I'm wearing the Dettol mix today, its hot and humid here after a rainy night and lots of mozzies around. I am wearing a sleeveless top so spread it all over my arms. Haven't been bitten today. Took my little dog out by the park for a walk. The mozzies were landing on her back but none came near my arms. Not sure about the smell though!!
Hello Marj
I thought you only had a toy dog now ??? have I missed a topic
I'd seriously consider using The Locals Sandfly and Mozzie Stuff, you don't have to take my word for it, just ask around I'm sure you'll hear others that will recommend it. I don't know where you are but if you go to The Locals website www.thelocals.net.authere's a store locator so you might be able to find an outlet selling it nearby, otherwise order it from the site it takes 3 - 5 days for delivery