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Post Info TOPIC: Clocks go back To night.Daylight saving over for six months.N.S.W.


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Clocks go back To night.Daylight saving over for six months.N.S.W.

Must put our clocks back one hour tonight.That is for NSW.Not sure about the other states and Teritories,sorry about the spelling and my ignorance about the other places.Cheers.Ibbo.


"Wings Over The Navy"


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ibbo wrote:

Must put our clocks back one hour tonight.That is for NSW.Not sure about the other states and Teritories,sorry about the spelling and my ignorance about the other places.Cheers.Ibbo.

We did ours last weekend.

The state of WA (aka Wait A while) just a fraction ahead for a change.biggrin

Now let's get really original and dump the whole silly idea.



Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm any day.......


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While living in WA the general concensus around the state was "lose DLS", except for the city dwellers.
Now in Qld they don't have it - yet. So no clocks to change.
What an odd country in which each state hangs on to their little individual quirks.
It's time some of these things were nationalised. Lose state government, give local government better management opportunties with paid, not volunteer members, and make sure the fed government really understands the people it governs.
Oops, this might open a box of worms.
Food for thought. (the idea not the worms) Granny


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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Granny, what you say makes too much sense for any pollie to understand it confuse


Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm any day.......


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Yep....its tonight here in SA too....





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Our administration in the ACT prefers daylight robbery to daylight savings so to compensate for allowing daylight savings we are getting an extra 20% rates increase.

ACTION also announced that fares were going to rise 15%!!!!!! but to ensure we got value for money journey times would also be increased by 15%.

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daylight saving what a bunch of crock, put in place just so we could line up with the eastern states as far as opening times for big business is concerned

on the west coast of south aus we have kiddies going to school before the break of day they travel roughly 11/2 each way, they are knackered, ****eys getting up before dawn absolutely ridiculous, I start at 7 so its pitch black when I get up, it doesnt affect the city dwellers with their 9 - 5 attitude but put it outside a city and the problems it brings are horrendous, glad to see the end of it, wish it was gone for good

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Hey look at Sydney....they have special daylight/nightlight any light.Another power failure has hit the city.Is it the Bikies,Parramatta losing last night,perhaps the fading curtains fighting back ,the chooks can now lay on time.lets leave nature alone.Oh well at least I have the pleasure of turning our clocks back tonight,up on the step ladder,balancing,cursing the batteries that fall out.Then the really tricky part,the clock on the microwave........simple you may say,well if you are an eight year old child it is.I found it easier to land on a Flightdeck than alter the settings on our "Appliances".Then just as I think I have it all worked out,I look at my watch,it does not know about daylight saving,not even the eight year old can fix this one.Well gotta go now,having an early dinner er late dinner.............funny the old guy just up the road has some chooks...............wonder if his (Oh dear cant say c.o.c.k .male bird).knows about the end of daylightsaving??.Cheers.Ibbo.wink


"Wings Over The Navy"


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Yep.dammm daylight saving...My Dad was a farmer...hated..milking cows in evenings..then having dinner....then having to go out at night...shifting irrigation pipes around paddocks...especially when there was daylight....its tough...but nothing like it was in winter time...getting up 5am to milk cows the dark....Brrrrrrrr..........but hell I'm a city slicker....its lot easy training in the evenings in the fire brigade when daylight was there..

ibbo.....arent technology





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I looked after a dairy farm, ONCE, for a month, never again, early hours and long hours, not really all that hard but oh! jeeezzz!! that early start and seven days a week and always having to be there, never again

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When WA set it up for a 3 year "trial period", of which I think this is the last one, they didn't know about workers and schools starting work at 6am and knocking off early to avoid working during the heat of the day.
The kids start school at 8am, and know off at 2pm. With DLS they walk or ride home in the hottest part of the day - 1pm sunshine time.
On the stations we started at 5am breakfast, 5.30am in the paddock, 2 hours off in the middle of the day, work to 5pm, or beer o'clock.
No one takes the out of the ordinary out in the sticks into account.
On the dairy farm the cows couldn't read the clock like the tanker driver could. His hours were based on the clock, not the cows. It caused all sorts of problems. The old girls still gave their milk, just out of synch with everything else. The milk factory wouldn't adjust.
That's life. Granny


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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Well, for my two bob's worth I still can't make out why we are so stubbornly traditional in so many things that simply defy logic. e.g.
a. Collar, tie and jacket or you're not respectable; even in 40°C heat.
b. Labourers working in mid-day heat where a more satisfactory system would be that of the Mediterranean "siesta": work from sun-up til noon, rest for a couple or three hours after lunch, work til dark, then socialise and party til midnight or later.
c. Indoors airconditioned temperatures set at 22°C when outside it's boiling. If people dressed for the climate then the a/c could be set at 26°+ with no problems.  Just think of the energy savings.
There are so many anomalies, so many idiocies, that the mind simply boggles.


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Well trust a Viceeeee to be the odd one out, but of course right, hehe.
 I for one love DLS i wake early anyway  so getting up just before the sun rises is fine. When i was working i bet 10shillings to a penny i got more work done at a better rate and better finish being fresh in those first 5 hours than i would in 8 at normal time. now i still will be waking at dawn , and it will be dark by 6 but it is time to change.   but i do feel for the kids going on school buses ect.

gawd i can feel the smacks and the boots up the bum im gunna get.
gotta love that big pot

demon dave


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I am in Qld and the city people of Brisbane want it, but have not got their way as yet. They are even suggesting a couple of time zones for Qld, bloody rediculous.

