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First Time Starter Kit

Taking our new pup with us on our next trip, end of Aprill for about 4/5 weeks.
What suggestions or hints can you experienced 'travelling with pets' people give us first timers. Any do's or dont's ?
Max is an Australian Terrier, 4 months old , and may grow to a massive 25 cms.


-- Edited by jandas fun on Wednesday 8th of April 2009 08:10:23 PM


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Wentworth Falls NSW


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dont feed him yabbies, you'll be sorry!!

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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dave06 wrote:

dont feed him yabbies, you'll be sorry!!

Yep. read your post in "pet stories" have put that one in my 'don't' book.
Couldn't have been the cup of beer each could it? i'll drink it all myself just to make sure.




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Just Lovenit.

Wentworth Falls NSW


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Getting your dog used to travel while a pup is vital. Also take every opportunity to socialise your dog with both humans and animals. Make sure you stop every hour or so for a quick walk around, sniff, pee & poop. We have a water bowl in the back of the Sorrento for Gracie that we got from the RSPCA which is non spill.
Leads short & long are a good idea and if you can find one of those tether posts they are great for tying Max to at camp grounds so that he can wander around in his "territory". Make sure you take some doggy doo bags and clean up after Max. Don't let him wander off leash unless it's an off leash area. buy some Lamb Breast aka ribs and keep them in your fridge, cut them into "singles" for Max to chew on, if there is any left throw it away and give him another slice next day. We carry Gracies stuff in a plastic bucket, a brush, comb, shampooch, coat conditioner etc - she gets more attention than I do. Can't remember the LAST TIME I GOT A BACK RUB FROM swmbo, if I want that I have to go to a personal groomer.
If you are going to an area where there are mozzies make sure Max has a heartworm test before you set sail and also get some of that pour on stuff for fleas and TICKS for pups as pups are suseptible to ticks and have little rersistance to the tick venom.
Take his bedding from home too for an easier transfer to the nomadic life though most dogs adapt well to new surroundings the first few days may confuse him.

Also don't try and shield Max too much from the real world, if you are going to a cafe see if you can get either an outside table and tether max while you are partaking or alternatley tie him up outside where you can see him. If you do find any dog friendly eateries do post them as I like to support such places, people who include dogs are a nicer type of person.... You will be surprised at just how many places will allow dogs to accompany you.
Sounds like a lot to do dosen't it? But it's so rewarding travelling with a dog, I just love the way Bikini Clad Bimbos want to talk to me when Gracie and I are at the beach......

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

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Congratulations on choosing a lovely little breed of dog to share your life with! Aussies are a real fun dog, but also a real Terrier so do take Basils' advice and do a lot of socialisation from err yesterday!
By the time you get away on your trip you will already have a bit of a routine happening, try to stick to it, it will help young Max feel that all is right in his world.
If you meet friendly dogs and people do try to ensure young Max gets to have a little supervised play with other dogs.
When I am on the road I like to do a little bit of training each morning - I find nothing tires a young dog especially like a little bit of 'brain work' as well as a controlled play period!

Enjoy the trip young Max - one day you may get to meet Clancy the Whippet who will teach you to run fast in circles!


Connor - Whippet 

Ciaran - Whippet

Annie - after my 2nd cup of coffee I'm almost human!
Together we are pawsaroundoz!


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Since my Pix died I have tried twice for a another dog, The first was a lady who had got a nice new home in Emerald and didny want her new dog dirtying it up, wrong breed for me on my trips but contacted my G/daughter and she jumped at it, so a new and loving home was established,
The second attempt was a little puppy needed a home from a uncomfortable one so voluntered, al was going well till I discovered that when she turned quick she lost her balance, and also she was car sick every time she got in the car, tried to acclimatise her but it didnt make any difference, so took her to a vet for checkover
turned out she was deaf in one ear, and had an abnomality in the inner ear, she was never going to be a good traveller, so a good home was found in Emerald with a coupla kids who had recently lost there old dog
A long way of saying the same as Basil, acclimatise the animal to travel before a long trip, or it will be a misarable one for the dog, you wont be too happy either

Mike and Judy

enjoy your sunrises,we only have a limited number


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just one other thing to be very wary of with a puppy is to watch the heat with the little feller, they dehydrate a hundred times fatster than us and feel the heat a hell of a lot more

if travelling any distance keep him cool and watch for any signs of distress, at the first sign pull over and get him a drink and cool him off

he can be lost within an hour or seriously brain damaged within 20 minutes, we lost one years ago simply because we werent aware of it,

bloody cruel way to go and not nice to watch

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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pawsoz wrote:

Congratulations on choosing a lovely little breed of dog to share your life with! Aussies are a real fun dog, but also a real Terrier so do take Basils' advice and do a lot of socialisation from err yesterday!
By the time you get away on your trip you will already have a bit of a routine happening, try to stick to it, it will help young Max feel that all is right in his world.
If you meet friendly dogs and people do try to ensure young Max gets to have a little supervised play with other dogs.
When I am on the road I like to do a little bit of training each morning - I find nothing tires a young dog especially like a little bit of 'brain work' as well as a controlled play period!

Enjoy the trip young Max - one day you may get to meet Clancy the Whippet who will teach you to run fast in circles!

