Moving a cow to another yard before we knocked off for dinner tonight, MaG went around the back of the cow and stood on some uneven ground and down she went, badly twisted ankle, just what we need.
I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
Arnica or comfrey will have it right in no time, hope you have a speedy recovery Ma G oh yes - you will have to rest it a lot and I think it's foot up with a book and a cuppa served approx every 2 hrs.
No rest for the wicked, eh? That's life down on the farm. Do you have an ATV to get around the paddocks? Give the girls a pat for me, and say hi to the missus. She's lucky you even want to be helpful after all those years. Many don't. Good on you.
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Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.