Don't believe that if you get a cord Tagged today,it remains safe for a year,,,anything can happen to make the wires or insulation breakdown,always visually check before you could fail tomorrow,,,
bugga, so its not worth stealing the tags off of somebody else's lead
I bought a table lamp from the Childers Sally Op Shop today, it had been tagged.
WOW you were lucky, here in WA the op shops will not accept any eletrical item, they always tell us to take them to the tip.
We took an old tv to the tip about 12 months ago and as we were about to throw it over the edge into a bin below the guy in the car next to us said hey is that working and I said yes, so he took it off of us for his daughter to use down on the farm, we were pleased that happened as we did take the inst manual and remote with us.
Wombat the op shop in Echuca had a really good electrical section but had a sign out the front that they did not accept TVs, so they must all have different rules. This one today had quite a few bits and pieces.