Just wondering if there is a better option for Health Insurance on the road. As We have listed our address as our Property in Mandurah W.A. we are paying very high premiums because of all the Perth Hospitals. When we were in Darwin it was much cheaper only 2 Hospitals! Does anyone have any suggestions?
As a pensioner I'm in the public system, although I do have private "extras" for those "extra" treatments, dentist, physio etc. Does it vary from insurer to insurer, or state to state? The "iSelect" site might be able to clarify things for you about choices and options.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I would not recommend Iselect they tell us on TV how good of a deal they can do for you I have used their web site to get a price it is always more costly than the cover I have and seem to sell a particular brand which is not the cheapest , I would not think coverage would be any different on the road or at home still covering the person most health insurance are australia wide
-- Edited by brickies on Thursday 11th of November 2010 06:25:41 PM
It might be wiser to shop around the internet yourselves, and find a national health insurer which doesn't discriminate by state. WA actually has a better public health system than Qld. eg Patient Assisted Travel in WA included taxi vouchers from the airport to the hospital and back to the airport. Qld travel only covers the air fares. One taxi ride from a hospital to the airport cost me $70. Just shop around on this wonderful invention called the internet, even if you don't use "iselect". I have extras cover through ANZ Health, and I don't know who underwrites it. The cost is reasonable, I never have a problem anywhere. I went with them when I lived out of town on a station and the payments were automatically taken out of my account at the time. Everyone does that now, so just shop around.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Thanks everyone for your help. We actually have full cover and I think a change to extra's might be the go as we are both mid 40's and very healthy - touch wood!
Make sure you're not penalising yourselves by going that way. I don't know if your present health has anything to do with it. There are some tax issues connected to health insurance I believe. I retired before it became a biggie. Don't disadvantage yourself. If you're really sick and it's urgent you will get the attention you need. If you're on the waiting list and your condition deteriorates you will also get the attention when it's needed. If you've been on the surgery waiting list for more than 12 months phone the hospital where you think you might be listed, to see where you are on the list. If you're not listed, then get on to your specialist and kick some butt to get yourself on the list.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Okay here is my two cents worth as I have worked in the health insurance and the private health industry all my life (managed day hospitals and GP practices)- and I am in my early 50's. Health insurance premiums differ between state to state in cost for all health funds for the same cover but will cover you in any state that you use it - yes Northern Territory it is cheaper - we lived in Darwin for 2 years and it was extremely cheaper and if you got sick in Darwin you get on the first plane and head south if you can - everyone does it. Hence we left it in NT address as long as possible before changing to Qld one of the most expensive states. I-select - this is another story I checked their site once years ago and if followed their suggestion yes it was cheaper but the cover was not the same and had the cover been taken it could resulted in out of pocket expenses - would not use them. Extras - very debatable - how often to you use them to the actual cost of the extra premium cover costs you - this is personal choice but funds realise that this great revenue for them. In regards for tax - it relates to having hospital cover not extras coverage and only effects you if your combined income $150,000 pa - and no hospital cover you get hit with an extra medicare levy - also remember Johnnie Howard changed it also to give us a 30% discount on health insurance but if you let your hospital cover lapse for a period(you have a grace period on this) and then decide to rejoin you will pay more for the same coverage - it was introduced to try to make people take out and keep paying health insurance - and stop people dropping in and out of funds. Health insurance is a very involved question and everyone needs to consider what suits them - and yes often the public system is where you end up regardless of your cover and can offer great service - but more and more we are hearing on long waiting lists this is where private health insurance comes to the party. Hope this helps. cheers Di
-- Edited by DiB on Saturday 13th of November 2010 02:01:21 PM
Dumped health insurance early 90s. Keep up to date with premiums and stick money in seperate bank account. Travelling as much as I do often in rural towns doctors all bulk bill. Ended up in hospital rural area Vic end last year top service, city surgeons did the operation, great staff, good food best attention and free. Purchased some replacement TV's for hospital in repayment for great friendly attentive to needs staff at every level. Have money in health insurance account some on 12m fixed deposit to 3m fixed deposit as would never need full amount from bank account in one hit. Why make health insurances companies rich. My health insurance bank account is mighty healthy with the compounding interest. Will stop contributing to the account in 14 months.
Yes I know of people who let their health insurance go and intended to put it away - which if you are strong and do it is great - of course it helps if you stay healthy - but when you do have to use it - it can be gone in one go - just this year I spent one night in coronary care - $1745.00 for the night - yes could have gone public but I don't like the public hospital that the ambulance would have taken me too I had more faith in the private one I knew - but in an emergency public systems are usually very good its the 'elective' ( the govts term not mine ) surgery - like orthopaedic - hip & knee replacements - if you don't have to wait the actual cost of these is around $20,000 plus - watched my auntie suffer for 2yrs in shocking pain while she waited for hip under public system - yes she has had it done all good but that long on strong painkillers is not good for the system not to mention her mental state from the pain. So for me while I can afford to I will pay health insurance - if I was in a rural area where there is no private health facilities I don't think I would bother. Cheers Di