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come back Ma, i too dont know what happened?hmm

-- Edited by milo on Wednesday 7th of March 2012 09:52:58 PM


The Drewsterz my band site

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Ma pleeeeeeease come back, as the second grey nomad I met I do not know if I would have continued on without your encouragement, thanks for that, Norma and shady.

-- Edited by shadyandme on Wednesday 7th of March 2012 09:58:15 PM



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I have heard from Ma.
It is with her permission that I am posting part of her email.

Ma wrote:

Please reassure Wombat that I still love him and he can come out of the naughty corner now.

It seems to me that quite often there are many instances of double standards in play on the forum which I don't find that I can tolerate.

I am a "straight down the line" kind of person and "tell it as it is".

I have aired my opinions and I respect the right of others to do the same but when my opinions are denegrated and disrespect is shown, not only to me but to others, then that is a situation that I will not be part of.

I will not mention names as that's not how I do things.  Some of the posts Cindy has deleted fairly quickly so only got minimum exposure and very few would have seen them.  There have been other posts over the years that I thought very out of place, context and/or unreasonable but it is Cindy's perogative to retain or delete as she sees fit.

If I don't stand up for what I believe is right and wrong then my life hasn't been all I think it was and I am a lesser person for it.


My thoughts:

Ma, you are a very important member of this forum and I really hope that you reconsider and come back.

Your leaving will be a great loss to all of us.

You are a genuinely good person and you have a wealth of knowledge that you never hesitate to so generously share.

I understand and respect that you must do what you must do.

Whatever you decide, I wish you only good things.

Safe and happy travels always.





 Cheers. Pam.

Safe and happy travels everyone.



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Thanks for that Pam. smile

Ma is a top bird. Never has and never will do anyone any sort of a turn unless its a good one.

I know there have been a few things on here that have upset her and I agree with her whole heartedly.

This is a great forum. I post when I think I can contribute for the good of the members but for the rest of the time, there can be a fair amount of tall poppy syndrome going on.

Me personally, I want to grow old gracefully and not be some cranky self opinionated old cow no one wants to know.

Wommy, you make the place a bit of fun mate. If its not fun, no one plays. x o x o

Ma may come back, she has before this so fingers crossed.

But if she doesn't, there are many of us on here who are now stuck fast as life long friends with her and my beautiful Blue.

steps off the soap box and returns to my reading corner.


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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Firefly wrote:

Thanks for that Pam. smile

Ma is a top bird. Never has and never will do anyone any sort of a turn unless its a good one.

I know there have been a few things on here that have upset her and I agree with her whole heartedly.

This is a great forum. I post when I think I can contribute for the good of the members but for the rest of the time, there can be a fair amount of tall poppy syndrome going on.

Me personally, I want to grow old gracefully and not be some cranky self opinionated old cow no one wants to know.

Wommy, you make the place a bit of fun mate. If its not fun, no one plays. x o x o

Ma may come back, she has before this so fingers crossed.

But if she doesn't, there are many of us on here who are now stuck fast as life long friends with her and my beautiful Blue.

steps off the soap box and returns to my reading corner.

 Don't fret FF, like me you know where to find her and have a chat



I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.


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It seems I missed all the excitement which has caused Ma to remove herself from the forum.
It's none of my business if it's not here, but as a result we've lost a valuable member of the forum.
I will miss your contributions.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.

The Master

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Me too CG, totally agree.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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What the heck is going on????  Come back Ma - you are part of the lifeblood of this placedisbeliefdisbelief



It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!


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gee wiz ma. i had such a good time following you in tassie. come back. rocket n strop



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I too don't know what has happened and it is really none of my business but I hope that you come back Ma as always interested in what you have to say. Helena.



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Nil Illegitimus Caborundum is the Bill 12 family motto. What it means is the Don,t let the bastards grind you down....In other words try to ignore people you regard as idiots , until it gets personal ,or affects you or your friends.Some people like saying prevocative things, just to see if they will get a bite, and don,t think off the consequences.I hope Ma will come back in the future. Bill

-- Edited by bill12 on Thursday 8th of March 2012 06:53:22 AM



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Google tell me you got your latin tangled, Bill.

Should be "Nec imperfectum manet dum confectum erit."

