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Post Info TOPIC: Do you get sick of travelling all the time???

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Do you get sick of travelling all the time???

Just wondering on all your opinions? I have alot to learn



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Hi Robyn ..

I am a true Sagittarian, so it was in the blood to start with .. lifes' circumstances enabled me to tap into it .. suits me fine !



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yeah i am aquarius, gyspy by heart, just hope i love the lifestyle like the rest of you!!! won't know until I try it.
Got to be better than been lonely in a lovely house, which I am trying to sell.



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We don't "travel all the time".

We try to minimise the number of "one night stands" as I hate packing up every day.

Find a nice spot, and stay there til you get sick of it.

Still have home to come back to, when its too hot, too cold or too wet. I miss my big bed, and a proper shower and toilet, so I know I'm not ready to cut loose yet.




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I'm a bit worried as selling up, so no home to go back to, but son has acreage in mackay, so that will be my base,
so that makes me feel a bit better.



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Must be the true Sagittarian in me also Jonathan, after 12 months on the road, back home for a while and could hardly waite to get away. Currenly enjoying the van again at Port Fairy.
Peacemaker you will never know until you are out there. Yes there are times when travelling you miss family and friends but they are only fleeting. We technology today we can keep in contact easily.

Good luck with you house.


Glenda and Gary Oliver 2010 Pajero with 2008 19 ft Jayco Sterling Our Blog:


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Guess you never know until you try it Robyn. At least you have a base at your son's if you need to make use of it from time to time. I've always tended to wander around and get restless if in one place for too long. Have never been on the road full time so I have similar questions as you.


Rarin' to go


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Yes I do get sick of it. We lived in a van for 18 months about 15 years ago and by the time it came to buy a house and settle down again I was well and truely ready for it. Now that I am retired and management volunteers for 3 days a week we spend from 5 - 6 months of the year in the van and that is plenty for me. Another consideration is that I dont really like to be too far from my Doctor.

If there is such a thing as a tourist season....   why cant we shoot them?


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After 2 years on the road it's nice to be home again with our own proper loo and a big kitchen but I could quite happily live permanently on the road if I had the money to do so.




Home is where we hang our hats - Home now in Yamba NSW


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smile Tried it for awhile.

Purchased new caravan and 4WD on retirement, with the view of travelling for a couple of years.

Lived in the caravan for six months before heading off, lasted another four months.

Decided it was not our cup of tea.

Interestingly enough, we had cruised in our yacht for five years. The caravan was just not the same.?confuse

We now go away each winter, this year it was for three mnths, next year we will have a go for five months.



It's a big lovely country.

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thanks everyone for your opinions, makes me feel better and glad I have a base, so all should be good.



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Hi PW, my hubby would quite happily sell up and live in the van, but I like to know I have a home to come back to. I enjoy travelling but would miss my home base.




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We decided not to sell up till after we'd finished our five-month trip. Glad we didnt, there were a lot of things we love about being on the road, but some unexpected things we didnt like. We are off again for 2-3 month trip next time, but always pleased to get home again.


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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After 45 years of it , I did at first , but that was 2 trips to 

Vietnam & one off the coast of Vietnam . Since then, Oct 71

there has not been a year I have not 'been somewhere' . Now in

retirement I have done 5 trips this year , 2 nth Qld & 3 Streaky

Bay SA , some fly , some drive . NEVER got tired of travelling

this Great country , except for th cities . You can heve em .





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Interesting conversation. I wonder if I will get sick of travelling too but have decided that I can always settle down again in a another rental place when I get fed up with travelling. For now getting out and seeing the country is a better option than feeling lonely and stuck in a rental home unit. Still it's a big decision and there is a lot to consider.

One thing I wonder about a lot is - what do you do when it rains heavily? I'm taking hobby equipment like beading stuff and drawing equipment plus the laptop and the digital camera. Be interesting to know what other nomads do when it's hardly beach weather.


Travelling on


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Retired last year and have travelled for 10 of the last 14 months.  Only just back here now to spruce up the house and get it ready for sale.  Currently feel like the house is a noose around my neck.

Hate being back, really love the nomadic lifestyle, the different places, meeting like minded people and have no desire to return to any house in the foreseeable future.

I even sleep in the van in the back yard when we are home and get very depressed at the thought of having to come back to the house...even if it is only temporary.

My parents were drovers and I spent my formative years on the yes it is in my blood.

Can't wait, until we are back out on the road full time with no property commitments.

In answer to your question Robyn....NO, I do not get sick of traveling all the time.


Destination: AUSTRALIA....... all over.

