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Post Info TOPIC: Papaw cream

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Papaw cream

Hi, has anyone used or know of anyone who has used "papaw" cream for leg ulcers, I have been told by a couple of people that there has been a lot of success with this cream would like to hear from someone who has actually used it themselves.


In Perth at the moment.

The Master

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There's Lucas Pawpaw ointment which is available in a red tube or pot.
Then there is the famous Pawpaw cream which I presume you are asking about. My neighbour back in Echuca bought it online and swears by it, so much he ordered another 4 pots.
The chap who makes it has been on TV quite a few times, I found he sold it from a shop in Childers, so I went in one day while in town. It comes in a handpump pot like handcream sometimes come in. The lady there says they don't guarantee any of the healings but it has been known to heal ulcers very successfully. It is 49.95 a pot. I haven't bought one yet. Can only go by what others have said that it does do wonders.


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The chap from Childers who has been on tv that makes the pawpaw cream is Tom Mcarthur.

We have bought it. My wife uses it (not for ulcers) . We buy on-line at . Hope this info helps.



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Hi, we have been using PawPaw ointment for years and found it to be very good for most skin issues. Cheryl, my wife has discovered its really good at taking the sting and swelling away from mossie bites and midges. So my guess it would be ok for legs ulcers. It's a magic ointment in a red tube. Brian.

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The Master

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The one in a red tube you are talking about Briche is the ointment, which I also find good for mozzie bites.
I feel the one Colsa might be talking about is the cream by Tom MacArthur which is in a white bottle or tub with Green writing, which is professed to be the miracle worker.
They both do a good job. The white one is actually sold as a skin cream the lady in the shop said but so many people have found it does work miracles.


Happy Wanderer    

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briche wrote:

Hi, we have been using PawPaw ointment for years and found it to be very good for most skin issues. Cheryl, my wife has discovered its really good at taking the sting and swelling away from mossie bites and midges. So my guess it would be ok for legs ulcers. It's a magic ointment in a red tube. Brian.

 I recently developed dermatitis, and the only thing to kill it is Lucas Paw Paw ointment.  The itch has gone, the dry rash is smooth and healed, and the marks left by the rash are also fading.

I haven't found or tried the McArthur potion, but I would imagine both are on a par.  I may have to investigate and acquire the other ointment other than the Lucas.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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The Master

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I asked the lady at the Pawpaw cream shop what the difference was between the Lucas Pawpaw ointment in the red tube and pot to the MacArthur one they were selling. She said theirs had a higher concentration of pawpaw in the mix. She said it was originally made as a body lotion but people also use it as a face cream (sparingly). Was only found to have these other properties later.
By the way, the shop in Childers only sells the Pawpaw cream, nothing else.


Happy Wanderer    

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the one with the manuka honey is great for my grandaughters exczma keeps it clear



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My mother had a skin graft on her leg after the removal of a skin cancer. After a couple of weeks her plastic surgeon changed her final treatment over to applying Pawpaw cream twice a day.

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Hi and thanks to everyone who got back to me, i have certainly got a lot to think about now thanks again, Ailsa


In Perth at the moment.


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Up your vitamin C and zinc, eat vitamin A rich foods and see your doctor.

Vitamin A foods: milk, eggs, liver, orange or green vegetables and orange fruits such as rock melons, apricots, peaches, pawpaws, and mangoes.

For interest, in the bush my family used ordinary white sugar for leg ulcers and they cleared up. Gran used to clean with previously boiled lightly salted water COOLED to tepid, pat dry with boiled and sun dried white cloth, then lightly sprinkle white sugar over the wound before applying an absorbent bandage. The sugar was mild and killed bacteria.



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colsa wrote:

Hi, has anyone used or know of anyone who has used "papaw" cream for leg ulcers, I have been told by a couple of people that there has been a lot of success with this cream would like to hear from someone who has actually used it themselves.

 The only effective cure for leg ulcers and tropical ulcers was hot water and vinegar applied 3 times a day.  There is no recipe or quantities specifically.  Just water as hot as you can stand it, with a splash or more of vinegar, white wine or cider vinegar.

The experience I've had with this ulcer cure was using white wine vinegar 3 times a day for a week and the ulcers had dried up and scabbed, and starting shrinking.  All healed after 3 weeks.  Good luck.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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Thanks again guys, i have written down all remedies in my little "black book" so i will be able to find when i need it. I always manage to lose things on here, Ailsa.


In Perth at the moment.

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colsa wrote:

Hi, has anyone used or know of anyone who has used "papaw" cream for leg ulcers, I have been told by a couple of people that there has been a lot of success with this cream would like to hear from someone who has actually used it themselves.

 I have been speaking to 'she who must be obeyed' who worked for many years in Aged care Facilities and is DivII trained.  She says Paw Paw is the bees knees for many many things.   However, ulcers are apparently 'funny' things and moist healing (such as creams and other moist healing agents) is not always the best way to go.  There are a number of different types of ulcers such as ones caused externally and ones that start 'internally'.  You would probably be best to see your G.P. or phamarmacist.  Moist healing has been found to be detrimental in certain circumstances, causing greater problems.  For what it's worth.



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Antibiotic powder did nothing for tropical ulcers except feed them. These ulcers weep and ooze and continue to expand and get deeper. That's why the vinegar water was the most effective.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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The Master

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Son used Manuka Honey on his ulcer, on his leg, a few years ago. Took a while to go though.
Many years later it reared its ugly head again, thats normal with a leg like his. Now he is trialling some patches the Blue Nurse brings for him, said they are working better than the Manuka Honey ever did, drying up very quickly.


Happy Wanderer    

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