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Post Info TOPIC: Coles and Woolworths pulling another fast one on fuel pricing

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Coles and Woolworths pulling another fast one on fuel pricing

I hate Coles and woolworths with a passion,I refuse to shop there .
I am lucky where I live as there is an Aldi store down the road with a local bucher and fruit and vegi market in the same complex
Unless every one who can avoid the big two on mass they will continue to rip us off.
Once all the independents are gone they will charge what ever they like and dont expect any help from gutless politicians
who only spend there time point scoring and taking overseas study tours

-- Edited by rowdy on Sunday 12th of February 2012 12:00:24 PM



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If there is such a thing as a tourist season....   why cant we shoot them?


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Of course! I thought it was common knowledge. And the article hasnt mentioned the higher supermarket profits which go to balance out those big discounts on milk etc.
Wherever possible we shop at independant supermarkets, its bad that so many people have no choice.


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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Good post Pete!!

As for the ACCC....what a toothless tiger




 Cheers. Pam.

Safe and happy travels everyone.



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Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.




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Who does actually protect the common folk?
Since corporatisation, privatisation and deregulation, the people on the ground have no say it what is inflicted on them, and we have no say in the matter.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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rowdy wrote:

---SNIP--- Once all the independents are gone they will charge what ever they like ----SNIP.


I do understand the 'passion and emotion' toward Coles and Woolies/Safeway, but their prices are consistently lower than the independents already - so how will the independents going make them charge "lower" prices - or not "rip us off" as much?

A "wise shopper" (especially with access to ALDI, IGA, Foodworks, Woolies & Coles) would surely keep an eye on prices and buy the items needed from the one selling the cheapest that week - follow the "specials".

All it will cost is a bit of shoe leather walking from store to store (or a bit of the 4c/8c a litre saving docket).

The current "media tirade" about the 8c a litre dockets as ripping off motorists amuses me. I travel full-time, do not go anywhere near the big cities (Melb/Syd/Bris/Adel etc) and in regional areas the price of diesel is the same at EVERY servo in town - so the 8c/litre is a genuine saving to me. (Edit - and the regional towns usually do not have the Big City Pricing Cycle stupidity so prices do not cycle up and down regularly - they stay at the same price day in and day out).

I also buy from 'food outlets' in the regional town that have the cheapest prices - but, with calculator in my pocket - I then go and buy the 'specials' in Woolies and spend $30.50 or a little more to get the fuel discount docket. I save considerably "using" the system.



-- Edited by rockylizard on Monday 13th of February 2012 09:39:01 AM


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
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furious This post gives media coverage to my last post on this issue the RIP OFF MERCHANTS COLES & WOOLWORTHS, the independent servos can't do anything about the big two although some have tried there are only two ways to have any effect on them and their lies to the public.

1. the government conducts a real enquiry and enacts legislation that has teeth and then enforce it.

2. WE that means you and me take action and do not buy fuel or anything from any of the Woolworths and Coles empires, we may pay a little more in the short term but in the long term we will be a long way ahead.

Just imagine what would happen if the big two lost 2000 customers each for three months with each family spending just $300 per week on fuel and other purchases this would mean a drop in income of $1800000.00 each and that's with just 2000 customers taking action.

If each of us sent an email with the article from the paper attached to 10 friends then the message to Coles and Woolworths would be very quick and clear. I have sent my emails already. evileye

-- Edited by aussietraveller on Monday 13th of February 2012 12:12:41 PM


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dropbear68 wrote:

They can shove there over priced fuel in there ear too, nothing in this world is free, theres always a catch.


Firstly, I again reiterate that I agree with the passion of comments made above. However, I think you have missed what I was saying.

Regarding groceries, if I have a choice of supermarket in a town, I compare the prices of the items I NEED TO BUY - and I try to only buy those items when on SPECIAL - then I may buy 2 or more of that item - eg...laundry detergent normal price $6.99 at Woolies/Coles (and it usually will be at a higher 'normal price' at the other supermarkets) but goes on special on a regular basis of say $4.99. Then I will buy 2 or 3 - lasts me for months and the 'special price' lasts for those months as well.

