Hi everyone - been a little while since I've been on but we've been busy with the house and getting the wife ready, still have a few more appointments to go, but things are good. The house has sold and we are in count down mode but the buyer is really nice and there is no rush, settlement is 08th August - so we will work around that, which is good. We have payed our 10% on our new vehicle and our van, a little bit scary but the wife is buzzing and there is colour in her cheeks and she is happy which makes me feel good. Will keep in touch so good health to everyone, take care people.
All this excitement has to be doing you both good. It's always good when things start happening the way you want them to. New starts are always great. I hope all the formalities go off without a hitch, your issues go according to plan and you're hot to trot on deadline day. See you out there somewhere, "in the great outdoors".
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.