Alternately "Ne populus illegitima manet dum confectum erit"

-- Edited by Rip and Rosie on Thursday 8th of March 2012 07:30:19 AM





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It is a shame that Ma felt she had to leave, she has made many helpful posts to many members, but I respect her choice to do so if that is what she wants.

As long as she realises the door is always open to return if and when she wants to.

In the meantime Ma, encourage Blue to stick around, we don't want another baling out......



Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....

Khalil Gibran says "We tarry forward - not backward".

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Very sorry to lose a valued member of the forum. We always try our best to keep the forum a fair and happy place. As you all know, there is a lot going on so it’s not always easy to keep on top of it and I am sure we don’t always get it right. Nonetheless, I think we are very lucky to have such a knowledgeable and welcoming membership and I think most people appreciate that we try our best to be fair. As we have said many times, above all, we want this to be place where people can exchange tips, advice and opinions about the on the road lifestyle in a friendly environment.


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What is going on???????????????????? I haven't a clue as to what it is about....... but....... I do agree with FF. The only good turn Ma would do , is a good one.
Cheers Dellie.



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I think you know what I mean. Some people say things just to get a reaction, and don,t think of the consequences.Yes - get a life......

-- Edited by bill12 on Thursday 8th of March 2012 08:06:01 AM



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in the future with arguments or what ever, instead of some one having to leave
can we just agree to disagree and move on? life is too short.. ,


The Drewsterz my band site

Milo Online  my personal site

Love what you do  Do what you Love!!   my motto in life !


Master (of Mischief)

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Paul Merryman wrote:

The snide smartass comments here by some that are posted for no valid reason and take topics off post are sickening. There are some that appear to want their name up in lights on every post. If they have nothing valid to contribute post rubbish and take the topic off course. The ongonig rubbish about particular animals is sickening and definitely not funny or even amusing. It is downright rude to destroy peoples posts seeking valid information.

When commented on the National Parks thread about posting invalid rubbish recieved a PM from a member "Maybe you need to get a life pal, some people enjoy a bit of fun you obviously are so miserable you want to drag everyone else down to your misery level."  Interestingly received 3 other PM's supporting my post about offtopic rubbish posted by some that they may find amusing but others dont.

 If you don't like it here, why are you still here?

I see you have been a member since January 2012 and still you cannot make a link to another page. hmmmm

In regards to the PM's you have received, we only have your word for that.

Maybe it's because you want your name up in lights biggrin

Sorry TB for going off topic

Come back Ma

-- Edited by _wombat_ on Thursday 8th of March 2012 08:32:25 AM





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.. well said, Bill & Wombat ..

-- Edited by jonathan on Thursday 8th of March 2012 08:35:34 AM


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Webmaster wrote:

Very sorry to lose a valued member of the forum. We always try our best to keep the forum a fair and happy place. As you all know, there is a lot going on so its not always easy to keep on top of it and I am sure we dont always get it right. Nonetheless, I think we are very lucky to have such a knowledgeable and welcoming membership and I think most people appreciate that we try our best to be fair.As we have said many times, above all, we want this to be place where people can exchange tips, advice and opinions about the on the road lifestyle in a friendly environment.

 Well maybe you should lighten up and allow members to at least contribute  to current news stories. That is in partly the problem

-- Edited by goinsoon on Thursday 8th of March 2012 02:30:31 PM



I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.


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I left this forum once when people were being nasty to each other, please lets keep it nice folks.

-- Edited by Gerty Dancer on Thursday 8th of March 2012 11:43:43 AM


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"



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I think the bottom line here is if anyone has a complaint either about a thread, post or a poster, then pm Cindy and let her sort it out.

Making a public post on here only tends to lead to agro amongst members and as we can see the loss of some.

So if you feel a post or poster are not what you think it should be then leave them alone and send a private (pm) message to Cindy to air your complaint, if she thinks it is out of order or shouldn't be on there she will remove it. 

That's what I would suggest, keep the public forum area friendly, remember a lot of new, potential members or visitors view this forum including those from overseas.. 

That's my 5c  worth....... 

-- Edited by Vic on Thursday 8th of March 2012 12:46:17 PM



Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....

Khalil Gibran says "We tarry forward - not backward".

Spread the laughter
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Let's be happy
While we're here.










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If anyone doesn't agree with me TOTALLY, I will, in the words of my hero "Aunty Jack" Come and rip your bloody arms off.


