what the hell is going on in here, I leave the place for 5 bloody minutes and it's gone to the pack
christ people get your acts together and talk and behave as adults, this bickering will stop or else the forum is doomed
we have the enviable reputation as being the best and freindliest forum on the net, we are here to help people and if that means repeating and rehashing different things well so what a lot of people need the information so readily handed out by the more travelled
dont even think about bothering Cindy about nominating a moderator she has enough on her plate
yep I've been crook as dog but a hell of a lot better now, but reading some of the posts in here I dont know why I bothered resigning in
finish the dribble and get back to what is important in life, forwarding the fellow travellers knowledge on travel and freindly banter I've said it before leave the crap to the other forums, they are much better at it than we are
if you dont like a post just say "I dont like that" or dont comment at all and move on dont keep rehashing the bickering, grow up and move on, make the forum a better place not a bickering place
my mum used to say "least said easiest mended"
now having said that I missed you mob of bludgers something chronic but I still dont trust myself to continualy post but I will be watching
most of the things you ugly mob said about me is a load of b/s jeez I'm not a god I'm a grumpy old bugger who has too much to say, but it is apreciated and did aid my recovery so I guess I'd better say thanks
anyway I got a lot of posts to comment on but it may take a while, this one was to say BEHAVE YOURSELVES
Good to have you back davo6 , i think some people have been trying hard to fill your void , you have been missed it good to know you are feeling better dont over do it , but it is good to know you out there
You summed it up in one swoop Dave. Now children, listen to the master. OK !!!!!
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
Thank goodness you are back Dave and calling the forum to heel how we have all missed you. Leaving for Queensland tomorrow but will be back on the forum as soon as we get back take care. Helena.
well as far as I can see 99% of the posts were very good and I would have expected nothing less from such a great bunch of people and expect more of it in the future
this forum belongs to us, we make it or we break it, rubbish in, rubbish out
I spent a bit of time in a very strange place and I dont want to revisit it but the morphine was good, they wont let me have any more though, stingy buggers, put me back on less potent stuff, where the hell is a dealer when I need one
cant see too much that needs straightening up in here, as I said in one of my posts the forum is in good hands but I thank you all for the kind words and the welcome back
some of you fellers need to open up a bit though, some are still a bit reserved and that is not necessary amongst Friends we all have story's to tell and we all want to hear them
Helena, take care on the road, drive to your limits and enjoy the trip
Welcome back Dave. It's great to see you up and about again. Just take it easy. We're ok, really, but a little supervision might be handy. Grumpy is not a good thing for too long. Cheers Chris
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
In the words of Shane Bourne "Thank God you're here"
Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive
KIA Sorento CRDi EX ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......
thank christ for that, I thought the cheeky mongrel was swearing at me, almost as bad as Basil, I reckon he swears at me in a different language but cant prove it yet
well let me put my little bit in here for what it's worth, welcome back Dave, you were obviously very much missed, shouldnt be surprised, I remember you like I met you only yesterday
take your time for healing and ease back in
as for us we are on the wallaby, heading for climes as yet unknown to us
Well I for one are grinning from ear to ear. Glad to once again read your sarcasm peppered with love and concern Dave. Welcome back mate, so glad to hear your on the mend, and remember love, your not on your pat malone. We all care about each other here.
-- Edited by Ell&Mick on Wednesday 24th of June 2009 02:47:53 PM
thanks everyone for your terrific welcome back, I must say I missed you all but could not trust myself to post, I still double check everything that I write, I'm not 100% as yet but the ticker is a bit better and the pills are keeping the dog away,
what is left over that is bothering me is taken care of by good Friends and my little "R.J." who is just beyond words, she makes me want to "get up" each morning
the quack reckons I'm as sane as the next person, which is a bit of a worry, the Sheila I was looking at at the time didn't look too flash,
I'm glad to see the forum has done pretty well without me (as I knew it would) I'm not surprised, we have such a high caliber of fantastic people in here, with a little encouragement we can have you all yakking
I would like to see more input from some of you fellers and gals, I know for instance dick would have some fantastic tales to tell as well as a lot of others
this is far from an "ask the expert forum" it used to be but it ain't no more, it now is a forum for "the Grey and not so Grey nomads" to just have a yak about anything and everything, traveling or at home, sure the advice is still there but so is the help and not just mechanical
ah Ellen, Sarcasm, my best Friend, where would I be without him, him and I are great acquaintances and yes you are dead right we all care for each other in here and I hope that continues "out there" I would hope the welcome mat is out for all and sundry (even though "sundry" gets a little bit noisy at times, and "all" likes a little "tipple" before bedtime)
wherever we travel we should try a little kindness and just see what develops, works for me
It must be the age, I think. Had a few septuagenarians whining at my bowls club about the most trivial of issues. After sitting patiently listening to whinge after selfish whinge I tossed my Working with Children card on the table and said "I never expected to use this in a bowls club!"
I just expected that the older we got the more we mellowed. Seems not!
BTW, yet to buy a rig, but looking at 4x4 cab chassis with Trayon slide on. The Trayon ticks all the boxes for rough ground, but well equipped with ease of use, storage, power options and creature comforts.
Barb heads for Canada and Alaska with our daughter in July/Aug and I hope to spend 5 weeks on the road. Not sure where, though.
Looking forward to the Big Lap, but will do S.A. and Tassie in a little more detail.
2008 Landcruiser single cab chassis, 2.7m tray. (Sad to part with the 2005 Isuzu, tho)