The Pope was going to have a shower one day . Allthough his ideas were very strict on celibacy , there was also a need to occasionally exercise the papal wrist , this happened to be one of those occasions . Just as the holy seeds were flying through the air , the pope noticed a photographer taking pics . Hold on says his holiness , catching up to the photographer , you can't print them , it will destroy the image of the holy Catholic church . We can come to an arrangement says the pope , how about a million $s , not enough . Ok $2million & I get to keep the camera . The pope got dressed & was heading off to destroy the contents of the camers , walking through the vast hallways of the Vatican , he came across one of his personal assistants , who happened to be a photography buff as well . Noticing the camera , the assistant said . That looks like an expensive S L R camera your holiness , how much did it cost you? Not being one to lie , his holiness says $2million . Two Million dollars , They Must have seen You Coming Zoomtop