Whoops, maybe this should have been in "The just joking" area, then againconfuseconfuseconfuse

-- Edited by Landfall on Thursday 8th of March 2012 01:30:44 PM


It's a big lovely country.


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Rip and Rosie wrote:

Hey- lets get it straight.

This forum is like Happy Hour conversations- starts out simple, and people add to the conversation, and it all flows along. Sometimes it involves one topic, and another will meander in as comments are made along the way. Some folk talk a lot, some are a bit shy and talk a little, and some just have another drink.

The is really no such thing as "Off topic" in a conversation.

Lot's of folk inject humour, challenge or bits of rubbish and/or plain bad taste, but that's how it goes. Its just banter. But on the whole you find here that people welcome newbies, genuinely care about the welfare of each other, respond to requests and questions, and give the best advice based on experience. Occasionally, you'll find bias and predjudice, but that's in any happy hour too.

This is not parliment, with the Speaker insisting Westminster Rules. It's a community and it takes all sorts.

It helps to remember that this is written word, and thus we miss the vocal tones and body language which makes the writer's intent clearer.

Like any happy hour, if you get annoyed with the conversation, you have choices: start a row, go home, suck it up, or have another drink.

 At least at happy hour, you don't get censored if you mention current affairs or politics

-- Edited by goinsoon on Thursday 8th of March 2012 08:18:11 PM



I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.


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 .. I totally agree with all TB (Pam) has said .. and knowing Ma, I fully support her in whatever she decides .. it certainly has no effect whatever on my friendship with her & Blue ..



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Vic wrote: (In another topic)

And it wasn't JRH or Vic either. I think somone must have complained about Ma and off topic posts and she just decided she had enough.

There are a couple on here that consider themselves self appointed moderators and I think that would be a good guess.......

PS: There is only one moderator on here and that is the Webmaster Cindy.



You are VERY, VERY close to determining why Ma opted to delete her status.

It had nothing to do with the lighthearted fun that happens between the family of regular postees, more the criticism from the fence sitters, the arrogance of the "know it alls" and the people who never admit when they are wrong, especially the "know it alls.


Ford Ranger (with kayak on top) towing a 21ft Jurgens toilet and shower with room for a kitchen, dining and bedroom


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Chief one feather

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I'm like all above. Had/have no idea what has happened. Ma, I have always valued your comments and enjoyed our chats. I will be one that misses you. Good luck to you and blue with your travels and keep safe in life.


Live Life On Your Terms

DOUG  Chief One Feather  (Losing feathers with age)

TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy

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Yes i agree doug ..hope your come back ma we will miss you .....


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The snide smartass comments here by some that are posted for no valid reason and take topics off post are sickening. There are some that appear to want their name up in lights on every post. If they have nothing valid to contribute post rubbish and take the topic off course. The ongonig rubbish about particular animals is sickening and definitely not funny or even amusing. It is downright rude to destroy peoples posts seeking valid information.

When commented on the National Parks thread about posting invalid rubbish recieved a PM from a member "Maybe you need to get a life pal, some people enjoy a bit of fun you obviously are so miserable you want to drag everyone else down to your misery level."  Interestingly received 3 other PM's supporting my post about offtopic rubbish posted by some that they may find amusing but others dont.



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Posts: 2238

Hey- lets get it straight.

This forum is like Happy Hour conversations- starts out simple, and people add to the conversation, and it all flows along. Sometimes it involves one topic, and another will meander in as comments are made along the way. Some folk talk a lot, some are a bit shy and talk a little, and some just have another drink.

The is really no such thing as "Off topic" in a conversation.

Lot's of folk inject humour, challenge or bits of rubbish and/or plain bad taste, but that's how it goes. Its just banter. But on the whole you find here that people welcome newbies, genuinely care about the welfare of each other, respond to requests and questions, and give the best advice based on experience. Occasionally, you'll find bias and predjudice, but that's in any happy hour too.

This is not parliment, with the Speaker insisting Westminster Rules. It's a community and it takes all sorts.

It helps to remember that this is written word, and thus we miss the vocal tones and body language which makes the writer's intent clearer.

Like any happy hour, if you get annoyed with the conversation, you have choices: start a row, go home, suck it up, or have another drink.



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