A family of Collingwood supporters heads out one Saturday morning to do their Christmas shoplifting. While in Rebel Sports the son picks up a Geelong footy jumper and says to his 10 year old sister, "Hey mole, I've decided to become a Geelong supporter and I want this for Christmas".
His sister, outraged by this, promptly whacks him around the head with her carton of Winfield's and says, "Dickhead, go talk to mum". Off goes the little lad with the Geelong jumper stuffed up his miller shirt and finds his mum."Mum?""Yes son?""I've decided I'm going to be a Geelong supporter and I want this jumper for Christmas".
The mother is outraged at this and throws her moccasins and a full stubby of VB at him, smacks him in the gob and says "Let's go talk to your father!"
Off they go to the prison camp during visiting hours, with footy jumper in hand and find Moose, his toothless tattooed father."Dad?""Yes, Knackers?""I've decided I'm going to be a Geelong supporter and I want this jumper for Christmas".
Moose goes berserk and gives his son an almighty backhander and says, "No bastard of mine is ever going to be seen wearing that ****!", and then kicks his arse from one end of the rec-room to the other, just for good measure.
About half an hour later they're all back in the old Falcon and heading towards home. The mother turns to her son and says, "Knackers, have you learned something today?"The son says "Bloody oath I have!""Good Knackers, what is it?"The son replies, "I've only been a Geelong supporter for a day, and already I hate you Collingwood pricks!
Yes! Very good ...... Surely with 75.000 Members and a Further 3 to 4 Million throughout the World...We all can't be that bad.......Coming from Bacchus Marsh i have too go to Geelong some times......They are a few ferals there I can tell you free of Charge..
I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.