Just been speaking to some Motor homers who have just returned from Tassie and they were not happy at paying $18 for a bit of dirt with no facilities at all.
Another couple have told me that getting passage home can be a problem as the ferries are now putting frieght first.
What is the status for free caming in Tassie now???????
Tassie will suffer if free camping is squashed as my booking is now on hold and how many will follow if the above is true,i'll spend my money in Nomad friendly towns on the mainland.
We are currently staying on a free camp at Ayson Reserve on the Campase river between Rochester and Elmore in Victoria and even though it's easter it's not crowded.
As a Tassie on the road we have been following the free camp issue closely. After the state gov finished consulting with park owners, tourism bodies, councils and org representing grey nomads, etc it looks like the councils will have to up grade some sites that are currently free or very low cost and in this way will cost the traveller a bit more but the facilities will be a little better. This has made the part of the caravan park owners a little more happier than before. In regards to free camps I don't think too much has changed there especially away from major towns where the parks are.I do believe that some free parks may be closed due to vandalism or incorrect use until hey can get around the issues. I'm not fully up to date as yet butvI feel sure that free camping generally in Tassie will remain beit slightly changed to suit the new agenda's. If I find out more I'll post it.
Regards Brian
-- Edited by briche on Saturday 7th of April 2012 11:01:46 PM
You only live once, but if you live it right, once is enough !!!!!!
We called in there Happywanderer but decided it may get rather busy overnthe easter break (ref camp 6 ,475). We may well call inagain after easter so I will look out for you. It will be a shame if Tassie may change and in the long run not only will the caravan parks lose out but also the towns
We have a couple of nomads staying with us at the moment who have just spent 6 weeks in Tassie. Loved it. Had no problems but I'm not sure how many free camps they did. They said the fees on the mainland were dearer.
It will only be your loss if you postpone Brian, oppurtinty missed may never pass again. I am also tasmanian and am of the belief their will always be free or ultra cheap camping in tassie. The weather is only what you make of it, cold you wear a few more clothes, warm you wear less, te same as anywhere else. cheers blaze
We are Tasmanians and just spent Easter 20kms from Bridport in Tassie. We met some Queenslanders who came to Tassie 3 months ago and have only stayed in c/p's once. They have decided to stay until after Xmas because they have found that there is so much free camping here in Tassie that the money they budgeted will last them until Xmas instead of 3 months. They catch fish, buy their vegies from markets, still have their wine and beer, still do touristy stuff and absolutely love our beautiful island.
-- Edited by barrie on Tuesday 10th of April 2012 08:24:34 PM
You where not the only person posting?
Plus, from what I read of the postings, the people you talked to and you planned to postpone your trip on there advice, sounded a lot like whinges to me.
Others came on and said "no problems."
Didn't see you rushing to believe them?
As I said, "Whingers, Tassie better off without them."
-- Edited by Landfall on Tuesday 10th of April 2012 09:08:12 PM
Just came back from a fly drive to Tassie. Why a fly drive you ask? Well I could only get two weeks off work, decided the drive from Newcastle to Melbourne with the van to catch the boat would take at best two days off the holiday and at worst four days. Had a great two weeks though, whizzed around the island. I'll be back though, with the van, and with more time.
The OP's query was about freecamping. Whilst we didn't, we saw plenty of places that did. We saw motorhomes and caravans at just about everywhere we went, and they were freecamping. Cannot comment on whether they paid or not. I cant name everywhere but some were the showground at Hobart, down Huonville, on the road to Port Arthur, cant remember the name of the place on this road but there was a pub out in the middle of nowhere with a sign on the gate of an adjoining paddock "Freecampers welcome". There were vans and motorhomes everywhere. There was also freecamping at The Pub in the Paddock at Pyangana near St Helens. There were freecampers at the showground at St Helens, at the Golf Club at Strahan, they paid $7 a night here. I cant remember seeing any freecampers at Cradle Mountain though. As I said, we saw freecampers everywhere.
Whilst at Devenport, we grabbed a few beers and sat in the car watching the Spirit loading. There are two decks for the vehicles, the semis got the lower deck, the cars and caravans, motorhomes and motorbikes were on the upper. Incidentally, we counted five Cadbury semis go onto the boat this day. Yum yum, chocolate.
Its good to see that you would like to come back to Tassie, great place.
There's a lot of people on the road who like to talk about a lot of things that they don't have the full facts on. Nothing has been decide on free camping in Tassie yet. My guess is that nothing will radically change.
Rosco that pub in the middle of nowhere with a sign on the gate "Fee camping" is only an hours drive from Hobart and called, Dunalley. Is it great that you dont have to drive for hours and long distances to get away from it all.
There is a lot of places on the Mainland that are talking about free camping and restricting it, but that wont stop me from jumping in my vehicle and taking my van travelling on the Mainland and enjoying ourselves.
Welcome to the forum reeb51. We have friends who just spent 6 weeks in Tassie and loved it. Only thing that upset them was the people who 'free camped' within 50m of a caravan park entrance. They thought that was a bit rude as there were plenty of sites in the van park and it wasn't expensive (Snug CP I think).