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Post Info TOPIC: New Photo Comp
Vote for how many posts you think would be best [9 vote(s)]



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RE: New Photo Comp

Thanks for the welcome folks.

Was just browsing and I guess I over-racted a bit, thinking back a bit I know what you were refering to.

I'm not usually so fireyfurious




A Platypus is a duck designed by a committee - anon

The Master

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I was one that mentioned blowins burnie and am sorry if that offended you.
Please read the thread from the beginning so you get the gist of what happened.
Its not fair for someone to join , post photos, win a dam good prize only to be never heard from ever again. Not having posted one comment.

Oh, by the way Welcome Burnie.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Burnie wrote:

Thanks for the welcome folks.

Was just browsing and I guess I over-racted a bit, thinking back a bit I know what you were refering to.

I'm not usually so fireyfurious



 You're forgiven Burnie. Several of us, myself included, have had the occassional 'spack attack' over something. Luckily we're a forgiving lot. wink


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.



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Boroma577 wrote:

I think for a timeframe, nothing less than 1 month and possibly no more than 6 weeks. Advertising can still continue after the event anyhow.

I also think it should be limited to existing members and only 10 pics all up per member........does not matter to me whether it be in one hit or one a day

I do agree that many of the pics posted in the recent comp were not relevant to the topic and personally think that Steve or any judge should not have to 'weed them out'.

 I agree totally with Boroma and his suggestions about how many pics that each member can post. The category chosen for the last comp was really very broad in its title. I do not believe it should be limited to people who post x amount of posts. In my case I personally do not send in many posts but I am on the site nearly every day.



The Master

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Thats the difference rastas. You have been a member since July 2010. You didn't join to enter the comp. Thats why I think they need to have been a member for at least 6 months to qualify.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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It seems to me personally, that with all the do's and don'ts, who can enter the comp, whether you are a "blow in" or a regular poster is becoming a bit cliquey I would hate to see a great forum and group of people go by the wayside because of a competition.

This comment is certainly not intended to upset or offend anyone. Especially as I have had the pleasure to meet such a lot of good people here on this forum.

Cheers Val

-- Edited by valnrob on Tuesday 3rd of January 2012 08:02:24 AM



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With thinking of the 6 month to enter suggestion, what if there is a member who joins before the comp goes up and posts regular and falls outside that timeline? That would make it a bit so-so in that circumstance.

I love the competitions, no matter what they are to be truthful. It was the biggest thrill you could imagine to be a winner of one of them. But it was sad not to see the other two winners jump straight in and join in my excitement and that of the rest of the members who took the time to vote for them. hmm


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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Firefly wrote:

With thinking of the 6 month to enter suggestion, what if there is a member who joins before the comp goes up and posts regular and falls outside that timeline?


 I am sure there could be room for consideration under these circumstances FF. 

Cindy does the the power to decide accordingly if there should be a relaxation of the rules under certain circumstances.


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My thoughts.......


Should not be the number of posts as some do not post.  It should be the length of time being a member.  Around about a month PRIOR to the new competition would be sufficient I think.

The competition should run as long as the BOSS says it should as she is the one getting the fantastic prizes and she has to answer to the advertisers in the end.

And as many photos as you like.







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I agree wholeheartedly with is a competition after all.



What the heck, why not !


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Firefly wrote:

I do agree with a certain amount of posts per member before being eligible to enter any comps. Its sad to see winners not come back on after such amazing prizes and the time taken by judges and sponsers alike.

It would be easy to keep track of the entries if each member who wanted to enter posted all their photos on their own thread. To save the judges having to troll through comments etc, make all comments made to be put in the General Section of the forum. smile

Just my thoughts for what they are worth. wink

 Yes I think that's a great idea Firefly. Not only would it be easier for officials to keep track of the number posted, but also the poster would find it easier to keep track as well. They could even delete a photo that they might wish to replace with a better one they have just taken, so as to keep within the maximum number of submissions per member. At the end of a certain period the members first, however many, photos posted before the cut off time/date would be eligable.


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Gary wrote:

Exactly my thoughts Baroma.  Additionally once a limit is placed on the number of photos that can be entered, (say 10 in total) rather than have anyone checking all entrants numbers of photos posted, why not pick a winner first.  Then check the number entered by the winner before notifying who has won.  If his/her entries do not comply with the rules just pick another winner until someone does comply.   Sorry "Boroma".  Just realised I goofed on the spelling.  I was a bit distracted when my post didn't go where I meant it to be.




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Gary wrote:
Gary wrote:

Exactly my thoughts Baroma.  Additionally once a limit is placed on the number of photos that can be entered, (say 10 in total) rather than have anyone checking all entrants numbers of photos posted, why not pick a winner first.  Then check the number entered by the winner before notifying who has won.  If his/her entries do not comply with the rules just pick another winner until someone does comply.   Sorry "Boroma".  Just realised I goofed on the spelling.  I was a bit distracted when my post didn't go where I meant it to be.

 Not a problem seems to be a common mistake.  Thank you for your apology, it was a lovely gesture.


-- Edited by Boroma577 on Tuesday 3rd of January 2012 12:58:27 PM


Destination: AUSTRALIA....... all over.


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I think there should be a limit on the number of photos a person can submit.  If someone wants to add a further photo after reaching the limit, then they should be able to delete one of their other photos - maybe 10 photos???



It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!


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oh I hope you did'nt think I just joined for the comp because I have gone alittle quiet after it was all over...... I have been super busy at home but I do come in to read now and then... like today....was not going to post till I read this thread... and feel alittle guilty of my pics of critters I entered in the comp now... but when I go out 'bush' that is what I go for and to me it is the essence of travelling the bush for me..... eye of the beholder n all that... :(


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Don't worry AJ i think we were all guilty of going off topic but it was a very broad topic, Life on the road means different things to different have nothing to feel guilty about at all.



What the heck, why not !

Master (of Mischief)

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AmandaJayne wrote:

oh I hope you did'nt think I just joined for the comp because I have gone alittle quiet after it was all over...... I have been super busy at home but I do come in to read now and then... like today....was not going to post till I read this thread... and feel alittle guilty of my pics of critters I entered in the comp now... but when I go out 'bush' that is what I go for and to me it is the essence of travelling the bush for me..... eye of the beholder n all that... :(

 Do not feel guilty AJ it was not aimed at you, it was aimed at people who join and then win a prize and then do not thank the people who did all the work to create the comp and arrange sponsors etc namely Cindy & Steve.

!st nd 2nd place did come onboard and said their thanks but the 3rd guy has not been heard of since and that really annoys me, some people do not care what amount of work it takes to run a web site like GN.

So don't you feel guilty and that's an order.biggrin




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