Whew - busy in town the last few days - had the Qld Vigaro championships here - women everywhere - add them to the motorcyclists in town this morning, couldn't get a park in town - coffee shops full, great to see.
Working in visitors info centre this arvo - hope to be busy with all these people in and around town. Next few weeks should be pretty busy - junior cricket camp, car clubs, motor home club and heaps more - lots to keep us all busy.
Hope they all enjoy our beautiful area.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Is that what the crowd at the oval was, we thought there were a lot of extra people in town, had to park in the old friendly grocer carpark to go to the Super IGA yesterday.
I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
I enjoyed my short visit to Boonah just after Christmas, and enjoyed Jule's hospitality. It really is a picturesque piece of Qld. Like anywhere, I had no idea there was such a beautiful region on Brisbane's door step. Visit the area and call in for a cuppa a Jule's cafe.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Jules, in my other life my 1st husband who unfortunately died quite young (28) was born at Boonah, he was one of fourteen children.........we used to spend weekends at in-laws place quite often. Boonah was a very quite sleepy town then.............we went for a drive that way a few months back and I couldn't believe how busy it was on a Sunday, has certainly gone ahead in the intervening years.
Come on up Rosey (GD) - heaps to see and do in the beautiful Scenic Rim - home of the famous O'Reilly's and Binna Burra - spectacular mountains, lakes and lots more - you will be most welcome, as will any other GN's who are travelling this way.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Jules, in my other life my 1st husband who unfortunately died quite young (28) was born at Boonah, he was one of fourteen children.........we used to spend weekends at in-laws place quite often. Boonah was a very quite sleepy town then.............we went for a drive that way a few months back and I couldn't believe how busy it was on a Sunday, has certainly gone ahead in the intervening years.
Hi Pauline - do that family still live round here? What was the name? Lots of big families, sometimes got to watch your p's & q's - someone is always related to someone else - no a great community really.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Jules, in my other life my 1st husband who unfortunately died quite young (28) was born at Boonah, he was one of fourteen children.........we used to spend weekends at in-laws place quite often. Boonah was a very quite sleepy town then.............we went for a drive that way a few months back and I couldn't believe how busy it was on a Sunday, has certainly gone ahead in the intervening years.
My Brother in law died about that age in Toowoomba.
Whew - busy in town the last few days - had the Qld Vigaro championships here - women everywhere - add them to the motorcyclists in town this morning, couldn't get a park in town - coffee shops full, great to see.
Working in visitors info centre this arvo - hope to be busy with all these people in and around town. Next few weeks should be pretty busy - junior cricket camp, car clubs, motor home club and heaps more - lots to keep us all busy.
Hope they all enjoy our beautiful area.
I had to re-read that. I couldn't work out how those championships would be judged.... At least it stops you rolling out of bed in the morning though.
I know what you mean about watching your p's a q's Jules. I went to hig school in Beenleigh when it was a quiet little country town,,same thing. Every second person was related to someone else there.
The Scenic Rim is definately a place to visit. My family has been doing day trips around the area for decades...showing my age.
I WILL get down there for a visit some time in the near future Jules.
Whew - busy in town the last few days - had the Qld Vigaro championships here - women everywhere - add them to the motorcyclists in town this morning, couldn't get a park in town - coffee shops full, great to see.
Working in visitors info centre this arvo - hope to be busy with all these people in and around town. Next few weeks should be pretty busy - junior cricket camp, car clubs, motor home club and heaps more - lots to keep us all busy.
Hope they all enjoy our beautiful area.
I had to re-read that. I couldn't work out how those championships would be judged.... At least it stops you rolling out of bed in the morning though.
It's okay Jules...I knew what Vigaro was! Played it at high school.
hahaha so did I really Beth, I went to school in Ipswich after attending primary school in Georges Hall, near Bankstown, and that was the first place I ever heard of Vigaro... OK so Georges Hall is western suburbs Bankstown... lol
Jules the name was Schumacher, my hubby was a jockey who was killed in a fall at Grafton...........very sad but as I said a lifetime ago, they were fairly well known in the area, also the other side was Gneoch, not sure that is the right spelling.
It is a small world isn't it, GS i do recall the name Wieland and also an in law was married to a Gillett local butcher if I remember rightly, his name is John her name is Caroline, she was a Wessling...............gosh memories.
OK - Back to serious, went into Boonah today and found it was very quiet after all the activity over the last couple of weeks, even able to get into the barber for a haircut.
I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
Looking good now? Yep was quieter in town today - Thursday is usually the busiest day I have found - shopping day for most.
Dropped into the info centre today to see if we could meet up with you but the lady there said she did not know you and didn't seem interested enough to look at the volunteers list on the wall in the kitchen.
I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.