As a farmer I am concerned about the use of grain to produce ethanol. Grain that goes to ethanol is then not available for the feeding of stock and people, therefore the cost of grain will go up causing the farmers out of business as the price we get for our produce stays comparatively low. This of course will lead to more inferior imports. Australians will be eating foriegn food, our farmers turning to grow grain for ethanol or trees for carbon offsets. The fat cats will get fatter and the 'normal' people get screwed again.
My soapbox for the day,...sorry
Enjoy life above will spend a lot of time under it
Is truck diesel (from the truck side of the servo on most freeways etc) the same as the diesel that you get from the multi-pumps on the car side of the servo?
You are so right,I come from a sheep and beef farm,but life is now ridicously hard for all farmers,dairy,beef,grain,everyone has been affected by all sorts of natural and man made problems. Our biggest problem is our governments trying to run Australia as a global economy with only 20 million people.It is an impossability,common sense tells us that,but they will not accept that there is no level playing field from other countries. We have to make a choice,and very soon,do we stay a manufacturing country?or do we rely on overseas goods and pay for it? I can definatly say,we cannot sustain our present situation,rules,laws,and companies not having to re-invest profits into australia. The proverbial will hit the fan,sooner than later.
Even more confusing is the Vortex Diesel. What are they thinking? I don't know what the difference is between normal diesel and the vortex. It can't be octane, can it? I've never used bio-diesel because of the advice regarding it's reliability and the damage it may do to my motor. I don't use Woollies Caltex because they're worse than Coles Shell Express. Shell gives the 4c discount and you get FlyBuy rewards for your purchase. Woollies don't give rewards for fuel purchases. They just take and keep taking. The configuration of the Caltex diesel pumps is also confusing. I use truckies' diesel now. I just don't press the trigger so hard. It's also a bit cheaper. I spoke to the servo manager, and was told Caltex tells them how to do things. I wrote to Caltex and have had no response. The RAA guy was going to recommend they also report their findings to Caltex. I could make a comment about "getting screwed", but I'm going to keep myself nice. I'll save it for the camp fire chat.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.