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Post Info TOPIC: Assylum Seekers Return


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Assylum Seekers Return

It seems the quiet on the western front has again been disturbed by assylum seekers.  At least this time the boat stayed with it's freight.  The boaties usually leave them on Ashmore Reef at low tide, and about 10 metres later they have to swim, if the Coast Watch hasn't spotted them first.  Then the boat takes off for the next load of passengers.  They pay good money for a "cruise" to Australia, coming ashore on the nearest and this country's most isolated stretch of coast.  They really know what they're doing.  Burning the boat is not unusual.  They know Australia won't let them perish, and will pick them up, look after them, and eventually feed and house them.
Things had quietened down for a couple of years, but the Navy and refugee sorters have their hands full this time.
It all reminds me of this email:-

Being Australian is about driving in a German car to an Irish pub for A Belgian beer, then on the way home, grabbing an Indian curry or A Turkish kebab, to sit on Swedish furniture and watch American shows on a Japanese TV.
Oh and...... Only in Australia ... can a pizza get to your house faster than an
Only in Australia ... do supermarkets make sick people walk all the way to the back of the shop to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
Only in Australia ... do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries and a DIET coke.
Only in Australia ... do banks leave both doors open and chain the pens to the counters.
Only in Australia ... do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and
lock our junk and cheap lawn mower in the garage.

3 Aussies die each year testing if a 9v battery works on their tongue.
58 Aussies are injured each year by using sharp knives instead of screwdrivers.
31 Aussies have died since 1996 by watering their Christmas tree while the fairy lights were plugged in.
8 Aussies had serious burns in 2000 trying on a new jumper with a lit cigarette in their mouth.
A massive 543 Aussies were admitted to Emergency in the last two years after opening bottles of beer with their teeth.

and finally.........

In 2000 eight Aussies cracked their skull whilst throwing up into the toilet.
I hope this brought a smile to your dial. 


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

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Thanks, Granny for the laughs. Yes we are a "weird mob" !!!

The asylum seekers are a big problem. The emotions get tied up in compassion on one hand and outrage on the other because the people smugglers don't give a hoot and the refugees know that they will not be turned away from our wonderful country.

We trust that your health is improving daily. Have a great day.

Cheers Liz and Ed


Count your age with friends and not with years


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Before we go all out with a lets save the world mentality ask the question are they true political refugees or economic refugees.. Some at merely getting out before they are caught for ripping off their own countrymen and need to escape with their loot . I also note that most are male including those who bring kids as a touchy feely shield against detention or deportation , are they simply using it as an opportunity to dump the female side of the family.

Have no problem with bringing refugees but lets do it through the official channels, as slow as they are they are our first line of defence in protecting Australia from disease and undesirables.

Maybe if we sent them back to their last embarkation point it wouldn't take long for those coming up with thousands of dollars to be smuggled in to OZ to realize it ain't going to work.

People smugglers should get 10 years min in one of our non air conditioned central Australia detention centers as phase one of their punishment . Would prefer if they were lost at sea but the do gooders won't come at that.


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Wombat 280 wrote:

Before we go all out with a lets save the world mentality ask the question are they true political refugees or economic refugees.. Some at merely getting out before they are caught for ripping off their own countrymen and need to escape with their loot . I also note that most are male including those who bring kids as a touchy feely shield against detention or deportation , are they simply using it as an opportunity to dump the female side of the family.

Have no problem with bringing refugees but lets do it through the official channels, as slow as they are they are our first line of defence in protecting Australia from disease and undesirables.

Maybe if we sent them back to their last embarkation point it wouldn't take long for those coming up with thousands of dollars to be smuggled in to OZ to realize it ain't going to work.

People smugglers should get 10 years min in one of our non air conditioned central Australia detention centers as phase one of their punishment . Would prefer if they were lost at sea but the do gooders won't come at that.

Couldn't agree more pal, it would seem the present governments relaxation of the immigration laws has led to a new influx of boat people, whether one agreed with John Howard's policies or not the one on boat people seemed to work. 

Just my opinion on the matter and I am not being racist in any way,shape or form but these unfortunate people and some of them are definitely in that catergory tend to bring in so many different diseases with them.



