I buried my old mate today, funny how the undertakers had a "vacancy", stranger still how the coroner concluded "no suspiscious circumstances" and released the body very quickly, D.V.A. supplied barely enough to cover costs, anybody would think he was a damn cat, we slung the hat round and gave him a damn good sendoff
we rounded up 30 people who wanted to farewell "wilfy" I managed to get the boys who practice with the bagpipes down at our footy oval to play at his graveside, all in all a very solemn and stately affair
I have read the comments on the other thread and taken on board all that was said,
thank you for the support through emails and comments and I will answer you all in the fullness of time,
I will use my "break" to revisit my life and it's complexitys, however it is not a simple affair to simply stop the crisis phone counseling, the last time I had a break 2 people commited suicide simply because they couldnt "talk to Dave" the world didnt stop for most but for a couple of good misguided folk it "hiccuped" a bit
these people buildup a repor with a certain person and they will speak with no-one else,
I will not cease helping the travellers of this world who drop in with a breakdown, and my son's not going anywhere!!
but this is not the forum's concern, I will consider my future direction with the forum over a bit of medication that my quack has prescribed in the coming days ( the black dog has returned!!) that's the trouble with having a doctor as one of one's freinds, he's alway's watching, he knew I was crook before I did
whatever I decide, the forum is now in good hands without me, provided you keep the "knowall's" out and keep the banter freindly and informative, leave the rubbish to the other forum's, keep this one as an island in amongst the garbage of forum's
to those who are in constant contact with me that will cetainly continue, no change there
look after my "soapbox" chris, it get's a fair bit of a hammering from a lot of folk
Basil, behave yourself
to the "solo's" alway's keep the horizon in your vision, close enough to strive for but too far to ever acheive, keep your chin up and dont let "the knocker's" hold you back, the world is your's as much as any man's, stand your ground!!!
do not waste a moment of your life with the "whinger's" of this world, they waste YOUR time which is far more valuable than their's,
grab life by the throat and live every day as if it is your last, for a lot of people it will be!!
anyway, give a stranger a smile, you never know he may be your next best freind!!!
so it's "oorroo" from the "guru"!!!.................... I hope I have helped a few along the way!!!
me, the dragon, & little blue, never stop playing, live long, laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind. try to commit a random act of kindness everyday
Sorry to hear of your recent troubles. As for those unfortunates that took the easy way out DON, T carry their baggage as they say "**** Happens". I was of the opinion that those who call in and those who answer the call should remain anonymous to each other and neither party should take on repeated contacts with the same person. I know that's hard in a small community where everyone knows everyone.
I though DVA had upped the contributions to $9500.00 to cover the dispatch cost of old diggers, I'm not going until I've recovered all my tax payments and then some so I'm good till 2050 at least
-- Edited by Wombat 280 on Wednesday 20th of May 2009 07:31:49 PM
Dear Dave and Mrs Dave Take care we will all miss and your fantastic advice and words of wisdom. i do not get on the computer as often as I like and have not been with the Grey Nomads very long but you have already mad a difference here I can tell you!
And don't forget you have a truck load of friends here who are always ready for a chat if YOU need some friendly ears, we may not be trained counsellors but we care about each other.
Annie and Clancy
Connor - Whippet
Ciaran - Whippet
Annie - after my 2nd cup of coffee I'm almost human! Together we are pawsaroundoz!
Your soapbox is safe with me Dave. The Grey Nomads Forum could be your therapist. Keep on eye on us anyway. You can't carry the world, although I do respect your efforts to try. As you already know, people are responsible for their own actions and behaviour. Sometimes the middle-man just delays the inevitable. Who counsels the counsellor? Make the most of your down time. Thinkin' of ya. Cheers Chris
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Dear Dave and family, Sorry to hear that you are taking a break BUT can understand your need at this time. Mourn your friend, spend time with your family and remember all the friends that you have on this forum. Barb
Barb and Darryl Victoria Point Qld Taking it one day at a time.........
Have only been on the forum a short time but will sorely miss you Dave. Take your time out and look after yourself also always remember you are not on your own you have a heap of friends here on the forum all of which are willing to help if you should need it Helena.
Dave, I'll miss you. You contribute so much to this forum you always seem to be the voice of reason when us rednecks get going. Mate my condolences on the loss of your mate, I have gone thru that a few times and it is more stressful than we admit. Take a deep breath, have a daily massage - and pop back in just to keep us in line.
Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive
KIA Sorento CRDi EX ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......
Dave, ditto to all comments made by others. You were the first to greet me when I first joined this forum. Although I havent been a major contributor, whatever I have posted you have always made a reply - especially about the bunnies (hee hee). None of us is without problems, some of us cope better than others. I continue to try to keep my other half out of the hands of the Black Dog, thankfully I think I am succeeding. Keep well and safe, and kind regards to you and your family, and thanks for your reply to my posts xxxxx Colleen
Hi Dave, I'm out on the track in the Tardis - actually I'm in the middle of the Northern NSW rain and wind and floods - and I just got onto the forum and read everyone saying nice things about you and a lot of goodbyes. I don't know what's going on but I get the general idea. So from me too, thanks for greeting me, helping me, advising me and being an incredible support and font of knowledge for all of us. Whatever you are facing, I wish you well and a lighter brighter time ahead. Cheers Mate.
If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.
Geez, Dave I only missed a couple of days and look what happens! Please look after yourself and "look in" occasionally. You are certainly in my thoughts.....Sue
Sorry to hear of your recent troubles. As for those unfortunates that took the easy way out DON, T carry their baggage as they say "**** Happens". I was of the opinion that those who call in and those who answer the call should remain anonymous to each other and neither party should take on repeated contacts with the same person. I know that's hard in a small community where everyone knows everyone.
I though DVA had upped the contributions to $9500.00 to cover the dispatch cost of old diggers, I'm not going until I've recovered all my tax payments and then some so I'm good till 2050 at least
-- Edited by Wombat 280 on Wednesday 20th of May 2009 07:31:49 PM
DVA have upped the Bereavement payment. Of course you need a degree in pure math and irrational logic to calculate the amount payable.
Assuming the bereavement payment is processed on the eighth day following the bereavement:
·daily rate of pension payable before death = $39.06
·multiplied by 14 days = $546.80
·less 7 days of pension already paid after the death = $273.42
·lump sum bereavement payment totals $273.42.
How is the amount of bereavement payment calculated?continued
If the pensioner was a member of a couple
The bereavement payment for the surviving partner is based on:
·the difference between the daily combined rate of pension of each member of the couple less the daily rate of pension payable following death, multiplied by 98 days.
Example 2
Assuming the bereavement payment isprocessed on the fifteenth day following the bereavement:
·daily combined rate of pension payable before death = $65.26
·multiplied by 98 days = $6,395.48
·less 14 days of pension already paid after the death = $913.64
·totals $5,481.84, (98-14 = 84 days multiplied by $65.26)
·daily rate of pension payable after death = $39.06
·Up to $2000 if the veteran or dependant died on or after 1 July 2007
·Up to $1000 if the veteran or dependant died between 1 July 2004 and 30 June 2007 (inclusive)
·Up to $572 if the veteran died on or before 30 June 2004.
The maximum amount is payable if your expenses were equal to or in excess of that figure.
Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive
KIA Sorento CRDi EX ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......
Sorry to hear of your need to take a break and thanks once again for your help in getting us on the right track with our battery problems before we even managed to get started on our trip. We're now in Kunnunurra and on our way across to explore the 'other side'.