I was sure my husband needed hearing aids so organised a hearing voucher etc. He was asked to fill out a questionnaire and answer which three areas did he want improvement. He said 1. In the car 2. In a crowded room 3. The radio and TV. The audiologist said - 1. Put the window up 2. Move outside 3. Turn the volume up. I can't win. No hearing aids. So it just HAS to be selective deafness - especially when I'm asking him something!!
I guess it's a bit overwhelming when the real noises, all the real noises start invading your head via the hearing aids. We with normal hearing can "select" what we listen to, and what we actually hear. There's a difference. The hearing aids don't sift out the unnecessary for the necessary. I believe the sounds can eventually be sifted out for the wanted vs the unwanted. There's you problem Ruth. He's being very selective. Looks like retraining might be necessary. Do you speak to his face every time? Maybe you're just talking to him from the kitchen bench while you're doing something, and he's sitting at the table, or watching TV. Selective hearing in one's partner can be so very annoying. Maybe you can start saying very little, very definitely and very quietly. If he doesn't respond, walk away and see what happens. If there is no response to your request in a day or 2, then confront him, like face to face, politely, quietly, even lovingly and ask him what you originally asked him. I think when we've been with the same person in the same house for a long time, we tend to take them for granted, believing they hear everything we say. Why would they? I've heard couples mutter to each other while one is out in the shed and the other is in the kitchen, believing they are heard.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I seem to have the opposite problem, sensitivity to sound. Always have found loud noises excrusiating. My mother was he same. Could hear a whisper metres away.
I love mine, and if they didn't make my ears itch, I would forget they were in.
Yes, me too. What is that about?
Re: you don't hear the clatter...I'll tell the Audio bloke next time I go back, see if it can be fixed.
I don't get the clatter noise, as the aids are programmes specifically for my hearing loss areas, i.e thay do not simply amplify sounds.
I also have tinnitus, and the only thing that helps me are the hearing aids. I never notice the tinnitus with my aids in.
re: the itch: I tried smaller ear inserts, and it was the same. I keep my ear canal's very clean, and wipe the ear things daily, but nothing helps. Worse if I haven't used them for a while.
I seem to have the opposite problem, sensitivity to sound. Always have found loud noises excrusiating. My mother was he same. Could hear a whisper metres away.
I know exactly how you feel Glenda, it seems the world has become noisier! I also have an acute sense of smell which can be a blessing when near flowers, or a curse, if we are parked near the septic tank!
I seem to have the opposite problem, sensitivity to sound. Always have found loud noises excrusiating. My mother was he same. Could hear a whisper metres away.
I know exactly how you feel Glenda, it seems the world has become noisier! I also have an acute sense of smell which can be a blessing when near flowers, or a curse, if we are parked near the septic tank!
My sense of smell is also extremely good which was a curse and a help in my past jobs as a cleaner. I now, without thinking, breathe through my mouth when I know I'm going into an 'on the nose' area.
As for hearing, I have always had hearing problems in crowds and when I was young in night spots. I remember when I was at the discos & live gigs I would just sit back & listen to the music while my friends enjoyed their conversations. Played havoc with my pickup lines with the girls, I could never hear their responses.
Home is where we hang our hats - Home now in Yamba NSW
I have hearing aids......industral deafness 70%.......the digital ones are a lot better....but unfortunately I can only wear mine for about 1 hour......I'm allergic to the material they are made with........these are the ones that suppose to help ppl with alergies..but dont help me........so the TV is still too loud.....and I miss lot been said.........but I dont have to hear the noisey 100 honeyeaters..that raid my fish pond daily
Beth.....go back and get your ears checked......mine did that........cause I'm allergic to the material used in the moulding....I ended up with eczema......so bad it bled......I know exactly how you feel.......also....the aids made my inner ear swet too
Beth.....go back and get your ears checked......mine did that........cause I'm allergic to the material used in the moulding....I ended up with eczema......so bad it bled......I know exactly how you feel.......also....the aids made my inner ear swet too
Thanks for that. I have an appt on the 28th, so I'll bring it up then.