I like Rollies input on this, as we are being manipulated to conform to big brothers wishes. It has been so, out bush, for infiniteum to get up with the sun, work till its too hot, stop and go after, till the job is done. Thats ok when its not a shop or a business that depends on customer traffic, hard in cities.

With G Nomading, I believe most will find they do this, get up early, stop during the heat, and potter later in the afternoon. Very relaxing and more gets done. Achieved without too much concern of the "official" time of day.

I had to bring a truck back from South Aussie to Rocky. Went through 3 time zones - gee, hard on the calculations for the log book. Would have given up if I travelled during a DSL change

Why we do not allow daybreak to be so, and dusk to be dusk, and the time to be the time, and work around the seasonal change is beyond me. One country, very wide across, so why not just 3 time zones that never change, as it used to be.

The devil made me do it - to hell with the Devil


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If you're travelling from Perth to Sydney there are in fact 4 time zones.
Somewhere between Eucla and Yalata a sign advises to change clocks forward 1 hour to SA true time, and then fortward 30 mins to SA time. This time zone was created years ago to bring SA in line with business practices in the eastern states.
During DLS various states adjust their clocks at different times, and the NT and Qld don't do it. Very confusing when travelling between states.
Time to go. Granny


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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ah now you see when we are travelling we dont use clocks or watches, the only way to know what time it is is to look at the clock on the campers upper dash, we arise early and go to bed early, dont know what time it is dont care what time it is, but when I get back to work, then thats a different kettle of fish altogether, dont like beating the sun up and dont like racing the thing to bed either

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first thing I did when I sold the house was to take of the watch, Havent wore a tie since 88, and have never worn jewellery or stuck myself up with pins, and now can tell the time to within an halhour ,by looking at the sun, at least the times that I need , cuppa, lunch, drinkees, dinner,

Mike and Judy

enjoy your sunrises,we only have a limited number


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Just had to reposition my sundial,bloody daylight saving.Cheers.Ibbo.


"Wings Over The Navy"



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My very simplistic view is we have 2 time zones in Australia, Daytime and Nighttime.

Personally I don't care if we have daylight saving or not, I go to bed when I am tired, I get up when I wake up, I eat when I'm hungry and I drink when I'm thirsty.  My curtains don't fade any faster whether the clocks go forward 1 hour or back 1 hour, if your kids won't go to bed because it is still light outside, take control you are the parents.

Will probably be told I am being selfish and thinking only of myself and that is probably correct.  Daylight saving or the lack of it does not affect me one iota, we either have it or we don't.


PS:- edited for a typo.

-- Edited by JRH on Sunday 5th of April 2009 03:19:39 PM

If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia


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I use the sun and time as a game. When waking, I suggest what time it is and then check. Same for "beer o clock".

Possible I am tuning into my body clock, but its nice to get within half hour.

Old story re a drover who knew the time "all the time". Just ask him, he would shade his eyes with his hat, look at the sun, and give you the exact time. Found out he had a "nurses watch" pinned in his hat!!

The devil made me do it - to hell with the Devil


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I like this one



Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm any day.......


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smart fellers those injuns

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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dave06 wrote:

I looked after a dairy farm, ONCE, for a month, never again, early hours and long hours, not really all that hard but oh! jeeezzz!! that early start and seven days a week and always having to be there, never again

Yeah, I know a couple of dairy farmers and they tell me that the cows have to be milked at 12 hour intervals but that still does not answer the question as to why you can't milk at 7am & 7pm rather than 3 am and 3 pm....


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ah the cows themselves "dictate" when they are to be milked and whats more they are starting to be milked 3 times per day, I didnt enjoy my time on the dairy at all and would never hold my hand up to do it again

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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Sir Basil
As Sir dave say's correctly, the animals know their routine. They are at the gate on time for milking, without clocks (no DLS).

Try getting them in "outside of hours" and it takes forever.

Mine (beef not milk) know within 30 minutes, when I should be there. My bull gives me a touchup if I am late, but a friendly welcome if early, and indifference when on time.

I do not think they would agree to DLS, but they do not get a vote.

The devil made me do it - to hell with the Devil


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not only do they know when its time for milking within 20 minutes but they also have a "pecking order" try getting them in out of order and it is chaos, also they have "particular" stalls which they belong to, and a particular exit order as well

not as easy as it looks, took me a couple of days to get everything right, some cows dont like molasses others do, mix the molasses in to the wrong cow and she wont go back to that stall again, the next one wont go in there because its not her stall grrrrr!!!

then if you have mice and they run over the chaff then the cows wont touch that chaff, many times I was gonna get the gun

then if you let any of the cups touch the ground then the milk is contaminated and will be rejected, all that work down the drain,

then theres the udder diseases (mastitis) let one in with that and the batch is contaminated

some dont mind being milked others will kick you as soon as you get near them

horses are the same, put a plough horse on the wrong side (put the upper one in the furrow) see how you get on, bedlam will ensue, animals such as these are very particular,

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday

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