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To all of you who are allergic to midgies (as I am) be aware that they are alive and well and living in Tasmania.

I havent had any trouble up until here at Ross.

Not even on the beach at Lagoons Beacg or anywhere else, just in ROSS.

I have tried everything known to man, including some that aren't...;biggrin and I now have blisters abd red lumps all over my legs, arms even in my hair.

Will just have to put up with it till they go away of their own accord.


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition


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Have you tried this product may need to reapply it every 4 hours of so for the best protection.

I have severe problems with the bites as does my daughter and this product works well for us.


Destination: AUSTRALIA....... all over.



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Yes, tried that thanks B.


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition


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Sorry to say this to all you purists, but the odourless Aeroguard which does not contain DEET does actually work, you just have to remember to put it on before the blighters get you.
Geez Ma, in your hair too! thats terrible! With that many bites you might need to see a chemist and get some anti-hystamine tablets. I had about 100 bites at Cooktown, all the repellants I tried did nothing but feed them, had to take antihystamines plus we left early.


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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Oh Elaine, you poor girl. cry

Sorry that I can only offer sympathy...but not a cure.

Hope that they clear up quickly.


 Cheers. Pam.

Safe and happy travels everyone.




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I've always got antihistamines on hang Gert.  I just never thought there would be midgies down here because it would be too cold and we are nowhere near the ocean so thought I was safe.


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition


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Ma wrote:

I've always got antihistamines on hang Gert.  I just never thought there would be midgies down here because it would be too cold and we are nowhere near the ocean so thought I was safe.

 Little blighters followed you Ma...


Destination: AUSTRALIA....... all over.


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I was attacked by midgies at Lake Maraboon. Not the sandflies, minute mosquitoes type midgies, but a small beetle type midgy. Hell they itch, the bites have red circles around them, indicating the allergy factor, and they gave me hell for 4 days. Not so bad today and the red is fading.
The mossies buzz my ears but I think the Vitamin B is working.
Ah the joys of camping.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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I am at the stage now that if we could get room on the boat I would go home tomorrow.


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition


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Did you try the Dettol/ Baby oil mix Ma ?



An it harm none, do what you will.


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I have tried everything that has been suggested on this forum both now and in other threads and some stuff that you have probably never heard of.

Nothing works for me.

My own fault I suppose, I honestly didn't think I would have a problem with midgies down here so didn't take the precautions that I would normally have taken on the mainland.


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition


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My sympathy Ma, I've even been bitten at home in Canberra. Theres apparently an inland version of these nasty biteys.

Also I had several really big blister bites in Tas from what I call March flies, they were down near C0ckle bay.... be careful if you go there.


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"



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Yes, Gert, I am up in blisters now too and of course when you scratch they end up weeping.

We were going to C.o.c.k.l.e Bay but I might  have a rethink.


Edited for censorship

-- Edited by Ma on Monday 2nd of January 2012 09:09:15 PM


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition


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I can sympathise with you Elaine as I suffered like that when we were in Kakadu what a mess I was in had to go onto anti hestamine was the only way I could get relief I guarantee if there is one mossie in a crowd of people it will find me. Helena.


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I notice no one has mentioned the Mosquito-Click.  It is about the size of a lipstick container and, according to the pack, "Helps to eliminate itchiness and inflammation from mosquito, sandfly, midge bites and minor jellyfish stings in just a few clicks."  It can be carried on a keyring. 

It functions with piezoelectricity (13kV, 0.7mA) and does not need a battery.  Local reactions such as itches, burns, pains and swelling may be eliminated in minutes by the reduction or inhibition of histamine.  5 to 10 clicks to treat itching, 10 to 15 clicks to prevent swelling.  The pack also says that any irritating or poisonous substances introduced under the skin by an insect is altered and therefore inactivated by the application of electric pressure.  There are about 25,000 clicks in each unit.  They are made in Italy and are available at K-Mart for around $20.

I have spoken to many people who swear by them so I bought one for my next trip because I also suffer badly from mozzie and midge bites.  I've tested it and found it to be completely painless.  I hope it works and I'm willing to try.




The Master

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Thanks for that Captain. I have seen them and wondered. Will now go and buy one.


Happy Wanderer    

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Don't think I have seen them anywhere, but then I haven't been looking either.

Will certainly be looking now and will try anything.

Thanks Captain


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition

The Master

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Ma, I saw them in the chemist the other day when I was in there buying mozzie wrist bands, mozzie patches, and mozzie wipes. That was the only one I didn't buy.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




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When Pat and I were in Port Hedland itr was real funny for Pat to see me scratching all nite until one day they left the office door open and the next nite guess what happened. We went to the chemist as a suggestion and gor fenergan tablets and when asked by the chemist how many, i suggested 1000. A serios response but they at least get you a good sleep.