Fuel - as I said I travel full-time. As I do the 'rounds of the supermarkets' in towns and buy 'on special' - and spend say $30.50 only at Woolies (on specials and cheap essentials) and get their 'discount fuel' docket, when I arrive at a country town and there is a Woolies/Caltex servo, I have found over at least the last 12 months across QLD, NSW and Vic, the price at the Woolies/Caltex is the SAME PRICE PER LITRE for diesel (before the 4c discount) at EVERY other servo in the town. So redeeming the 4c/litre (and the better 8c/litre) docket IS saving me money.

I shop 'wisely' and very thriftly at the supermarket - ultimately saving money - and it is proving to save me fuel costs as well.

The problem for the majority of Woolies/Coles customers is they arrive at the supermarket (usually without a list) and just rock around the supermarket with trolley and kids in tow and buy the "things they like and want" ..... and that is certainly the way Woolies/Coles make their 'discounts' back. Stoopid shoppers who do not 'plan' and discipline their shopping.



-- Edited by rockylizard on Monday 13th of February 2012 07:45:40 PM


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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Rockylizard wrote


I do understand the 'passion and emotion' toward Coles and Woolies/Safeway, but their prices are consistently lower than the independents already - so how will the independents going make them charge "lower" prices - or not "rip us off" as much?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Giday mate, But i fail to agree with you re the coles woolies ''always'' being consistently cheaper, In my neck of the woods they are usually around the same price of the Independants, only after you use the 4 cent docket, ok with the 8 cent docket they are cheaper but the 8 cent offer is only there to damage the independents,

At present i can buy my Lpg at APCO on the bellarine peninsula for o.63.9 ltr or can get it from SUPERGAS in Sunshine for o.65.9 ltr they are selling it at these prices, and have remained the same since coles/woolies put in their RIPP-OFF Tactic !!!!  I personally will NEVER EVER shop at a coles/woolies fuel outlet again, Even if i have to pay that ''little bit '' more at a Independent.

Because i refuse to buy from any business that Intentionally Rips me off ??

You did ask How Can The Independants force the 'Big Two '' to drop the price ??? In that you are Right ?? they cannot ?? do it alone that is !

But we can ! if we forgo the Bribery of the shopper docket for only a month or two it would not cost us very much as an individual, But if thousands of it did it and boycotted Coles / Woolies outlets for a month or so, they would have no choice but to change tactics, If they continue these tactics, and we let them get away with it, THEY WILL WIN, and then they will still give you you 4 cents a litre off, but OFF whatever price they wish to set in a captive market for years to come !!

The choice is ours, take and stand NOW or take a small loss for a month or so, OR PAY HIGHLY INFLATED PRICES ONCE THEY ELIMINATE, INDEPENDANTS,  We can do something if we unite in the battle and support the Independants

UNITED WE STAND,, DIVIDED WE FALL !  but they way things stand at the moment, they will win !!! BECAUSE ? good men do nothing ??  dazren   



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The people that are finding the Big2 the worst are the producers... they are locked into contracts at prices barely above what it takes to produce their meat/fruit/vegs etc, and often below cost. Thats just plain not fair!


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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Gerty wrote

The people that are finding the Big2 the worst are the producers... they are locked into contracts at prices barely above what it takes to produce their meat/fruit/vegs etc, and often below cost. Thats just plain not fair!


Sad but true Gerty, that is what happens, when Goverments allow Large       Multinational companies, take over our market place for all essentials such as FOOD and FUEL we all need it, and they CONTROL what we need ???

every commodity we need to survive They control, Power, Water, Fuel, Food,

there is no competition, They control it all, So they also control US ???  dazren


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Knowone protects the common folk in this country anymore, personally i wouldnt give Woolies or Coles a single cent of my money and I dont, there a mob of ratbags, fuel is a concern for all of us but by geez we still get it cheaper then the Europeans and the Yanks no doubt it will change sooner or later as the oil supplies dwindle, remember we have already used over half of the available reserves on this earth,

My beef with these clowns is the way the treat and snub the Aussie farmers, the salt of the earth folk who have kept this country fed for a very very long time, these Companys are responsible for these farmers having to dump produce, burn produce or sell at near giveaway prices, walk away from propertys and now the all the foriegners are buying OUR land. Got nothing against imports but if that import threatens a local industry it shouldnbt be allowed, why whould i want to buy an American lemon? or standard peas and corn from China, these Companys like to say they help the farmers but they do absolutely totally stuff all and it really blows my skirt up.

