Hey, you seen the ad. on TV, about the hardware store with the brown and yellow dogs as part of their sales. Well, when working in a northern town some years ago, I noticed that one of the local hardware stores had removed the two metal dogs and put them in a fenced off area next to the shop. The bloke who owned the shop wasn't a very nice person, so, my slightly mad sense of humour took over. With the aid of a friend at the local library, we knocked up an "official" letter from the RSPCA, stateing, "It had been reported to us that the shop had two dogs secured in a very small area with no food, water or shade. The animals appeared to be happy, as they were smiling, but very thin. Further more, if the owners of the premises didn't correct the matter immediately, they would be charged and taken to court". The two staff members and myself were all on hand when the letter from the "RSPCA" arrived. You reckon the bloke didn't go balistic over it. He ranted and roared for two days, until someone gave him the drum. When he found out it was me, I was never spoken to again. He still hasn't forgiven me for it.