's worth.

-- Edited by Keith19837 on Thursday 7th of June 2012 07:42:41 PM


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Here we go Keith have a look at what someone did to my truck.










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That is absolutely disgusting behaviour popeye.....hope you went to the police about this incident and hope they are covered by insurance......not that insurance covers the heartbreak or the inconvenience.


Destination: AUSTRALIA....... all over.


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Scumbags, I hope they get what they deserve. Sorry it must be so upsetting for you.




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Maybe there is a surveilance cam in the area that might have caught them?


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Polls, I am shattered for u. Those lousy rotten scum. The other day I saw a young grubby individual side swipe another car (parked) in a car park then speed off. I ran across to try and read his number plate but tripped on the concrete and hit my head on the road. I broke my glasses and tore my shirt and never got his plate description. I'm such a clutz but really felt sorry for the owner of the parked car.


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I wrote popps but the auto correct changed it to polls. Stinkin technology !



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Popeye wrote:

Here we go Keith have a look at what someone did to my truck.

 Oh my, Popeye, that is bl**dy disgusting I have got no time or patience for grubs who maliciously break the law and not only that but the emotional and physical cost to you. . .gosh it makes my bloody fairly boil!  I am so sorry you have been a victim of such a crime and I really hope karma gets them or the police.



Blessed be the path you walk.


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jack biggles wrote:

Polls, I am shattered for u. Those lousy rotten scum. The other day I saw a young grubby individual side swipe another car (parked) in a car park then speed off. I ran across to try and read his number plate but tripped on the concrete and hit my head on the road. I broke my glasses and tore my shirt and never got his plate description. I'm such a clutz but really felt sorry for the owner of the parked car.

 Jack it's when I read things like this that make me continue to hope that the human race are trying to lift their game.  Sorry that it happened to you and you are not a clutz either you were just trying to do the right thing for a fellow human being and in my book that counts big time.

Kudos to you Jack



Blessed be the path you walk.

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Thanks for ur kind words Michelle but my mind thinks its 30 something but the body was released in the 30ies and isn't so swift anymore. I'm definitely a clutz but not so bothered by it LoL



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jack biggles wrote:

Thanks for ur kind words Michelle but my mind thinks its 30 something but the body was released in the 30ies and isn't so swift anymore. I'm definitely a clutz but not so bothered by it LoL

 Hey Jack then I am in good company because my mind thinks I am in my 20's but the body thinks I am in my 80's on most occasions lol but that will stop hopefully after surgery *fingers crossed* and if you were born in the 30's then you are of similar age to my mum and I know she falls all the time and usually breaks her pelvis but she has really bad arthritis and osteoporosis but in her mind she thinks she is in her 30's too lol.  I don't think I have ever called my mum a clutz though because I might be in a similar position when I get to be her age and I am sooo not calling myself a clutz hehehe.



Blessed be the path you walk.


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Sorry to hear that Popeye....Sure are some mean pricks out  there......


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.

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Sorry to hear that Popeye,there sure is some scum out there that shouldn't be allowed
to breathe the same air as decent folk...



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Sad news Popeye - some people are just a waste of oxygen!!!



It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!


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people have no respect these days, I wonder if you can claim it on insurance.?


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