Yep most canines respond to say 3, 10 - 15 minute training sessions a day rather than an hour straight up. Even the most intelligent dog only has the metal capability of a 2 Y.O. human ( though some would say the Dog can be better behaved)
When you are training use rewards and give the reward the instant the dog attempts to follow your command, Max will soon work out that when he hears you say "sit" that if he sits he will ghet a treat. Terriers generally are a reasonably easy dog to train. Use your hands too because though some dogs don't have flash eyesight they can recognise your hand movements for sit stay come stop drop. Takes some time and effort but the effort is worth it. Gracie is still being trained, we have the basics down pat including the "Growl on command" when I give her the visual command that I'm not gonna divulge because you bunch of pranksters would get her growling if ever you met her and this is trickly to scare of would be assailants....

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......


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Needless to say Max will be immunised, nutered & microchipped?

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......


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Thanks for all the info and tips on taking Max out for the first time. We have taken him in the car at every opportunity to acclimatise him (and us) and off cause he loves it. Still house training him but expect the usual accidents in the van, but thats going to be part of life. We will take his bedding and favorite toys so don't expect any problems there. If i make up some sort of pen to use whilst in a c/van park,is there some sort of limit allowed or is it just commonsense to prevail ?
Like our first trip caravanning, will see and speak to other pet owners and learn more as we go.



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Just Lovenit.

Wentworth Falls NSW


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Basil Faulty wrote:

Needless to say Max will be immunised, nutered & microchipped?

Yep. had all his needles to date and microchipped as well. Doesn't have the chop for another couple of months.  But tell me more about the Bikini Clad Bimbos ? 



There is no road to happiness. Happiness is the road.

Just Lovenit.

Wentworth Falls NSW


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jandas fun wrote:

Thanks for all the info and tips on taking Max out for the first time. We have taken him in the car at every opportunity to acclimatise him (and us) and off cause he loves it. Still house training him but expect the usual accidents in the van, but thats going to be part of life. We will take his bedding and favorite toys so don't expect any problems there. If i make up some sort of pen to use whilst in a c/van park,is there some sort of limit allowed or is it just commonsense to prevail ?
Like our first trip caravanning, will see and speak to other pet owners and learn more as we go.


Encloseures ie little fenced of pens are available from time to time from Go Lo and places like that also Bunnings stock them. I saw a lady with a mini poodle who contained her pooch in a circular pen made from a roll of that plastic square mesh trellis stuff; unroll it bend it into a circlaur shape join the ends with a couple of cable ties - presto!
Most CP's won't worry what you do as long as you keep your dog on your site, clean up after it and follow the general rules which are as you say common sense.

Now the bikini (and less) clad bimbo's, first you have to find a park that has a beach frontage, (I can reccomend a couple that have all 3 requirements ie beach & bimbo's) then you take your dog to the beach ensureing that you walk past any of the aforementioned who will want to pat Max, of course they will bend over to do this and because you are an old fart these types of females know that you are no threat to them and in fact you could be wealthy and may be seen as a "sugar Daddy" so warn your wife that if any follow you back to your Van that it is purely a social experiment slip her $50 to go and have a coffee elsewhere and conclude your experiment....
Seriously Dogs seem to make people human and you will find if you have not already that everyone, irrespective of their attire, will talk to you and will want to pat Max....Especially in Caravan parks where the others did not realise they can bring their own dogs with them.
Only one other thing that is needed for a traveling pet is a good solid tag with your mobile number on it, not every town has a scanner for chips though I notice on the Saphire coast the Rangers wander round with a scanner making sure all dogs have one, and fining the owners of those who do not!


Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......

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A couple of other things to think of:

I have an updated 'In Case of Emergancy' printed info sheet in my purse and in my vehicle that includes all details regarding my boyz, names and contac numbers for 2 dear friends who would take them in if an accident occurs and a notation regarding the fact that shold that happen any out of pocket expenses incurred by anyone caring for my boyz whilst I was unable to do so would be re-imbursed with a bit more besides.
As I travel alone except for the boyz I like to cover all bases.



Connor - Whippet 

Ciaran - Whippet

Annie - after my 2nd cup of coffee I'm almost human!
Together we are pawsaroundoz!

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Hi all, we got a fluffball, It was mutual love at first sight. snipped pricked and tagged. We trained him from the start. Lhasa Apso Schitzu cross. usually yappy, not this one except on full moons. Got picked up and shaken around by a Mastiff pup when he was young, so treats all big dogs with disdain. Unless they start trouble. Biggest problem is keeping him clipped, didn't think about that, we were looking for a dog that didn't shed hair everywhere. I enjoyed all the travelling tips and will look for a pen, although he doesn't mind being on the lead. Yes himself gave me the lowdown on bimbos, the smaller the dog the lower they have to bend to pet tee hee.


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yeah,dont be like a lot of dog owners we have run into that work and reckon their little pooch is the best thing since sliced bread and never barks. Barks, how do they know they are at work the little ****zus. grr.


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Hey Robert and Esther . I know what you mean, we don,t work so are with him most of the time. Of course he barks, to announce visitors, when there are wild cats in the yard, full moons and quiet nights. But not a yapper. We were told that these dogs could be big trouble if we didn't train early and hard, we failed at some things, but are pleased with the outcome. He travels well and so far has not caused a noise problem. we love him and want other peole to appreciate him as well.


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One of the things that has not been mentioned and I have been caught with is, his medical papers.

One camp ground did require his injection history (proof of).

I thought after, that those travelling long term, should carry these for any vet visits when away anyhow.

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