Why travel overseas when your own country has so much to offer?

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They can shove there over priced fuel in there ear too, nothing in this world is free, theres always a catch.

Why travel overseas when your own country has so much to offer?


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confuserockylizard wrote

I shop 'wisely' and very thriftly at the supermarket - ultimately saving money - and it is proving to save me fuel costs as well.


It is still Short term gain, for Long term Pain, rockylizard, so enjoy your savings while you can, However with that attitude, and you are not alone. so i am not judging you, as an Individual, But with that attitude, the Coles/Woolies will win, in the very near fuure, and that is when the Real blow-out in fuel costs will come, and once they do not need to compete for the Fuel $$$$ anymore, well then they do not have to give you the cheap groceries to get you in either ????

In short, what they are saying is. Look we don;t mind giving you a few hundred dollars over a couple of years, because you are helping us get rid of those bl--dy Independants, However when we have got rid of them and do not have to compete anymore, we want those few hundred dollars back, with a very high rate of interest, that will be in force for many, many years to come

So if anyone out there thinks that is a good deal, and that those trading terms are acceptable, then Have i got a deal for you, IE'' If you need a loan give me a call, and i will lend you 'say' $50 per month for 12 months interest free, [ and now for the small print ?? ] after the interest free period you only need to repay me $100 per month for 10 years.

[ less 10% discount for Forum members,  Rgs dazren




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Monopolies do no one any good except the corporation that holds it.
Competition keeps the big boys honest. We just need to make wise choices and shop wisely for the items you NEED, not want.
Living in a caravan ensures I don't over-stock. I don't have the storage room so it's 1 small item. I find most things last me the week or the month if they are non-perishable.
I always use a shopping list and rarely divert to wants. If the item on my list is on special that's a good thing for that shopping trip.
I only shop weekly so I'm not tempted to buy stuff I don't need.
I haven't been using my fuel discounts because I have to drive far enough to not make it economical. If the servo was only a couple of kms away it would be worth it, but driving 10kms to get 4 c off my diesel is not worth the effort.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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We recently did some comparisons between IGA and Woolworths in a Sunshine coast town .

We spent around $180 at IGA , then went around Woolies and compare their prices with identical products from IGA , leaving out the stuff that we couldn't match up closely .

IGA were 8% cheaper . That beats the 8c / litre by a fair way unless you go to the woolies checkout every time you have rocked  up $30 worth . Specially when their servo prices are inflated to start with .

Nappies and Politicians should be changed often . For the same reason .


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Going shopping is like going to the library. I read labels for contents and ingredients, then look at the prices.
By the time I drive around to the supermarkets in my neighbourhood to compare prices, specials and discounts I would have used the fuel I would have saved the money on. Refuelling to gain the benefits of the discount is pointless.
As far as Coles is concerned they are owned by WesFARMERS. It's a misnomer really as they don't really look after the farmers and growers as we are led to believe.
It's all about profits! We the shopper keep these profits up where they are.
No one goes into business to be a charitable institution. They go into business to make a living, even a profit. But the volume of profit varies, at our expense, no matter where we shop.
The only people to save or gain money from retail corporations these days is the shareholders and senior executives.
They should put a sign at the checkout. "Thank you for your contribution to our profits".


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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I believe Woolworths owns Wesfarmers .... not sure who 'owns' Coles

And that doesn't matter in the overall scheme of things .... your sentiments of the 'profit for shareholders' rather than 'service to customers' still applies.




2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
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Wesfarmers own Coles not Woolies



It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!

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We had a special on down in Sydney a couple of weeks back and when I bought 2 cartons of Carlton Cold beer at Coles Liquorland, I received a voucher for .35c off fuel.

I normally drink that beer and it was on special and then I got a voucher which saved me another $40 when I filled two tanks of I can now go buy another carton of beer   biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin


Can't argue with that logic I reckon smile

-- Edited by Dunco on Wednesday 15th of February 2012 04:27:50 PM




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That is correct, no connection at all between Westfarmers and Woolworths, both are entirely separate rival companies



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