If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia


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JRH wrote:

Wombat 280 wrote:

Before we go all out with a lets save the world mentality ask the question are they true political refugees or economic refugees.. Some at merely getting out before they are caught for ripping off their own countrymen and need to escape with their loot . I also note that most are male including those who bring kids as a touchy feely shield against detention or deportation , are they simply using it as an opportunity to dump the female side of the family.

Have no problem with bringing refugees but lets do it through the official channels, as slow as they are they are our first line of defence in protecting Australia from disease and undesirables.

Maybe if we sent them back to their last embarkation point it wouldn't take long for those coming up with thousands of dollars to be smuggled in to OZ to realize it ain't going to work.

People smugglers should get 10 years min in one of our non air conditioned central Australia detention centers as phase one of their punishment . Would prefer if they were lost at sea but the do gooders won't come at that.

Couldn't agree more pal, it would seem the present governments relaxation of the immigration laws has led to a new influx of boat people, whether one agreed with John Howard's policies or not the one on boat people seemed to work. 

Just my opinion on the matter and I am not being racist in any way,shape or form but these unfortunate people and some of them are definitely in that catergory tend to bring in so many different diseases with them.



I agree too. The disease thing was highlighted when as you may recall there was a group of Sudanese resettled in a nice little town in NSW. Ok the poor buggers had zilch, no language skills no support etc so to keep them in money the females turned to prostitution. Now I have no problems with that, you do strange things when you are desperate alas the women had AIDS and this was not detected till some other floozie who presumably had lost favour with the local lads dobbed the Sudanese women in and they had a health check.
It is very hard to distinguish between the genuine and the fake refugees, I asked myself the same question; "why is there a preponderance of males being shielded by young kids?"
Unfortunatelty I'd have to say send them back unless they came via traceable channels.


Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......


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All I can say is  ....

Election  .. Tampa ... Election ... Tampa ...... Election ... Tampa .....

It will be interesting to see how the now opposition then Govt plays this one given their role in the Tampa affair and how the media plays it up to create news!

Unfortunately we may well see lots more of this sort of migration, as we experience increasing climate change, possible economic declines (I'm still hopeful), Islamic fundamentalism & armed conflict.

It is interesting to note that many EEC countries have cracked down harder on illigal migration in recent times.  I think that their problem may be much greater than ours.  I personally experienced way back in 03, French & Italian border guards armed with auto weapons detaining any tourists even looking like Afro or Asian types.

I don't envy any politician who has the responsibility of formulating a policy to address the issue.  (Along with indigineous & financial crisis' etc etc issues)  They earn their pay I thinkk!


See Ya ... Cupie


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The sneaky buggers use our laws to get their own way. They know it better than we do.
When 3 boats landed north of Broome they were set up out at the racecourse in a tent town until they could be processed, and medically assesed.
The Hospital had to set up a marquee on the grounds to keep them isolated, while the doctors did their tests and immunisations.
They were then shipped out to Curtin Air Force Base at Derby, which has since closed, as has the Pt. Hedland Detention Centre. It's now used as accommodation for fly in - fly outs.
There is now a detention centre on Christmas Island, and at Pt. Augusta in SA. I don't know of any others currently active. Woomera has also closed.
The cost of these detention exercises is huge as you can imagine.
Where are they going to live if we accept them?
There must come a time when the powers that would be realise there is only so much infrastructure, water, electricity etc to go around. Then there's the roads and the demands of spreading urban areas, the pressure on country towns where they may be placed.
I think it's about time Australia took the hard line, and promptly returned them home to let their own country deal with them. One plane fare per person is much more economical than all the chasing, fussing and treating.
While this case at the moment is complicated by burns and injuries, they should be sent home when they are well enough to travel, and their country should reimburse us for our costs.
It costs a lot of money to keep Coast Watch in the air 24/7, and the Navy on patrol full time.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.



