New dog crate arrived yesterday. It is 36" black wire with a plastic base. $68.00 delivered from Sydney. Same one in the big petstores up here were $129.00. Easy to fold up and down. Very happy
I have missplaced the invoice that it came with. . But I got it through ebay from an online dealer. Hope this helps. I live in SE Qld and it was $68.00 del
New dog crate arrived yesterday. It is 36" black wire with a plastic base. $68.00 delivered from Sydney. Same one in the big petstores up here were $129.00. Easy to fold up and down. Very happy
Hi Kaid,please watch your pets Dew claws catching between the bars of the cage.No great problem if you have a mat or similar on the cage floor.cheers Ibbo.father of Wally the
thanks ibbo. Dew claws removed when he lost his Have cut those thick jigsaw type mats to fit bottom of crate as my poor boy was sliding all over the place. Tata mummy of Jack the C o c k e r Spaniel