Did you know that if you have had mammograms in one state - i.e. Victoria, and then go to Qld and have one - there is no connection between the different states - I used to live in Victoria, had not changed my address, rang Breastscreen Qld, had mammogram, got a call back to go to the Ipswich office as there seemed to be some irregularity - I panicked, as you can imagine. Went and had what they wanted - listened to their dire warnings, absolutely terrified - they had noticed "something" and wanted to investigate it further - luckily it was apparently just a fold in tissue - but that is where I found out about the ridiculous situation of no communication between different states! In this day and age, there must be some way that information can be shared nationally - people move around all the time - I thought Breastscreen was a national program - but only the name apparently. Good luck Lincris -
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
In order to make an appointment in the ACT for a mammogram I had to assure them I was still going to be here in 6 weeks, in case they needed to recall me. We werent going to be home then, so I had to wait till the next year to suit their requirements. Its a really stupid system.
That is a really stupid system Rosey. If they find a need to recall you it will be in a matter of days not weeks. Nobody seems to be able to come up with an answer to lincris question. Maybe can you use a friend or relatives address when you are in a particular place. I can't really think of anything else as I go to the hosp every year for a mammogram and ultrasound, so make sure I arrange it to be while I'm home.
The only reason I took that shot was because of the breastcsreen sign in conjunction with the oversize sign, thought maybe they were only doing large women that day.
I've been in the WA one at least 8 times. The Breast Screening Service actually has a central number to phone and the calls are then redirected to the relative state. I have to admit the last time I phoned there was no answer and I haven't tried again. That reminds me.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.