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Cruising Granny wrote:

The sneaky buggers use our laws to get their own way. They know it better than we do.
When 3 boats landed north of Broome they were set up out at the racecourse in a tent town until they could be processed, and medically assesed.
The Hospital had to set up a marquee on the grounds to keep them isolated, while the doctors did their tests and immunisations.
They were then shipped out to Curtin Air Force Base at Derby, which has since closed, as has the Pt. Hedland Detention Centre. It's now used as accommodation for fly in - fly outs.
There is now a detention centre on Christmas Island, and at Pt. Augusta in SA. I don't know of any others currently active. Woomera has also closed.
The cost of these detention exercises is huge as you can imagine.
Where are they going to live if we accept them?
There must come a time when the powers that would be realise there is only so much infrastructure, water, electricity etc to go around. Then there's the roads and the demands of spreading urban areas, the pressure on country towns where they may be placed.
I think it's about time Australia took the hard line, and promptly returned them home to let their own country deal with them. One plane fare per person is much more economical than all the chasing, fussing and treating.
While this case at the moment is complicated by burns and injuries, they should be sent home when they are well enough to travel, and their country should reimburse us for our costs.
It costs a lot of money to keep Coast Watch in the air 24/7, and the Navy on patrol full time.

No dissention here CG, agree 100%.


If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia


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if I had strangers coming in my back door unanounced and looking to do me harm then I would invest in a bigger guard dog, do we not have naval destroyers with seek and destroy capabilities??? colins class submarines arent doing much now are they??

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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Canberra is just too far away from Broome and Darwin to feel the impact of these assylum seekers.
I don't know what they are really seeking assylum from, as the battles for what ever reason have been in their own countries for centries. It's a way of life.
Australia may lose much of its freedom is we allow them to gather in large numbers.
We are free to worship, live and work as we please within the law. This may soon change.
We have already seen street gangs of various races taking over the night streets, thereby reducing the freedom people once had.
The post WWII migrants came in legally, we welcomed them and were assisted to settle down in their new country. And they worked for their way in their new world. They worked damned hard, and raised their families in the Aussie way. They wanted to live our way, not force their way on to us. The blend has historically been brilliant. I'm not sure the future will be so brilliant.
The new migrants have become a huge drain on Australian resources.
Go the "Nomad Party"! I'm off the soapbox now. Chris


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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The term refugee is applied to a person who is fleeing from danger especially political persecution. Hence, once they have reached a place where there's no longer  a risk then their  escape from persecution is over .

I'm no cartographer  but unless a number of countries have disappeared since I went to school  there's a lot of countries to pass through and a lot of boarders to cross long before  they get here, you don't get this far without heaps of dollars .

The big fear is the spread of TB, HIV, not to mention the ever present threat of spreading zoonotic diseases  to our live stock industry and wildlife through the fresh food they bring .  I wonder just how many get through without detection.   I know from personal experiences in the North that many Indo fishing boats set up longterm camps along with  , chickens ,pigs and . goats and stay the entire fishing season without detection such is the nature of the terrain  and the total lack of resoucres applied to prevent illegal entry . 

-- Edited by Wombat 280 on Tuesday 21st of April 2009 05:32:47 PM


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Cruising Granny wrote:

Canberra is just too far away from Broome and Darwin to feel the impact of these assylum seekers.
I don't know what they are really seeking assylum from, as the battles for what ever reason have been in their own countries for centries. It's a way of life.
Australia may lose much of its freedom is we allow them to gather in large numbers.
We are free to worship, live and work as we please within the law. This may soon change.
We have already seen street gangs of various races taking over the night streets, thereby reducing the freedom people once had.
The post WWII migrants came in legally, we welcomed them and were assisted to settle down in their new country. And they worked for their way in their new world. They worked damned hard, and raised their families in the Aussie way. They wanted to live our way, not force their way on to us. The blend has historically been brilliant. I'm not sure the future will be so brilliant.
The new migrants have become a huge drain on Australian resources.
Go the "Nomad Party"! I'm off the soapbox now. Chris

 You're right even a raging racist can see what is happening. Yep the "New Australains" as they were known did their best to integrate. They shared their culture without trying to indoctrinate us, I guess they came here out of real desire.
 The new wave are doing their best to try and change us to fit in with their ideals and if we don't like it then they seem to have some mandate to run round like a bunch of deranged Daleks and exterminate those who do not follow their faith.
Ok it's only a very small minority of these people but as I said in another post why is it allways males holding young kids up as shields and why are these people all Muslim? I just don't understand that  and it leads me to think that there may be some bigger conspiracy here.

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......
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