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Post Info TOPIC: Gas Bottle refills


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Gas Bottle refills

After paying $20 for a 3 kilo bottle in Tocumwal  NSW.... a couple of weeks ago...I am now paying $ 3.50 per kilo  in Bacchas    Marsh from the Foodworks Servise Staion.....Jimmy said one should not be paying more than $ 4.00 Per Kilo.....


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.


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Whilst I'm still pumped......Does anybody knoe if the ACCC has a email complaints Dept.....I know they have phone lines...But thats like,,,As ausful as Tits on a Bull....I think it's time we bombarded these Tooth less tigers with complains........C'Mon Billeeeeee Help out...United we stand Divided we Fall


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.


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Wow!  Guess we don't care what we pay........


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.

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gas bought from a servo thru the gas bowser thing is wat ? 75/80c per ltire .=

gas =around 1/2 k per litre a9kg bottle =between 18/20 litres, dont need to be einstine to work out the rip of



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Sorry yogi!! Needed too know where we can fight back...I'v already told the crook in Tocumwal NSW That the Toothless tigers Accc are on his trail


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.

The Master

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I totally agree with you Jimbo but will leave you and others to fight it. Got enough on my plate at the moment.


Happy Wanderer    

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Waste of effort with the Accc, If you dont like the price you go somewhere else to shop.



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DeBe wrote:

Waste of effort with the Accc, If you dont like the price you go somewhere else to shop.

 I fully agree.

If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia

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see theattitude jimbo . while ever pple by bottled bloody water ,another proven rip off things wont change ,said by another ex interstater and earthmoving operator



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I carry 2 x 4.5kilo gas bottles so when one is empty I have time to source the best price for a refill.

Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice shame on me for being so damned stupid as to go back a second time.


If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia

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Jimbo - Make a official complaint in writing and they have to process it

and respond.

With a email they just hit the delete button and it doesn't exist.

If you complain by phone they keep you "holding on in a queue" until you get frustrated and hang up.






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It's most unlikely that the ACCC would have any power to act as our economy is a free market one where it's up to the consumer "vote with their feet" and shop around for the best deal.

The ACCC would need solid evidence (the type that would stand up in court) of price collusion, price fixing by the wholesale suppliers, or other restrictive trade practices to act.


Merda tauris scientia vincit

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jimricho: - Free market does not give the go ahead to "price gouge".

The ACCC was set up with powers to investigate and if necessary to prosecute anyone practicing in price gouging.

If Jimbo puts his case in writing they will investigate this guy in Tocumwal and warn him otherwise they will prosecute.







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Just as another way of getting noticed, drop a short note by snail mail to the mayor with a drop copy to the local paper saying politely and simply what you were required to pay for gas and what it should have been. Add that any perceived price gouging of tourists turns them away from towns to the detriment of all business through word of mouth. End with 'trusting this is something that can be addressed wherever it occurs and please advise what action is taken'.

Just a few handwritten or typed lines makes the point that phone calls (and the government diplomats) cannot.



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Gas  prices would have to be the greatest ripoff that we experience during our travells. It has got to a point where you need to ask before having the refill done.

One recent refill we had two 4.5 kg filled at a BCF which we have found to be as good as it comes, they quoted $14 & with their member card it was $13.

Drove down the road to a servo for fuel which happened to be a shell/coles servo who had the swap-n-go bottles, same size were $28.

Legal theives.




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I would think paying an employe to fill small bottles of LPG as a service, & the Accc wouldnt be interested. I know business that have got rid of the gas filling side as not realy worth it. & yes ive had a business that used to supply bottled gas aswell as filling small ones. If you was in the shop on your own you had to shut up the shop to go fill the small cylinders, as you wasnt alowed to do it near the shop. I made more money out of repairing fridges & TVs than filling small gas cylinders.



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I usually always get refills at BCF. The 9kg refills are $24 which suits me fine. I was charged $40 at Burren Junction about 6 months ago, makes it quite expensive.



Pat & Cheryl
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The ACCC's principal role is to ensure the free market does remain a free market and is not distorted by uncompetitive practices such as cartels or monopolies.

If the price gouging is the result of this or the issues mentioned in my previous post it will (or should) investigate. It has also flagged that it will be watching for examples of excessive price increases being falsely attributed to the carbon tax.

Outside these parameters it has no power to set or control prices, whether we like it or not. These powers (or lack thereof) are set by legislation not the ACCC.

The solution to this issue is to buy your gas from places such as BCF that charge realistic prices.

Please keep us informed as how you go with your representations to the ACCC


Merda tauris scientia vincit


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I'v asked the ABC ( 774 melbourne Radio conversation hour with john faine) To invite the boss of the ACCC to explain a few things...I guess it wont happen...Because the other side don't give a rats what we pay for anything as long as there is a GST attached..........That in it's self is another racket...But we wont go ther for now


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.

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I work in a caravan park and filling gas bottles is part of my job.

People pay $38, when 200 meters down the road they can get swapbottles for $10 less.( which is still not all that cheap anyway)

Also quite often I have to fill a bottle that is still 1/2 full, same charge!! I seem to remember years ago that bottles were weighed before and after filling and charged accordingly. Always pays to shop around eh?

-- Edited by woody on Tuesday 22nd of November 2011 08:39:47 AM


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In Mareeba a 9kl bottle refilled will cost $27.95 to $33.00


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smile peter at bacchus marsh caravan park is resonable too


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Returned from Japan yesterday. Interesting Japanese are sufficiently intellectual to refill their own gas bottles and Australians are not. Servo had table with 2 levels to refill gas bottles. Japanese standard gas bottles are 5kg, 11kg, 40kg. Europe, UK, USA, Canada public refill their own gas bottles.

Reason so many grey nomads and pensioners refill their own gas bottles. Ripoff on bottled LPG is terrible. Frankly not going to let anybody rip me off that much. Money is difficult to come by and not going to let it slip out of my hands so easily.

Please look after the environment when travelling. Please clean up after others that don't do as they should.

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Just asked at BCF in Cannonvale Qld for price to fill my 4.5 kg bottle. Quoted $15 when I produced bottle the young lady behind the counter said it was only a 3.7 kg there for only $11.50. I was a very happy chappy.


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Bunnings at Noosaville .

9kg. bottle . Swap-N-Go , $19.90 . Best price I've heard for a long time . smile

Nappies and Politicians should be changed often . For the same reason .


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Thanks for the reminder have to get a bottle filled, the shop up the corner is $16 for a 9kg.


Mechanised Swaggies 



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Simple is



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What town was that in Billeee ?

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