Graham & Pat

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Ma wrote:

I am at the stage now that if we could get room on the boat I would go home tomorrow.

 Oh boy what a horrid time you must be having to want to jump ship, we encountered huge sand flies in NZ of the most vicious kind I have ever seen. Lavender Oil is very soothing on the bite and is an antiseptic too - the smell helps the jangled nerves also. Did you see the recipe for repellant I posted in hints section, I will make a batch before we get there and test it out, it works for mossies very well. Hope you find some relief Elaine I too suffer with alergic reaction so I really feel for you.


Geoff n Jen

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Captain wrote:

I notice no one has mentioned the Mosquito-Click.  It is about the size of a lipstick container and, according to the pack, "Helps to eliminate itchiness and inflammation from mosquito, sandfly, midge bites and minor jellyfish stings in just a few clicks."  It can be carried on a keyring. 

It functions with piezoelectricity (13kV, 0.7mA) and does not need a battery.  Local reactions such as itches, burns, pains and swelling may be eliminated in minutes by the reduction or inhibition of histamine.  5 to 10 clicks to treat itching, 10 to 15 clicks to prevent swelling.  The pack also says that any irritating or poisonous substances introduced under the skin by an insect is altered and therefore inactivated by the application of electric pressure.  There are about 25,000 clicks in each unit.  They are made in Italy and are available at K-Mart for around $20.

I have spoken to many people who swear by them so I bought one for my next trip because I also suffer badly from mozzie and midge bites.  I've tested it and found it to be completely painless.  I hope it works and I'm willing to try.



 Sounds great


Geoff n Jen

The Master

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Ma, Can you find any aloe vera plant in someones garden near you. Ask for or take a whole leaf and cut it length wise. Rub all the juice over the spots. It should relieve somewhat. Hope you are taking antihistamine.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Hi Ma
Dont believe we have midgies as in the midgies normally around mangroves etc. I believe you have been attacked for want of a more desriptive word by sand flies. I am also currently experiencing some discomfort from march fliy and mossie bites. They were only around the last couple of nights where we were. Will give you a ring
ps my SIL has a mossie zapper that you use post bite, sounds a bit like an electric fence unit, she swears by it but did say they itch more for a short period of time before ceasing



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Oh no mate, our worst nightmare. You may need to see a doctor to get antibiotics before an infection. The doc here gives me a script for Dexmethsone tabs to take when I am severe. I don't say they are for everyone but sometimes you just have to do something drastic.

In Darwin I had blood poisoning from the blighters. no


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.


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Have read several times that no name stick deodarent applied will help the itch. Havent tried it as fortunately I'm never been bitten. Fingers crossed




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We bought on the water on the Gold Coast. Never heard of midgies before that. Not a happy chappy. I've been driven to insanity by the itches for up to 8 days.

However, our citronela candles do the trick-ish. The little buggers are around all day from sparrows' and sometimes we forget, like when mowing the lawn or trimming the hedges.

'Stingose' gel works for me, even next morning.

I guess you've tried it Ma, but thought it was worth mentioning just in case.


Smile ! It looks good on you.




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Thanks everyone, much appreciated.

We are now down in New Norfolk and it's nice and cool here at the moment with a gentle breeze after quite a warm day.;

I found relief in the trip down here by putting the air con on in the car and setting it to freeze (well as cold as it would go) and aiming the air onto my legs.

As you would know fly, it's getting the body core cooled down that's important.

I'm taking Phenergan so hope tonight to get some sleep.

Thanks again everyone, all advice taken on board.


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition


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Good mate, hope it eases real soon.


I might get some of that stingoes stuff Aussienomad, anything is worth a try.


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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Glad that you have managed to get some relief Elaine.

Hope you have a good nights sleep.

Cheers. Pam.


 Cheers. Pam.

Safe and happy travels everyone.



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Good to see things picking up Ma ..

I did experience Midgies in a big way on my first trip north .. Not necessarily suitable for all I suppose, but I found that Bushmans Plus was the only repellent that worked for me. Since then I've heard of numerous alternatives used by members but haven't needed to try them.

Now .. as far as stopping the itch .. The best I've found and still use, is a product of Qld called Itch-eze Plus Cream which comes in a yellow plastic tube. (

For me it worked best when applied before I scratched the itch .. once the itch has been scratched, the body itself automatically tries to arrest the itch and the medication really has little effect ..

Ma .. I had up to 12 bandaids impregnated with the cream over my legs .. but it worked for me ..

Maybe a little too late for you,but food for thought !



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