Mohammed the Pakistani was in Oz for a few months when he became very ill. He visited Dr after Dr but none could help him. Finally, he went to an arab Dr who said: take this bucket, go into the other room, crap into the bucket, pee on it and then put your head down over the bucket for 10 mins and breathe in the fumes. Mohammed did as he was told and on his return to the Dr said....It worked, I feel terrific, what was wrong with me?
Wow! That was good....Wonder how it got through though You Know in this country we are trying to not have an opinion......TTo think years ago us guys Used to call our mates "Hay,China come here for a minute....And several other mate terms...Next we will not be able too say Pommy bastards at the cricket Ha ha ha! They are open minded like us so they don't mind I like being called Skippy
I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.