The Master

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Do I get sick of travelling all the time. I don't know, I can't get out there long enough to find out. But I do love driving so as long as everything is going well I'm sure I won't get sick of it.
Like others have said on here, I will still have my home to come back to, I don't think I could get rid of it.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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We still enjoy being 'on the road' after 18 years of it. Mostly we do try to not move too often. Stay awhile here & there. I don't think I could get my chauffeur back into a house which he says is 'just for storing all the things you don't need'. As to wet weather well we do the same as anyone in a house would do - watch TV, read a book, play cards, do some craft etc.


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wow what a mixture of replies, starting to feel confident for the big move, most of you like the house
for the toilet and shower, which I am sure I can handle!!!!! Just can't handle the ever increasing bills
travelling around aussie has so much appeal, and of course I have a patch of grass in mackay should
i need to rest??? so thanks again everyone!!! and MERRY CHRISTMAS


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We have been out there since 2008 and we haven't become sick of it yet, but then again, we do seem to travel for a year and then pick up some contract work for 6 months to fund the next year. While we are working we rent an apartment (always within walking distance of the job) so we get the porcelain flush and big shower fix then!

Work out what does it for you and you'll enjoy it. You may be content to do shorter journeys around central QLD and keep popping back to Mackay for instance.

Good luck with it.


Cop You Later



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We were unsure if we would like it so we went away for 2 long trips and have decided to book into a caravan park near home for a few months. see how that goes. rocket n strop



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When you get sick of travelling you camp up for a while. When you get sick of camping you hit the road. Been how we have done it for the last two years
However there is a lot to see and a lot of places to go so I dont stay in one place to long.


Mechanised Swaggies 



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It's all very much as all have said .. basically you find your own niche in this lifestyle. What suits one won't suit others.

The learning curve is part of it and that experience is worth more to you than one could ever try to explain.

I'm sure you'll do just fine .. there's always someone to talk with on here ..

enjoy !



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I'm a Virgo so I'm supposed to be a homebody. Guess it must have been a very cloudy day when I was born because I was born without a nesting gene. I've only been grey nomading round Aus for a year but I've wandered around the rest of the world for the last 15 years. I like to stay in one place for a week or two but then get bored and/or curious as to what else is out there.

Happy travels.


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Recenly on a forum I found a new word-serephile-apparently it's a word to describe people who have an affinity to arid areas.I reckon thats me because I just love being out in the Centralian desert areas.The peace-absolute brilliant skies-ah ah ah it's just beautiful



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You sound like my type of person Mary.  Can't beat the outback.


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition


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Ma wrote:

You sound like my type of person Mary.  Can't beat the outback.

 Have to agree with you both, Mary and Ma.


Destination: AUSTRALIA....... all over.


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We dont know yet as we've not been too far from home on our camping trips and had animals or kids to come back to.. I think 3 weeks was the longest we've ever been away. With the tent... I love it.... I was the one who did not want to go back home but hubby, he really is not a tent person and loves a few extra comforts.. thus buying the coaster... He had his heart attack which made me a determined bunny to get out there to go see something... it took awhile for hubby to come around but he is looking forward to going away. We wanted our son to come home and I dont think he'd want to live with the 'oldies' for too long, thats why we've talked about a 12 mth trip around Oz... but if hubby decides its not for him I said we could use our home as base to go on shorter trips.... but he's going to give the long trip a go first.

Because he gets bored easily we've got 2 laptops, will have internet... he has plenty of games and is considering doing an online course.. I've got a laptop to do my graphics, (making digital scrapkits), my photography to play with as well as sketching/painting. Hubby loves driving and would do so all day everyday if I'd allow it roflolololololololol.. I think that should keep us occupied .... as well as all the movies, series, cartoons n music we'll have....

But we wont know till we are out there eh :)


My travel blog as we trip around Oz

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Just to add to this topic, since we have been on the road (two & a half yrs mostly), it has been a real eye opener to come across so many fellow travelers where one or other had a recent health scare. Seemed they had planned to hit the road at some stage, but for whatever reason the timing was never right for them & they kept putting it off. Came the health scare & all things were reassessed & they promptly hit the road, telling us they should have done it years earlier when they were fitter/ healthier. In my own case I had wanted to hit the road a couple of years earlier but my wife would not break her ties with the kids & grandkids, however within a couple of months of being away she asked me why we had not done it earlier, go figure. Now she is more keen & comfortable than I am. I have come to the conclusion that if you are seriously thinking about it then the time might just be right for you. Take the leap, there is no time like the present. Happy travels.



Chris & Terry

3.2lt 4 x 4 Mazda BT 50, single cab chas with full alloy canopy

Jayco Silverline 21'.6''


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Have found this posting most enlightening. Was one of the ? i was going to ask.

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